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Blushing Philodendron: A Brilliant Care Hack

Blushing Philodendron is an excellent climber with a beautiful wine-red tinted blush that fades away with an ignorant care routine.

The Blushing Philodendron loves bright indirect sunlight. They thrive in subtle warmth of 65°-80°F with 50% humidity. Use a neutral aroid mix that can handle weekly watering and monthly fertilization.
Let us walk through the complete care need of the Blushing Philodendron plant.

Overview of Blushing Philodendron

Blushing or red leaf Philodendron is a tropical flowering species belonging to Araceae. 

They hail their exotic foliage from rainforests of Central and Southern America.

Scientific namePhilodendron erubescens
Common nameBlushing Philodendron, Red Leaf
Growth zoneZones 10-12
Growth RateModerately fast
Growth Size24-36 inches
FoliageWaxy dark green on top and red-purple at the bottom
Maturity Five years to fully mature and flower
BlossomTypical Philodendron flower after maturing
Flowering seasonSummer and Autumn
Mature size2.5m-6m in height and 50cm-1m in spread
ToxicityToxic to pets and humans

Philodendron Blushing: Best Care Hacks

Let us dive in for an in-depth care routine to bring out their best.

Quick care for blushing philodendron
Blushing Philodendron quick care hack to keep them happy and thriving for more.

1. Sunlight & Temperature

The Blushing Philodendron prefers to stay in a well-lit room with a warmth of about 60-85°F.

But ensure to protect your plant from direct sunlight as it can sunburn the leaves. Sunburnt leaves usually turn yellow or brown and brittle to the touch.

Do not keep them close to the windows as exposure to cold drafts and temperatures below 50°F result in leggy, sparse, or no foliage growth.

In such peril, use artificial grow light that provides heat and light to keep them warm and happy.

red leaf philodendron red-purple petiole
Protect your plant from direct sunlight but give them the subtle warmth of the morning sun.

Meanwhile, Blushing Philodendron withstands temperatures up to 100°F. 

But do not let it rise beyond that, as it will dehydrate the plant from rapid transpiration.

2. Watering & Humidity 

Blushing Philodendron is a drought-tolerant tropical plant that prefers humidity over 50%.

You can aim to water your Blushing Philodendron every 2-3 times weekly with regular mist. But cut back on watering in winter due to dormancy.

As Red Leaf is susceptible to overwatering, ensure the top inch of soil is dry before watering and avoid overhead watering.

Root rot, yellow leaves, molds, and foul smell coming from the soil are signs of overwatering.

It also attracts pests and fungal problems like excess humidity does. While wilted and brown leaves indicate underwatering.

Thus, saucer watering with pebbles is the best way to hydrate the plant in optimal humidity.

3. Soil & Fertilization

Red Leaf grows efficiently when you provide ideal soil with balanced nutrients.

Blushing Philodendron prefers a rich, aroid mixture featuring well drainage with pH 5 to 7.

And being heavy feeders, they need monthly 20-20-20 liquid fertilizers fertilization after dilution.

But beware of overfertilization in winter as dormancy hits them hard. So, fertilize them only once in 2-3 months in winter.

Generally, salt build-ups, root burn, brown curling leaf tips, and drooping leaves are signs of excess fertilizer.

Whereas stunted, sparse growth and fading yellow leaf color are signs of under-fertilization and compact soil.

You can prepare an ideal soil mix for your plant using peat, perlite, and sphagnum moss. Otherwise, you can choose African violet, orchid, or succulent soil mix.

4. Potting & Repotting

Blushing Philodendron is a tolerant plant that stays humble in a terracotta pot for almost a year.

But if they outgrow the pot with roots lurking out from drain holes, you might need to repot them even before a year.

Terracotta or ceramic pots with drain holes effectively avoids overwatering issues.

So, use such pots at least 2 inches wider than the plant’s root ball. You must also consider a bigger pot when repotting than the previous one.

Other telltale signs of the pot-bound plant are droopy, yellow leaves with no new growth.

Repot your Blushing Philodendron in early spring or summer to encourage vigorous growth.

You must thoroughly water your plant a day before repotting and use a fresh potting mix to repot.

5. Occasional Pruning

Although it is uncommon for Philodendrons to attract pests, mealy bugs, spider mites, and aphids trouble them occasionally.

Besides that, Blushing Philodendron isn’t impervious to bacterial blight, a highly contagious fungal disease.

Dark spots on leaves that spread like wildfire up to the petioles are the major sign of bacterial blight.

Here, the only way to control them is via pruning off infected leaves and repot them using a fresh mix.

Wet leaves and petioles from overhead watering often trigger bacterial blight.

