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Must-Know Guide For Glacier Pothos Care [Updated 2023]

Glacier Pothos, a rare and checkered-foliar variety of Devil’s Ivy or Pothos, rejoices blissfully if you cater indoor tropical care to it!

Generally, Glacier Pothos prefers daily dappled light of 6-12 hours, 65-85°F temperature, watering every 5-9 days in spring and summer, 50-70% humidity, and porous and organic soil admixed with a monthly dose of balanced fertilizer. Offer spring or early summer repotting care every 2-3 years and periodic pruning to remove diseased and dead foliage. 

Read more to learn the best care tips and propagation guide for Glacier Pothos and how it compares with other Pothos varieties.

Glacier Pothos [Plant Overview]

Do you know Glacier Pothos doesn’t occur naturally, but growers bred the plant from other Pothos varieties to bring out the desired marbled variegation in its leaves?

In fact, due to the patterns on its leaves, Glacier Pothos bears many similarities with other Pothos varieties like Pearls and Jade, and N’joy. 

Regardless, Glacier Pothos is a tropical climbing or creeping aroid from the same plant family, the Araceae, like all other Pothos varieties.

Further, the plant is commonly named Devil’s Ivy because of its unkillable nature and ability to rebound from stressful conditions.

Image represents a potted Glacier Pothos
Glacier Pothos have variegated leaves which are sensitive to light, humidity, and temperature changes.

Although confusing, the following table will clear further doubts about the plant.

Scientific NameEpipremnum aureum 'Glacier'

Pothos aureus 'Glacier'
Common NameGlacier Pothos

Devil's Ivy

Status & EcologyHabit: Evergreen Terrestrial or Epiphytic Perennial Climbing or Creeping Herb

Habitat: Wet Tropical Biome

Native Range: Tropical & Sub-Tropical Rainforests of South East Asia, West & East Africa, Northern to Eastern South America

USDA Zones: 10-11
Growth RateModerate to Fast
Plant Size6-8 feet long & 3-4 feet wide
Growing SeasonsThroughout Spring & Summer
LeafShape: Cordate to Elliptic-Ovate With Undulated Margins & Acuminate Apex

Size: 10-15 cm long & 5-7 cm wide

Color: Green & White (Checky)

Texture: Glossy and a bit Leathery
Flowering PeriodsSummer (Rarely)
FlowerSpathe and Spadix Inflorescence (Rare)
Grown ForVariegated Leaves & Draping Vines (Stems)
ToxicityMildly Toxic to Humans

Highly Toxic to Pets

Complete Glacier Pothos Care Guide

Glacier Pothos usually retains its leaf variegation but can revert to green color under conflicting conditions.

Hence, keep the plant in a sound tropical setup to avoid upshots and monitor for pests and diseases.

Image illustrates the complete care guide tips for Glacier Pothos
Glacier Pothos is a tropical plant that flourishes in humid and wet conditions in its natural habitat.

To have a deep understanding of the plant care requirements, remember to follow these basic things. 

1. Sunlight & Temperature

Sustain a surrounding temperature of around 65-85°F and offer at least 6-12 hours of daily dappled sunlight. 

Extreme Sunlight & Temperature Issues

  • Progressive yellowing of the foliage (leaves & vines)
  • Sunburns (tips & marginal browning of the leaves)
  • Brown & crispy botches on the leaf surface
  • Wrinkly & droopy leaves

Low Sunlight & Temperature Issues

  • Leggy stems & petioles
  • Loss of leaf variegation
  • Leaf & bloom fallouts
  • Irregular flowering frequencies
  • Smaller leaves & blooms

Tips to Maintain Proper Light & Temperature

  • Keep the plant near a shady east-facing window or 3-5 feet away from an open south-facing window.
  • Never let the plant leaves touch the window pane during intense heat.
  • Prevent the entry of drafts by keeping the plant away from north-facing windows or cooling vents indoors.
  • Rotate the plant in quarter turns weekly for equal light distribution and to reduce sunlight incidence within the foliage.
  • Use artificial lights for 10-12 hours daily during winter to cope with the lack of sunlight.
Image represents yellow and brown leaves of Glacier Pothos
Overwatering, underwatering, and irregularities in light conditions can cause Glacier Pothos leaves to change color and turn brown.

2. Watering & Humidity

Irrigate Glacier Pothos every 5-9 days in spring and summer while sustaining a surrounding humidity of around 50-70%.

