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Corn Plant Seeds [Buy & Grow Guide]

Corn Plant seeds demand a lot of forbearance for germination and reward you with a prolific plant, but do you know the secret of germinating their seeds quickly?

Generally, Corn Plant seeds can be harvested by popping them from the yellowish-orange berries. Soak the seeds in lukewarm water for 3-5 days before topically sprinkling them in a seed-starter mix. Cover the seeds with soil and water them gently while offering a temperature of 68-80°F and kosher humidity. 

These seeds cannot continue their growth to the next stage without proper harvest and care. So, learn the genuine ways to collect, plant, and grow Corn Plant from seeds.  

Corn Plant Seeds: Overview

Dracaena species, commonly known as the Corn Plant or Corn Stalk Dracaena, is a beneficial flowering plant hailing from tropical Africa.

The Corn Plant is technically not the typical Sweet Corn plant we prepare for our Thanksgiving dinner.

Image represents Corn Plant with its flower
The common name of Dracaena, ‘Corn Plant,’ comes from the peculiar long stems that resemble the stem of common Sweet Corns.

The name comes from the plant’s central stalk, resembling the stem of Sweet Corns.

Additionally, the genus Dracaena has many species, but one thing common between Sweet Corn and Corn Plants is that both are monocots (seeds with single cotyledon).

Cotyledon is part of the seed that transforms into leaves after germination.

Moreover, Corn Plant seeds are inside yellowish-orange berries, and a Corn Plant takes years to mature and produce desirable fruits.

Learn more about Corn Plant seeds from the table below.

Morphological TraitsColor: Golden Yellow to Black

Size: 1 to 1.5 centimeters

Shape: Oval to Round

Weight: About 0.002 gram
Blooming SeasonLate Fall to Early Winter and Late Spring to Early Summer
BloomsClusters of Starry White Fragrant Flowers at the Top of a Flowering Stalk
Fruiting SeasonSummer or Fall
Germination InitiatorsTemperature and Water
Conducive TemperatureAround 68-80°F
Germination Time4 to 6 weeks

How Do you Get Corn Plant Seeds?

Harvesting the seeds from Corn Plant fruits is easy, but a plant only matures nearly 8-10 years after germination.

The plant bears yellowish-orange fruits in summer or fall, and numerous berries can be seen hanging atop flowering stalks.

Image represents Corn Plant fruits (berries)
Corn Plant produces yellowish-orange berries in summer or fall, with each berry harboring 1-4 seeds.

The seeds inside the berries are golden yellow at the time of harvest and turn black when dried.

However, as the fruits change colors from green to yellowish-orange, you can expect the seeds.

Steps to Extract Corn Plant Seeds

How to get your hands on the Corn Plant seeds? Read on to find out!

  • Hand-pick the ripe berries and place them wrapped in a dried cloth.
  • Lay them over a clean cloth and individually squeeze each berry to take out the seeds.
  • Each berry may have 1-4 seeds in total.
  • Keep them in tight zip-lock bags and store them in a cool, dark place to let them dry.
  • After they turn brownish-black, pour the seeds on plain paper and separate them from their shells.

The seeds should resemble the black sesame seeds once you reveal the light-colored shells.

Is Corn Plant Hard to Grow from Seeds?

Growing Corn from seeds is not difficult but requires utmost care and patience and depends on a few conditions.

It will take anywhere from 4-6 weeks for Corn Plant seeds to germinate.

However, the quick germination of the seeds hinges on temperature and humidity, which are conducive factors.

Additionally, the seeds can find a better rooting ground with a well-draining potting mix and additional scarification treatment before sowing.

Image represents dried flowers of Corn Plant
When the flowers start to wilt and dry off, Corn Plants enter the fruiting phase and begin the process of berry formation.

Steps to Propagate Corn Plant Seeds

The best season to propagate Corn Plants seeds is early spring to summer. 

However, you can start the seeds in late winter indoors and transplant the seedlings into the garden soil in spring.