You can apply neem oil and cleanse the leaves with soapy water to prevent pests and fungal diseases.

Meanwhile, if you are cutting healthy stems to keep plants in shape, use them for propagation. 

Blushing Philodendron: All About Growth Rate

The Blushing Philodendron (Philodendron erubescens) is a flowering perennial with a climbing growth habit.

They are known for a moderately faster growth rate with vines that can spread up to 3-4 inches weekly.

Similarly, they can attain heights of almost 10 – 20 feet, with leaves nearly 16 inches long.

It proliferates during summer and spring but remains dormant during the winter.

Their leaves are heart-shaped with the slightest red hue in the juvenile stage. However, as the plant matures (~5 years), the leaves’ color turns dark green.

Blushing Philodendron red tinted foliage
With growing age, Red Leaf Philodendron changes its color saturation.

In addition to its exotic foliage, stems also look red to purple.

After maturation, the plant blooms with red spathes of approximately 15 cm long with no fragrance in spring or summer. 

Each plant can bear two to three flowering spathes that last for two days.

Toxicity of Blushing Philodendron

The Blushing Philodendron does not pose any threat until you or your pets take a bite out of it.

According to ASPCA, all varieties of Philodendron are mildly toxic to dogs, cats, and horses. And it is harmful to you too.

Blushing Philodendron contains insoluble calcium oxalate crystals all over their body parts.

Accidental ingestion can cause minor symptoms like mouth and bowel tract swelling, diarrhea, and vomiting.

Similarly, pets may lose appetite, hyper salivate, vomit, and paw frequently due to a burning sensation in the mouth.

Consumption of Blushing Philodendron in large portions can cause upper airway swelling, making breathing difficult for them.

Here are a few hotlines to seek medical help for Philodendron Poisoning.

Propagation Method for Blushing Philodendron

Blushing Philodendron plant can be propagated via stem cuttings, offset division, and air layering.

Before you jump into propagation steps, ensure you have rooting hormones, shears, fresh potting mix, and suitable pots.

1. The Stem Cutting Method

Find yourself a healthy stem with at least two leaf nodes and cut it, leaving it 3-7 inches long. 

  • Partially deep the cut stem in a jar filled with water and rooting hormone.
  • Look out for new root growths while placing in bright shade, which can take 1-2 months.
  • Transplant the stems once they have inch-long root growths to a pot with fresh soil mix.
  • And proceed to provide them with regular Blushing Philodendron care.

To do so, leave out pair of leaves above the soil. And ensure to place the pot in a humid room with 68° to 80°F temperature.

Propagated stems are most likely to develop roots within 20 to 25 days. You can transplant them to bigger pots after they can handle transplantation.

2. Offset Division

Once the offsets around the plant grow up to 4-5 inches tall, you can use them to propagate your plant.

Aim to divide offsets early spring for optimal growth and successful propagation.

  • Carefully take out the offsets that have grown aerial or firm ground roots.
  • Transplant individual offsets in the pot filled with fresh soil mix and nitrogen fertilizer.
  • Place offsets 20 cm apart in a bright but indirectly lit room.

3. Air layering

Among all propagation methods, it is a tad bit more advanced. If you are unsure of air layering, proceed with stem cutting.

  • Wrap a healthy node with a damp cloth or misted sphagnum moss.
  • Use the cling wrap with some holes to ensure optimal humidity.
  • Wait a few days for new root growths from the node.
  • Carefully cut off the stem with roots and plant them in nutrient-rich soil.

Where to buy Blushing Philodendron?

Unlike the expensive Pink Princess, a perfect doppelganger, the price of Blushing Philodendrons is low and easy to find.

Here are a few online vendors with Blushing Philodendron for sale.

Sites Delivery
PlantlyShips within a week
PeppyFloraShips within a 3 business days
Late BloomShips within 5-7 days
EcuageneraShips within a week

Pink Princess Vs. Blushing Philodendron

Although Pink Princess Philodendron is also popular with the name Blushing Philodendron, they are different.

Pink Princess is a mutation form of Blushing Philodendron with bright pink variegation in its leaves.

FeaturesPink Princess PhilodendronBlushing Philodendron
Leaf8" long and 5" wide heart-shaped leaves.Up to 16" long heart shaped leaves
Growth RateSlower
Root Growth in WaterWithin 4 to 6 weeksWithin 2 to 3 weeks
StemBurgundy stemsRed stems

From Editorial Team


Beetle pollination is more common in Philodendrons, as it produces the pheromones which attract male beetles.

Moreover, don’t let your Philodendron leaves be covered with dust.

Dust blemishes the appearance and promotes pests and pathogen invasion.

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