Overwatering & High Humidity Signs

  • Gradual yellowing of foliage
  • Fishy smell from the soil due to root rot or decay
  • Curled-up & floppy leaves
  • Appearance of brown & mushy patches on leaves & stems

Underwatering & Low Humidity Signs 

  • Crispy yellowish-to-brown leaves
  • Curling, wilting, & foliar shrinkage
  • Withered roots and surrounding tissues
  • Sluggish growth rate

Tips for Watering & Maintaining Humidity

  • Cut back watering during fall and winter when the plant becomes dormant.
  • Check the first 1-2 inches of topsoil for dryness between watering sessions.
  • Amend the soil with organic perlite to boost drainage.
  • Use humidity trays to surge the ambient moisture around the plant during blazing heat stretches.
  • Employ the bottom watering approach to saturate the soil when the potting mix becomes completely dry.
  • Unpot the plant, trim the decayed roots using sterilized pruners, and repot in fresh potting soil.

3. Soil & Fertilizer

Employ well-draining organic potting soil with a pH between 5 and 7.5, admixed with a balanced liquid fertilizer every month in spring and summer.

Signs of Using Wrong Soil

  • Anoxic potting conditions (due to poor drainage)
  • Soggy soil & stagnant water conditions
  • Mold growth on the topsoil

Overfertilization Signs

  • Fertilizer burns (tips & edges of the leaves turn brown)
  • Withering roots (upshot of chemical burn)
  • Formation of fertilizer salt residues on the potting soil

Underfertilization Signs

  • Stalled growth with foliar discoloration
  • Fewer & small sized blooms & leaves
  • Infrequent flowering phases
  • Weak roots & vines
Image represents brown leaf tips of Glacier Pothos
Overfertilization or high sunlight leads to chemical burns, resulting in the formation of brown leaf tips and margins.

How to Fertilize & Provide Proper Soil?

  • Flush out the potting soil using distillate water monthly to cut down mineral salt buildup. 
  • Cut off fertilizer application during fall and winter.
  • Dilute the fertilizer to the required strength according to the instructions per pack before feeding.
  • Drill drainage holes at the pot’s base to raise oxygen flow and prevent anoxic conditions. 
  • Lay pebbles at the bottom of the planter to encourage drainage while repotting or transplanting.

4. Pruning Care

To fend off disease or pest outbreaks and allow the plant to conserve energy, you must prune Glacier Pothos periodically or annually during spring to maintain the plant’s shape. 

Glacier Pothos Pest & Diseases

Pests: Spider Mites, Thrips, Aphids, Mealybugs, Scales and Gnats

Diseases: Root Rots (Fungal Infection) and Blights and Leaf Spots (Bacterial Infection) 

Image represents the yellow Pothos leaves
Yellow leaves can be an upshot of underfertilization or cold stress, which you can trim to encourage new leaves.

Tips to Prune & Prevent Pest and Diseases

  • Review the plant for spent or tarnished leaves and vines and remove them using sterilized pruners.
  • Always prune 1-2 cm above the node so the vines or stems branch out, allowing fresh new growth.
  • Prune in the morning during spring and discourage trimming during humid days.
  • Ensure not to remove any tender leaves and buds.
  • Dab the pests and excreted honeydews from leaves or stems using cotton swabs laced with neem oil
  • Try using copper-rich fungicides to keep bacterial and fungal diseases at bay.

5. Repotting Care

Make sure you repot Glacier Pothos every 2-3 years during spring or early summer in a 1-2 inches wider and deeper terracotta pot.

Signs to Repot Glacier Pothos

  • Overcrowded roots create a congested rootball
  • Protrusion of roots from the drainage holes
  • Quick drainage of water (stagnation & puddling)
  • Stunted growth rate & foliage discoloration

Steps to Repot Glacier Pothos

  • Irrigate the plant 1-2 days before repotting to access its rootball easily.
  • Tug out the plant from its pot by grabbing its stem and breaking the root ball inside a bucket of water.
  • Check the root ball for any possible root rots and trim them, but keep healthy roots intact.
  • Lay some pebbles at the pot’s base and fill it one-third with the potting soil.
  • Place the plant at the center, spread its roots, and fill the soil from the sides.
  • Water the plant thoroughly and keep it in a bright shady location until it sprouts new growth.
Image represents root bound conditions in Glacier Pothos
You can repot Glacier Pothos every 2-3 years when the plant becomes root bound in a LECA substrate to promote aeration.

Is Glacier Pothos Toxic?

