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Can Roots Of A Plant Jump When Tickled? Unique Ability?

After the video about the escape of plants upon tickling went viral, social media freaks have only one question, “Can Roots Of A Plant Jump When Tickled?”.

Generally, the roots of a plant cannot jump when tickled as they do not contain sensory abilities like human beings. However, the plants like Touch Me Not respond to touch by folding the leaves. 

Although plants do not have sense organs like animals, they still contain complex mechanisms that help them survive and adapt to harsh conditions.

So, in order to know the names and reasons behind the mechanisms of movement of plants and their roots, you have to dig into this complete article.

Can You Tickle Tree Roots?

Roots in the tree contribute to the plant by absorbing the water and minerals and feeding the whole plant.

However, you cannot tickle the tree roots as they do not have any sensory abilities like humans to respond with laughter after tickling.

Besides, the nerve endings are present in other plant parts like leaves and flowers. So, the roots do not feel touch and respond to it.

Mimosa leaves that fold when tickled
Touch Me Not respond by folding its leaves upon touch instead of jumping.

Nevertheless, roots are sensitive to environmental changes like climate, water, nutrients, damage, and light.

Additionally, there is a myth that tickling the tree roots would increase the growth. However, there is no evidence about it.

In fact, you must not tickle, touch, expose, or damage the roots as they are delicate, and the plant growth can be hindered if the roots stop working.

Also, it is very harmful to tickle a baby plant or its roots, as young plants are very sensitive to physical damage. You may also lose your plant in the worst condition.

Is There A Plant That Jumps When Tickled?

When you tickle the plant, the plant’s barks or outer skin may scratch. However, there is no such plant that jumps when tickled, even in the worst conditions.

Moreover, the plant does not have any mechanism to jump after a physical injury. Tickling for a longer time may result in physical damage rather than escape.

However, you can still find some plants like Touch Me Not that respond to touch by folding their leaves. 

Furthermore, some carnivorous plants, like Venus Flytraps, close their traps when the insects sit on them.

But there is no single example of plant roots that jump when tickled. A plant that jumps when tickled is just an imaginary interpretation.

Also, the viral video about plants jumping upon tickling on TikTok and other social media is probably only human video editing trick.

Why Are My Plant Roots Coming To The Surface?

The roots coming on the surface of the may also be the negative geotropism. Roots of the Sago Palm go towards the soil surface instead of going downwards.

In other plants, it may also be a sign of extreme environmental changes or stress.

  • Due to the lack of enough water, plant roots start bending upwards in search of water.
  • If the pot is too small, the plant may face rootbound condition and comes to the surface.
  • Too heavy or compact soil may lead to root rot compelling the plant to spread their roots on the surface in search of oxygen.
  • When you don’t provide enough nutrition to the plant, the roots may move upwards to get nutrients for survival.
  • Too much or too little sunlight, pests, and disease stress can also cause the roots to move toward the soil surface.

Use sheer curtains if the roots of your plant come towards the surface due to excessive light. If the light is not enough, use artificial light according to your plant’s requirements.

Moreover, use pesticides, fungicides, or neem oil to treat the pests and diseases in your plant.

From Editorial Team

More Tips!

You can easily solve the problem of roots moving toward the surface by repotting the plant in a bigger pot and providing proper aeration.

Also, water the plant frequently, ensuring the soil is moist but not waterlogged. Also, feed the plant according to the direction in the package to avoid over or underfertilization.

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