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Global Green Pothos: Ultimate Care Guide

Global Green Pothos plants are rare, and famous for their finely textured, dark, and light green speckled leaves.

Owning a Green Pothos should not bother you, for its easy care requirements.

Global Green Pothos prospers at a temperature of 60 to 80°F, filtered solid light, humidity of 50 to 70%, weekly watering, well-draining porous soil, fertilizing and repotting every two years, and occasional pruning.

Let this guide drive you toward an in-depth understanding of the Green Pothos needs to keep them healthy and vibrant.

Overview: Global Green Pothos

The origin of Global Green Pothos is quite a talk on the internet, but no common name appears.

Nevertheless, Costa Farms in North America holds the official propagation right for that region.

Scientific nameEpipremnum Aureum 'Global Green'
Common nameGlobal Green Pothos, Global Pothos
Hardiness ZoneUSDA 10-12
Lifespan5-10 years
Plant TypeClimbing tropical
Plant Height4 inches to 10 feet and above
Planting SeasonAll round the year (except for winter)
FoliageVariegated green-on-green leaves, crumpled texture
ToxicityToxic to pet and humans
Pests Gnats, Thrips, Mealybugs
DiseasesRoot rot, Bacterial leaf spot

Global Green Pothos: A Complete Care Guide

Epipremnum Aureum has easy care requirements, similar to Manjula Pothos.

Here are some pointers to help you establish a growing, healthy Global Green Pothos that will live for years.

1. Sunlight & Temperature

These plants can tolerate a wide range of temperature conditions. However, low light is a big NO as the leave start mottling. 

Pothos generally grows in bright indirect light for at least 6 hours a day at a temperature of 60 to 80°F.

Normally, a decrease in photosynthesis due to less chlorophyll ceases the plant’s growth, generating fewer and smaller leaves.

While temperatures exceeding 80°F and direct sunlight can stress or burn your Pothos, resulting in leaf drop and decline, cold drafts are equally harmful to them.

You can place the plant near the east-facing window to help fulfill the light requirement from zone 10 and below, or getting a grow light would help.

For zone 11-12, Global Green Pothos does fine outdoors, but you should bring them indoors during harsh winter nights.

2. Water & Humidity

Unlike any imperious plant, the requirements of Pothos are very similar to tropical habitats.

Pothos plants can go for an extended period without water, but the humidity (50%-70%) should be at the higher end. 

Meanwhile, you should water the plants every 1-2 weeks in a way that the soil is thoroughly soaked.

Before that, ensure the dryness of the soil by using chopsticks, or you’ll end up overwatering. If an inch or two comes out dry, water the plant.

Likewise, reduce the watering frequency in the winter, especially when the plant’s activity is minimal. 

And when the atmosphere is dry, your plant will gradually wilt. For that, occasionally mist the plant without drenching the leaves, as water drops harbor fungal growth.

You can also add a humidifier to ease your plants during the winter or simply group all the houseplants together to create a mini biome.

3. Soil & Fertilizer

Global Green Pothos does best in well-draining soil with a pH of 6 to 6.5.

The Pothos can survive even with little to no fertilizers, although a bit of fertilizer does wonders during the active growth phase. 

Feed them twice with an all-purpose fertilizer, once in the spring and again in summer, to rev up the plant’s vigor.

That said, you might sometimes overfeed the plant leading to brown edges, discolored curled leaves, and chemical burns on roots.

Flush the soil by running water 4 to 5 times to help treat the plant from chemical accumulation.

While doing so, you might end up with soggy, compacted soil obstructing root growth.  

For increasing the porosity, use any aroid soil mix or DIY your desired mix by adding equal parts of perlite and pine bark with two parts of peat moss.

4. Potting & Repotting

The best time to repot the Global Green Pothos is spring and summer.

You should refresh the substrate of the plant every 2-3 years, allowing the roots enough room to grow.

These plants do not mind being a little root bound. However, consider repotting in a pot 2-3″ larger if roots start peeking out of the drain hole.