Glacier Pothos is a Pothos variety with calcium oxalate crystals in its roots, stems, and leaves.

Like all the Pothos varieties, Glacier Pothos is toxic to cats, dogs, and humans and is listed by ASPCA as a poisonous houseplant.

Oral, gastrointestinal, and oesophageal irritations and swellings are commonly visible if the oxalate-loaded plant parts are eaten.

The plant is severely poisonous to pets and mildly poisonous to humans. But, the toxicity also depends on the amount of plant parts ingested.

Hence, if the signs of toxicity are visible in your pets or children after accidentally eating the plant parts, you can call the helpline numbers below.

Glacier Pothos Plant Growth & Flowering

Aroids like Glacier Pothos inhabit the wet and humid tropical biomes, especially equatorial regions.

Here, the conditions are warm and humid for plants like Pothos that grow under the dappled shade of the forest canopy. 

The humid and wet conditions, compensated by warmth, allow Pothos to grow 18-24 inches monthly during spring and summer.

Hence, within 1-3 years, Glacier Pothos can grow up to 6-8 feet tall and spread to 3-4 feet, with long epiphytic vines with an array of variegated leaves.
Image illustrates a general overview of aroid inflorescence
Inflorescence in aroids consists of a leafy spathe and an elongated cylindrical spadix with many flowers.

In fact, Pothos have a long life span and can continue to grow during spring and summer. But, its growth rate ceases in fall and winter when the plant enters dormancy.

Additionally, plant flowers and produce seeds before undergoing dormancy and restarting their perennial cycle again in spring.

However, they rarely bloom indoors but have a general structure or overall “inflorescence” similar to other aroids like Alocasias, Monstera, or Philodendron flowers.

The inflorescence involves a leafy spathe and elongated cylindrical or tapering spadix.

Both function in pollination, flowering, fruiting, and seed production.

Glacier Pothos [Propagation Methods]

To propagate Glacier Pothos successfully, you must take healthy stem cuttings from the plant during spring or early summer.

However, you can first root the stem cuttings in water to monitor root growth and transplant the cuttings into the soil later.

Image represents stem cuttings of Glacier Pothos
Stem cuttings must have a few numbers of growth nodes and 1 or 2 healthy leaves.

Propagation Through Stem Cutting

Stem cutting is the easiest propagation method for Glacier Pothos. You should take the cuttings during spring.

1. Prepare Stem Cutting

  • First, choose a healthy stem and cut 4-6 inches below the node.
  • However, ensure the stem has at least 2 nodes and 4 leaves.
  • After, remove the leaves at the bottom to expose more growth points.

2. Rooting Stem Cuttings In Water

  • Choose a healthy stem from the plant and put the plant in a jar of rooting hormone solution.
  • Change the water every 2-5 days to prevent mold or bacterial growth.
  • Within 10 or a few days more, the cuttings shall develop new roots from the nodes.
  • Then, once the roots get about 2-3 inches long, transplant them in a porous potting mix.
Image represents the process of water propagation in Pothos
Water propagation ensures quicker growth of roots.

3. Transplanting In Soil

  • First, take 6 inch wide and deep terracotta planter and fill it with the potting soil. 
  • Place the stem 2-3 inches deep and top it with a resealable plastic bag to secure warmth and humidity.
  • After the plant develops new growth within 4-6 weeks, remove the bag and continue the normal watering care.
  • However, don’t try to fertilize the plant until it begets 2 or more sets of true and healthy leaves.

Wanna know more about the Pothos propagation? Learn from this video.

Glacier Pothos for Sale

The extremely rare Glacier Pothos is a plant not available everywhere but only in a few shops or sites.

ShopsExpected Shipping Date
EtsyWithin 1-5 days after placing an order
Plants WorldWithin 7 days after placing an order

N’Joy Vs. Pearl & Jade Vs. Glacier Pothos

Glacier Pothos, Pearl & Jade Pothos, and N’Joy Pothos all belong to the same variety of Pothos family with the same leaf resemblance.

However, the main difference is that the N’Joy have bigger, pointier leaves than Glacier Pothos.

Image illustrates the difference between Pothos varieties
Pothos varieties have similar leaf shapes, patterns or variegation, and growth rates.

Hence, Glacier Pothos is famous for its smaller leaves but has less shiny foliage than both Pothos varieties. 

From Editorial Team


Glacier Pothos is rare with leaf variegations but is extremely sensitive to surrounding changes.

You can always sustain their leaf variegations with warm, humid, and bright indoor conditions.

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