While doing so, you must examine the soil temperature and plant the seedlings only when the soil reaches around 65°F.

So, here is a step-by-step instruction to propagate Corn Plant seeds at home.

Step 1: Prepare the Seed

Take out the seeds from the bag and prepare to process them.

  • Sprinkle some seeds in a small cup and pour lukewarm water.
  • Next, soak for at least 3-5 days to evoke germination.

Step 2: Prepare the Starter Mix

A seed-starter mix usually contains organic and inorganic material that provides support and healthy microbes.

You can prepare it yourself or get a commercial one from the store.

  • Mix four parts compost, one part organic perlite, and two parts peat moss.
  • Moisten the components with water and stir them thoroughly in a bucket.
  • Take a seedling-starter tray with a humidity dome and fill the mix into the tray.
  • Poke about 1/4th inch deep holes in the starting mix.

Step 3: Sow the Seeds

  • First, place individual seeds in separate holes and cover them lightly with soil.
  • Moisturize the soil with water, dust the topsoil with sand, and cover the setup with a humidity dome.
  • If you are sowing in a large container, plant them 2-6 inches from each other, approximately 2 inches deep.
  • Cover them with plastic wrap to secure temperature and moisture.

Step 4: Care During Germination and Transplant

  • Water thrice a week first and later twice a week for the last 2 weeks.
  • Keep the soil moist but not saturated to prevent rot.
  • If water droplets start forming inside the dome or wrap, open or poke some holes to release the moisture.
  • Always use a sterile mix or decontaminate the mix with a few drops of dilute hydrogen peroxide before sowing.
  • Move the tray to an area that receives 4 hours of indirect sunlight daily, such as near an east-facing window.
  • Place a heating mat maintained at 68-80°F below the tray. 
  • Otherwise, place the seed tray 6-12 inches under reliable LED grow lights for 14-16 hour daily.
  • The seeds will germinate after 4-6 weeks. So, transplant them to a 3-inch terracotta pot with standard soil 3 weeks after sprouting or when the seedlings get 1-2 leaf sets.

Care for Corn Plants After Germination

Let us dive into the primary care needs for Corn Plant seedling growth.

  • Place the seedlings in bright indirect sunlight for 4 hours daily.
  • Water every 1-4 weeks in growing seasons when the soil looks dry.
  • Maintain a temperature between 65°F and 80°F.
  • Keep surrounding humidity levels around 50-60%.
  • Use balanced liquid fertilizer once a month in growing seasons and cut back the feed in fall and winter.
  • Repot every 2-5 years in spring and summer. Early fall repotting is better for regions where winter comes late.
  • Change the potting mix for plants while repotting with well-seeping soil having pH levels of 6-7.
  • Prune the dead or wilting, pest-infected or diseased parts in early spring.

Want to learn more about the care for your Corn Plant? Take help from the video for additional tips.

Where to Buy Corn Plant Seeds?

Here is the list of a few reliable retailers selling quality Corn Plant seeds for propagation.

ShopsExpected Delivery Date
eBayWithin 1-4 weeks after placing an order
Seed World USAWithin 1-2 days after placing an order
PlantflixWithin 3-5 days after placing an order

FAQs About Corn Plant Seeds

How Many Seeds are Inside Corn Plant Fruits?

A single berry of a Corn Plant may contain 1-4 seeds, and each seed is enclosed inside a shell.

Can You Grow Corn Plants from Seeds?

Corn Plants can be grown from seeds, but they can take a month to germinate and may take further 8-10 years to bear fruits and seeds.

What are the Important Factors for the Successful Germination of Corn Plant Seeds?

Temperature and water are the two main conditions necessary for the booming germination of the seeds.

From Editorial Team

Separate and Soak the Seeds Carefully!
To separate the seeds from the shells, you can put the shelled seeds in a paper bag and crush them to protect your bare hands.
Moreover, place the seeds in lukewarm water and leave them at room temperature while soaking.

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