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Top 10 Flowers That Look Like Pom Poms | List Of Floral Wonders

Have you ever wondered why some flowers that look like pom poms are so interesting that you wish to replicate them in your garden?

Well, you have come to the right place! Here are a few top pom pom flower choices. 

Flowers that look like pom poms include Mimosa Tree, chrysanthemum pompon, Pompon dahlias, Globe amaranth, Ornamental Onion, Persian Buttercup, Marigold, Hydrangea, Zinnia, and Ranunculus.

Check out the complete details of these gorgeous pom pom flowers.

10 Flowers that Look like Pom Poms

Flowers that resemble pom-poms typically have rounded, dense, and compact flower heads, which gives them an impression of pom-poms.

They also look like coronavirus flowers in bloom shape and structure. 

Nonetheless, they may come in various sizes and colors, adding charm to your summer garden and containers.

If you are in awe of these bloomers, here is a complete list for you to choose from, along with their care info.

1. Mimosa Tree

The first in our list is Mimosa Tree (Albizia julibrissin), which is often confused for Formosa but is a different species.

Mimosa Tree, also known as Persian Silk Tree, is a flowering species from Asia known for its pom-pom-looking blooms.

The tree grows up to 20-40 feet in height and blooms throughout summer with fragrant flowers in shades of pink to light purple.

Mimosa Flower thta look like pom poms
The fluffy, puff-ball flowers cover the entire branches, making the tree look like a giant pom pom ball.

However, be wary about growing them because mimosa is considered invasive in many US states.

Nonetheless, you can pick their flowers for medicinal or edible purposes and prepare a lovely bouquet for an occasion.

2. Chrysanthemum Pompon

You would love Chrysanthemum morifolium because this flower is rounder, fluffier, and comes in various shades.

Also called mums, they are often used for bouquets and flower arrangements, and they come in various shades; white, yellow, pink, purple, and red.

However, what stands out the most is their pom pom shaped flowers, created by numerous petals arranged in a tight spiral.

The plant may get 3 feet tall, and each flower ranges from 1-4 inches in diameter.

This is your best bet if you are looking for late summer to early winter blooming pom pom flowers.

In fact, they grow throughout USDA zones 5-9, making them an ideal choice for most American gardens.

3. Pompon Dahlias

As the name suggests, Pompon Dahlias (Dahlia Cav.) gets its name from its flowers resembling pom poms.

These charming, rounded, and compact flower heads are the favorite of many gardeners as they look like fluffy balls.

The flowering plant grows 1-2 feet tall, producing clusters of blooms measuring 1-2 inches in diameter.

While the flower heads are generally small, the diversity of colors (white, yellow, pink, red, orange, and purple) makes them visually appealing.

They typically bloom in late summer through early fall and highly benefit in spots with 6-8 hours of direct sunlight.

Note: In colder regions, you may need to lift the tubers in late fall after the first frost. Store them in a cool, dry place for winter and replant in spring.

4. Globe Amaranth

Globe amaranth (Gomphrena globosa) is popularly known for being an edible plant with round-shaped flowers that look like pom poms.

Did you know globe amaranth tea is widely consumed for its anti-oxidant properties?

If you are wondering, each flower head consists of tightly packed bracts enclosing the flowers, making them appear like globe-shaped blooms.

This annual flowering plant boasts globe-shaped, papery blooms that retain vibrant shades of pink, purple, red, white, and orange.

Globe Amaranth
They are favorably grown as container plants, so gardeners can move them indoors in winter.

However, the flower heads are too small, about 1/2 -1 inch in diameter, but they form in clusters, making them look fuller.

If you are up for this annual summer bloomer, care to a sun-lit spot with moderately fertile soil and occasionally prune them.

5. Ornamental Onion

Do not get confused by its name; the ornamental onion is not edible. It is grown for decorative beauty.

Ornamental onion (Allium aflatunense) is a flowering plant with round, globe-like flower heads that may grow from a few inches to several feet.

The most exciting thing about this plant is the pom pom flowers, which bloom every spring and summer, displaying various off colors, such as purple, lavender, pink, white, yellow, and even green.

