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4 Best Methods for Growing Roses from Cut Flowers

Are you tired of wasting the Rose bouquet you received as a gift? Unlock the secrets of growing a whole plant from cut flowers and enjoy its beauty for years.

To grow Rose from cut flowers, you must first collect healthy cuttings and then grow them in water, soil, sphagnum moss, or potato. After about a month of rooting, you may notice white roots on the bottom and sides of the Rose cuttings.

So if the idea of growing whole plants from cut flowers sounds fussy and complicated, this article will change your mind.

Can you Grow a Rose From Cut Flowers?

Did you know? The 40th American President Ronald Regan declared the Rose a national flower of the US in 1986.

This fact signifies the importance of Roses in the world of flowers. Its essence is polished by the fact that you can grow a new Rose plant from almost any part of it.

You can easily grow a Rose from the cut flowers, and they will even start rooting in about a month.

Remember that the Rose flower stalk you cut should be at least 6 inches long from the flower’s base and have at least three nodes.

To succeed, you need to cut the stalk at an angle of 45° to provide a greater surface area for water uptake.

On top of that, growing Roses from cuttings have its benefits.

  • Growing Roses from cut flowers are easily accessible and can ensure a fast growth rate.
  • One Rose plant or bouquet can grow many flower stalks. So, you can grow yourself a garden from just one plant.

How to Grow Roses from Cut Flowers?

One vital thing you need to remember is to hydrate the cutting before starting this awesome task.

You can wrap the wet tissue on the bottom of the cutting and let it stay overnight before planting it.

Rose Cutting
Getting a Rose cutting to propagate is relatively easy, as you can find it almost everywhere.

Let us look at the steps to take the cuttings and mediums to root the cuttings in detail below.

Steps to Take a Rose Flower Cutting

  • Gather all the tools you require for the process and sterilize them properly.
  • Grab a healthy individual flower stalk and remove the flower and the stem tip.
  • The stem should be 6 to 8 inches long and have 3 to 4 nodes.
  • Cut a few inches from the bottom at an angle of 45°. Try to make a clean cut just above the node.
  • Make a few cuts to increase the rooting probability.
  • Make the next cut underwater if you want multiple cuts in one stem.
  • Take a tray and line up your cuttings.

The best time to take the Rose cuttings is during summer when the stems grow extensively.

Softwood Rose cuttings taken in the spring or summer are easier to root than hardwood cuttings taken in dormancy during winter.

Growing Roses from Cut Flowers in Water

Talking about the versatility of this beautiful flower, it allows you to form its root even under the water.

Follow the steps below carefully to grow Roses from cut flowers underwater.

  • Take the cuttings as instructed above and apply the rooting hormone on the cut end of each cutting.
  • Get a clean, transparent vase and fill it halfway with lukewarm water.
  • Dip the cut end in the water and ensure no leaves are under the water.
  • Cover the cutting with a plastic bag to provide the required humidity.
  • Place the jar in a place with bright but indirect sunlight and change the water every 3 to 4 days.
  • The cutting may take about four weeks to set out the roots.
  • You can transplant the cutting into the well-draining soil after the roots get about 3 to 4 inches long.
Growing Rose cutting in Water
You can easily grow Rose from cut flowers in a water medium.

To achieve better results, do not directly transplant the cutting into the soil, but rather regularly add a few pinches of soil to the water.

While changing the water, take a cloth and strain the water to preserve the soil. Eventually, the soil ratio will exceed the water ratio.

Growing Roses from Cut Flowers in Soil

Growing the Roses in soil may be a faster and easier approach. You won’t have to go through the trouble of transplanting the cutting.

  • Take a ceramic, clay, or terracotta pot and clean the insides of the pot properly.
  • Get the cutting and remove all the bottom leaves from it.
  • Apply the rooting hormone to increase the chance of rooting significantly.
Dipping the cutting in powdered rotting hormone
Dipping the cutting in the rooting hormone ensures healthy and fast growth.
  • Fill 50% of the pot with a well-draining, airy potting mix.
  • Poke a hole a few inches deep in the pot’s middle and gently place the cutting.
  • Make sure at least 1 to 2 nodes of the cutting are under the soil.
  • Provide the plant with bright indirect sunlight.
  • You can witness the roots in about 12 to 14 days.
Patented rose
It is illegal to propagate patented Roses. So, do your research before doing anything.

Growing Roses from Cut Flowers by Air Layering

Air layering is a propagation method that has taken the current gardening world by storm.

Follow the steps below to ensure you get aerial roots quickly and efficiently.

  • Firstly moisten the sphagnum moss and fill it inside a plastic bottle.
  • Choose a healthy stem of the Rose plant and make two cuts to peel off the green covering and reveal the white part inside.
  • Wrap the white part of the plant with the prepared plastic bottle and fill the remaining bottle with moss.
  • Add aluminum foil to the plastic bottle to prevent overheating and excessive algae growth.
  • Moisten the moss regularly, and after four weeks, remove the plastic cover to reveal roots.
  • Close the bottle back up and let the root grow more firm.
  • After they are prominent, remove the stem with roots and plant it in a well-draining potting mix.

This method allows you to grow Roses from cuttings without using rooting hormones.

Growing Roses from Cut Flowers in Potatoes

Growing roses in potatoes may sound weird, but people do that with a tremendous success rate.

With the growth of Rose roots, the potato will break down to provide nutrients to the soil.

Rose in Potato
Potato makes a good medium for rooting a potato stalk. It serves most of the nutrients that the Rose requires.

Let me guide you through this strange journey.

  • Get a healthy potato and drill a hole right in the middle of it but ensure you do not drill through the potato.
  • Dip the cut end of the Rose flower into rooting hormone or honey.
  • Place the cutting in the potato hole you carved and make sure it is firmly stuck.
  • Plant the potato in the ground and cover it with at least 3 inches of soil.
  • After a month, the Rose cutting will root successfully.

Rooting in potatoes can be a good idea for a nutrients-lover plant like a Rose. The Rose will feed on the potato and grow more prominent flowers in the rooting process.

Aside from all the above processes, you can also propagate Roses from seeds.

Wait for the flower to dry out and give seeds. Plant those seeds and properly care for them to get a beautiful Rose.

Tips to Take Care of Newly Rooted Roses Cuttings

After getting the rooted Rose cuttings, you must still care for it to grow it into a fully functioning plant.

Follow the care tips below to avoid killing your newly rooted roses with common mistakes.

  • Conduct foliar application of regular horticultural or neem sprays to protect your plant from pests and insects.
  • Do not apply fertilizers to the cutting in its first year. Let the roots spread out and get ahold of the soil firmly.
  • Alternatively, you can also apply mild fish-based fertilizer to provide additional nutrients.
  • Provide the cuttings with at least four hours of bright but indirect sunlight and water it daily with distilled or rainwater.
  • Snip off any dead leaves and branches as soon as you witness some.

If it is overgrowing, you can transplant the plant to a bigger pot or your outdoor garden.

This video might clarify the methods to grow your Rose plant out of cut flowers.

From Editorial Team

A Secret Tip!

Candle hack is one of the best tricks to bring life to your rose cuttings.

All you have to do is provide one or two drops of candle wax to the tips of the stem you want to grow.

This helps to retain the moisture within the stem cutting and prevents your plant from moisture loss.

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