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How to Regrow Celery In Water: A Step-by-Step Guide

Most kitchen scraps are just waste and element for compost, but the cuttings of Celery offers more as they can regrow in water to produce fresh stalks.

Generally, Celery is a herbaceous plant holding soft tissues beneath the crunchy outer stalks, which can produce new roots and soft stalks. You can regrow by placing the cut base in a bowl filled with lukewarm water and maintaining the growing condition.

Scroll down to understand the steps you can take for the successful regrowth of Celery and avoid common mistakes often made by others.

How Many Times Can You Regrow Celery?

Using the base as a medium for regrowth is an efficient way of getting new Celery sprouts, but the regrowth times can vary depending on the condition.

As a biennial plant, Celery loses its vigor once it reaches the second year to produce seeds and starts to focus on seed production instead of new growth.

However, if you wish to regrow the store-bought Celery, you can try cutting off the base of the bought plant and use it as a growth medium.

The Celery propagated from the base in water can give new stalks in 4 to 5 months. Afterward, you can use the same base again for another growth until the Celery outer cover turns brown or bolts.
A person is holding on a sprouted base of Celery
Celery gives out about a 3-inch long leaf at the first regrowth.

Till then, your single Celery base can regrow as much to produce new stalks at a specific interval but keep it indoors for better results.

Also, Celery grown repeatedly can give you continuous harvest, but the size may be smaller than the market ones.

How To Regrow Celery In Water?

Growing Celery in water is even easier than planting in the soil, as during soil plantation, you need to consider soil quality, property, drainage hole, and many more.

However, during water propagation, you need to watch out for just the water quality you will use for regrowing Celery, and it is never a waste of time.

Follow the steps to regrow Celery in water from base cuttings successfully.

  • Cut the base: Take a clean, sterilized knife, make an incision 2-3 inches above the base, and remove the stalks.

Tips: You can store the stalks of Celery in the fridge by wrapping them in foil or a crisper drawer of the refrigerator and use it daily to make morning juices. By doing so, you can store it for at least 2 weeks.

  • Clean it thoroughly: Remove any debris or dirt attached to the base and dry it with a paper towel.
  • Put the base in a bowl: Prepare a 2-3 inches deep water bowl or a mason jar and fill it partially with lukewarm water. Then place the base in the water so that the tip faces upward and 2/3 parts are under the water.
  • Choose a sunny location: Take the bowl near a windowsill that receives at least 6 to 7 hours of indirect bright light and leave it there for at least a week.
  • Change the water: Keep a schedule of changing the water once every 2-3 days by ensuring that 2/3 of the base remains under water.

After the sprouting in a week, transplant it into a 6 inches wide and 5 inches deep container filled with potting soil, leaving 1/3 portion from the rim to place the base.

But check for signs like a brown outer cover that has broken down, allowing new shoots to absorb nutrients.

Care Tips For The Propagated Celery

After the transplantation, you are ready to cater for a new Celery plant but maintain the given growing condition for successful growth.

  • Place the transplanted Celery outdoors only if the night temperature remains above 50ºF.
  • Provide the plant with at least 6 to 7 hours of natural light. In its absence, use a grow light.
  • Water the plant once every week till it covers 1.5 to 2 inches from the soil.
  • The plant requires nutritious, well-draining soil that remains slightly acidic (5.8-6.8).
  • Use diluted slow-releasing fertilizer rich in potassium (4-4-8) once every month in the active growing season.
  • Since Celery is a cool season lover, provide it with shade during the hot afternoon days.
  • Protect the new plant from pests like slugs, snails, cutworms, and aphids that you can control using neem oil or tweezers to remove them.

From Editorial Team

Extra Tips!

The regrown Celery plant from base cuttings will be smaller (only 3 inches tall). However, the time to maturity is less than from seeds.

Meanwhile, home-grown Celery is richer in flavor than store-bought ones and adds a fresh touch to your soups and stews. So give it a try.

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