Nonetheless, they make great garden or border plants and grow well with minimal care.

Depending on the species and climate, some Ornamental Onions are hardy perennials, while others are primarily annuals.

6. Ageratum

Ageratum, or Flossflower, contains many different flowering plants that display fluffy flower clusters resembling pom poms.

Native to warm Central America and Mexico regions, these flowers are grown as ornamental garden plants in many southern states.

They typically grow 6-18 inches tall and display colorful blooms about 1-2 inches in diameter.

You would usually see these pom poms flourishing from late spring to fall and appear in rounded clusters in blue, lavender, pink, and white colors.

The pom pom flowers also attract butterflies and other pollinators, making them a valuable addition.

Remember, they are sun-loving plants and may falter in cold climates. Otherwise, strictly keep them in pots so you can move them indoors in winter.

7. Marigold

Marigold is probably the most popular summer plant, and even more so because its flower head resembles pom poms.

They have large, full, rounded flower heads with a dense, Pom-pom-like appearance.

Belonging to the genus Tagetes, they are native to regions in the Americas and are cherished for their bright colors of yellow, orange, gold, and red.

The flower heads of Marigold is growing.
The best blooms of Marigold can be enjoyed from late spring to early fall outdoors and indoors.

In many South Asian cultures, the pom-pom Marigold flowers are used for weaving garlands for festive decorations.

The Marigold flowers bloom from late spring to fall, with flower heads ranging from 1-5 inches, depending on whether they are African or French cultivars.

Nonetheless, you should provide them with full sun (USDA 2-11) and deadhead faded flowers to encourage continuous blooming.

8. Hydrangea

Hydrangeas are popular flowering plants known for their magical blooms that boast one color the first year and another the following year.

Even more so, they are known for large, showy flower clusters that appear as pom poms.

These bloomers are native to Asia and flower throughout spring until fall, but they may only bloom in summer outside their native region.

Nonetheless, you can grow hydrangeas for their round clusters of blooms in pink, blue, purple, red, white, and green.

Remember, the showy flowers range from 4-6 inches, while the shrub ranges from 3-10 feet, making them perfect outdoor plants.

Do not forget to cut back flowers after successful blooming.

9. Zinnia

Zinnias make cheerful and colorful garden flowers thanks to their prolific bloom that appear as pom poms and vibrant hues.

Native to the Americas, these flowering plants could grow up to 3 feet tall and boast showy, round flowers up to 4 inches in diameter.

They come in various colors, including pink, orange, yellow, purple, white, and green.

Some varieties may have bicolor or multicolor and usually bloom from late spring to fall.

Although Zinnias are grown throughout USDA zones 2-11, they are strictly sun-loving plants.

When growing in cold climates, consider planting them as annuals. Otherwise, grow them in pots instead.

Note: Another reason to grow Zinnias is that they are a favorite among butterflies and bees, which are attracted by their flat, open flower heads and abundant nectars.

10. Persian Buttercups

The last one on our list is Ranunculus, a sizeable flowering genus consisting of more than 1800 species of flowers.

Distributed across Europe, North America, and South America, these flowering plants boast showy flowers. However, not all species display pom-pom-like flowers.

Persian Buttercups, in particular, are a popular Ranunculus species that boasts layers of delicate, rounded petals resembling pom-pom.

These delicate blooms come in various colors, including red, yellow, orange, pink, purple, and white, to look like coronavirus flowers.

flowers that look like pompom
The flower heads range from 3-6 inches in diameter, where a single plant is adorned with masses of long-lasting blooms.

Be wary; they grow well in sunlight throughout USDA zones 8-11. Moreover, they grow well in pots as indoor plants, but ensure to keep them in full sunlight.

From Editorial Team


Pom Pom flowers make great garden and landscape flowers thanks to their fluffy and colorful appearance.

Be mindful that these flowers require optimal sunlight, well-draining soil, occasional fertilizing, and regular pruning to flourish.

In fact, you can regularly harvest flowers to use them for decorations.

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