Tiny Global Pothos transplanted in a white pot.
Even when transplanting, a pot should be ideal for the plant.

Additionally, water running through the drain holes could indicate repotting urgency.

Also, repotting becomes mandatory in the case of overwatered and overfertilized soil.

Use a terracotta pot that allows adequate drainage, and appropriate potting mix for repotting the plant.

5. Occasional Pruning

Usually, Global Green Pothos are allowed to drape down and grow longer in a hanging basket.

Prune the plants to keep them neat, tidy, and within desired shape and size, and eliminate any dry, damaged old leaves.

The damage and discolored leaves may result from fungal attacks on the plant.

It would be best to act immediately by rubbing neem oil on the affected spot and when the situation doesn’t subside, prune them.

For pruning, pinch off individual leaves with your fingers or cut them with scissors to produce clean incisions.

Where to buy Global Green Pothos?

Getting Global Green Pothos from an ordinary garden store may not be as easy. 

You can order them from online stores before the stock gets cleared.

StoreDelivery Time
Costa FarmsWithin 7-10 days
PlantlyWithin 1-5 days
Moose Plant ShopWithin 15 days

Global Green Pothos: All About Growth Rate

Global Green Pothos is one of the fastest-growing pothos plants.

The trails may grow up to 10 feet when the condition indoors favors the plant.

Like other Pothos, it may be traced back to E. aureum’s wild tropical forebears, with leaves up to 1 foot tall and vines up to 40 feet long.

These plants produce a cluster of upright flower stalks, each with a 6-inch cream spadix surrounded by a purple spathe.

When indoors, flowering may not be possible. But the vining luscious green-on-green streaks make up for it.

Propagation of Global Green Pothos

As the Global Green Pothos plants are patented, you won’t be able to commercialize them until permitted.

That said, it is entirely acceptable to nurture a bushier plant and grow a few more vines for your family.

You have two most effective methods: stem propagation and root division.

Root Division

The division is useful if you have a larger plant that you wish to split into two or more, smaller ones.

The ideal time for root division is when you are repotting the plant. 

  • Carefully lift a healthy plant out of the pot and remove the excess soil. 
  • Separate the roots with leaves intact, into two to three groups, depending on the size of the plant.
Root division of pothos wrapped in a cling film.
You can store the root division of pothos with some soil for a few days.
  • Make sure that the roots are as less disturbed as possible.
  • Plant each division separately in a suitable potting medium and place them under filtered light. 

Your plants may take a few days to a week to make themselves comfortable in their new home.

Stem Cutting

Start with a vigorous, robust vine from a mother plant. 

  • Count 2-4 leaves back from the vine’s tip and make a 45° angle cut right beyond the rear node.
  • Place the cuttings in a glass jar filled with water in a warm location that receives bright light but not direct sunlight. 
  • Change the water every week to prevent the roots from going slimy.
  • Roots can be visible after around ten days.

Instead, cuttings can directly be rooted in sphagnum peat moss, perlite, coco coir, or fluffy potting mix.

But first, you must allow the cut end to dry and form a callous. Dip the cutting in some rooting hormones and plant it directly on the soil.

Regardless of the approach, roots can be visible for around ten days. However, you’ll have to wait about 20-25 days to acquire two inches long roots that are suitable for transplanting.

Toxicity of Global Green Pothos

Despite all the boons of Global Pothos, there are several toxic effects.

According to ASPCA, insoluble calcium oxalates present in these Global Green Pothos cause oral irritation to your pets.

Also harmful to humans, your tongue becomes numb, and dizziness and vomiting follow when you ingest it.

Your pets might show signs of stress and anxiety followed by continuous drooling and foaming.

As a first aid, allow your pets to drink water or milk, but it is suggested to contact a vet nearby or the hotline below:

Wrapping up…

Global Greens are labeled beginner-friendly and hardy.

With little care and attention, these plants trail and bring color to your office lobby, corner of your room, or anywhere indoors for many years.

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