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When does Lavender Bloom? Best Tricks to Rebloom

Lavender may be the only aromatic flowering herb that blooms multiple times a year as long as properly cared.

Lavenders are perennial bloomers that flower mid-spring to summer for 3 to 12 weeks yearly. Some varieties bloom in the fall when provided with optimal sun exposure, pruning, and other maintenance.

Remember, these Mediterranean herbs boast over 40 varieties grown in many regions; hence, the blooming habit will depend on the growing conditions.

How Often does Lavender Bloom?

Lavenders are Mediterranean-native herbs known for their aromatic and colorful flowers that return yearly.

These herb plants would bloom yearly from mid-spring to summer and sometimes fall until the plant dies.

For example, Lavender grown in a shaded location or poorly draining soil is unlikely to bear blooms. Hence, the growing condition, season, and Lavender variety determine effective blooming.

lavender flowers in pot
Lavender blooms with blunt spikes, which develop above the leaves.

Check out some of the longest-blooming Lavender varieties to add to your home.

VarietyBloom Duration
Lavandula angustifolia 'Hidcote'The English lavender blooms for up to 12 weeks from late spring to fall
Lavandula stoechas 'Anouk'The French lavender blooms for over 6 weeks, lasting until fall
Lavandula x intermedia 'Phenomenal'The hybrid lavender blooms for up to 5 months from lae spring to fall
Lavandula dentata 'Royal CrownThe Spanish lavender bloom from late spring to fall and boast dark purple flowers
Lavandula multifidaThe Moroccan lavender blooms from late spring to fall with pruple-blue colored flowers

If you wonder about growing Lavender from seeds, learn that they take at least 4-5 months to bear primary flowers.

However, the germination and flowering would entirely depend on when you plant the seeds, whereas a late seedling means it would only bloom the next year!

Once established, Lavenders will produce small, tubular-shaped flowers in a wide range of shades and bloom for 3-4 weeks or even 12 weeks at a stretch.

Lavender flowers growing in the fall are short-lived due to dwindling sunlight and increasing cold breeze.

When Does Lavender Bloom?

Remember, the exact timing of Lavender blooming will vary depending on the specific variety of Lavender and the region’s climate and growing conditions (USDA zone).

That being said, do expect to witness your Lavender plant bloom anytime from spring until summer or fall.

The first bud will appear anytime in April or May when the sunlight duration and warmth gradually increase. The long warm days and sunlight ensure long-lasting Lavender blooms.

Therefore, they will keep blooming until the end of summer in August and even longer if your area has a warmer autumn season.

Here is a small table describing the Lavender’s blooming habit in various US states to give you a basic idea.

US State/USDASpecification
California (5a-11a)The bloom lasts from late May to early August, with some blooming for longer in coastal areas with warmer temperature
Oregon (4b-9b)The bloom lasts from mid-June to early August due to short warmer months
Texas (7a-10a)The bloom lats from mid-May to early July with some lasting through dry summer
Colorado (2b-7a)Cold hardy variety blooms from late June to mid-July due to longer colder months
Michigan (4a-6b)The bloom lasts from mid-June to mid-July due to longer colder months
New York (3a-7a)The bloom lasts from mid-June to mid-July due to longer colder months
Minnesota (3a-5a)Cold hardy variety will bloom in June in a controlled environment

Due to sudden climatic changes, some Lavender varieties may bloom earlier or later than the general blooming period.

How do You Keep Lavender Blooming?

As previously mentioned, failing to provide optimal growing conditions and sometimes environmental extreme can affect Lavender blooming.

However, do not worry because your Lavender will bloom again with the proper conditioning.

Here are reasons why your Lavender fails to bloom and proven ways to fix them.

1. Lack of Direct Sunlight

Lavenders are sun-loving plants, requiring at least 6 hours of full sunlight daily in spring and summer to maintain healthy blooms.

The lack of sunlight alters its energy to support the process of bud initiation altogether, leading to failed blooming.

  • Place your plant in a spot that receives plenty of direct sunlight throughout the day, such as a south-facing window, patio, or southern side of the garden.
lavender growing in pot
When growing Lavenders in the pot, take the plants to a sunny spot away from the block.
  • Alternatively, supplement with LED grow light placed at least 3 feet away from the plant for 12-16 hours daily to ensure optimal blooming.

2. Overwatering

Lavender enjoys regular watering to produce enough energy for flower production, but excess water can be detrimental.

Overwatering the plant makes it prone to root rot and fungal growth, which affects the root’s health.

Watch out for signs like yellowing of bottom leaves, stunted growth, and stalled bud formation.

  • Improve drainage by amending the soil with organic matter like compost or perlite.
  • Prune off rotten roots, apply fungicide, and repot the plant in a fresh potting mix to treat the root rot problem.
  • Adjust watering frequency (once/twice weekly) and only water the plant when the top soil feels dry to the touch.

3. Poor Soil Drainage

Poor soil drainage from using sterile, heavy, and compact soil mix can affect a plant’s ability to produce the flower.

Similarly, using acidic soil due to heavy fertilization and the use of small pots can also affect flower production.
  • Amend the soil with organic matter, like compost and perlite, for better aeration.
  • Otherwise, replace the soil with a well-draining mix of peat, perlite, and compost.
  • Maintain a soil pH level between 6.5-7.5 to encourage nutrient intake by the plant roots.
  • Add lime or dolomite to the acidic soil to neutralize the acidity.

4. Lack of Nutrients

Lavender is not a heavy feeder, but it requires nutrients in an optimal amount to produce flowers.

It requires one to two applications of balanced nutrients in a year to supplement on lack of nutrients.

To identify undernutrition, check for signs like yellowing leaves, reduced blooming, and stunted growth.

  • Fertilize your Lavender in the early spring when new growth boosts rapid growth.
  • Use a balanced, slow-release fertilizer or a fertilizer formulated explicitly for Lavender or other herbs.
  • Apply a mid-summer application only when the bloom begins to fade early.
  • Amending the potting mix with compost or aged manure helps provide nutrients gradually.

5. Pests and Diseases

Although rare, Lavender plants can attract pests and diseases when sick or weak.

Aphids, spider mites, and whiteflies are common pests in Lavender, which suck sap, affecting new growth.

Ill-treating the plant and waterlogged soil can sometimes invite root rot, gray mold, and leaf spot diseases.

The various fungal diseases can distort new growth, affect root health, bring premature yellowing, and stop flower production.

  • Applying systemic insecticides can help eradicate all kinds of pests.
  • Alternatively, use insecticidal soap or neem oil to control and prevent future infestation.
  • Treating fungal disease requires using copper-based fungicides once to twice, based on the severity.
  • Improve air circulation by pruning off thick growth and affected plant parts.

6. Lack of Pruning

The lack of regular pruning encourages Lavender to become woody and leggy and stop producing flowers.

Similarly, crowding the plant with new growth prevents air circulation and optimal sunlight absorption.

Check for bushier growth in your plant along thick and woody stems to indicate severe grooming issues.

  • Start with pruning off leggy growth, woody stems, and crowded areas.
  • Prune your Lavender in the spring and again after blooming to promote new growth.
  • Cut back your plant about one-third of its height each year.

From Editorial Team


Plant Lavenders in April or May and wait at least three years to witness flowers. 

You can grow these herbs through stem cuttings, seeds and root divisions. 

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