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Alocasia Regal Shield Care and Growing Guide

Alocasia Regal Shield is widely known for their heart-shaped, smooth foliage with ruffled margins.

Additionally, they produce green spathe covering the spadix.

Alocasia Regal Shield prefers indirect sunlight with temperatures between 65 and 75°C and humidity levels above 70%. They prefer moist, well-draining soil with plenty of organic content. Use a balanced fertilizer once a month to promote healthy growth during the spring and summer.

This article presents care tips and a basic understanding of Alocasia Regal Shields.

Alocasia Regal Shield Overview

The Alocasia Regal Shields are also known as “Elephant Ear Regal Shields” because of their oversized shape of leaves.

You can see the brownish matte underside of foliage in Alocasia Regal Shield.

Check out the table below to learn more about Alocasia Regal Shield.

Plant OriginAfrica and Southeast Asia
Common NamesAlocasia Black Magic
USDA Zones9-11
Height of Plant4-5 feet
LeavesVelvety black
Blooming PeriodJanuary-February
FlowersWhite flower with spathe and spadix
ToxicityToxic to humans and animals

A Complete Grow and Care Guide for Alocasia Regal Shield

Alocasia Regal Shield Plants prefer proper soil mixture, ideal temperature, sunlight, location, and other factors for optimum growth.

Let’s have a look at a quick summary of its care requirements.

ParametersIdeal Conditions
LightIndoors: Bright, indirect sunlight
WateringOnce or twice a week
Soil TypeWell-draining soil with plenty of organic matter
Soil pH5.5 to 7.0
HumidityAbove 50%
FertilizerApply balanced liquid fertilizer every 4 weeks during growing season.
PotTerracotta, clay containers 2-3 inches bigger than plant.
DiseasesPowdery Mildew, Crown and Stem rot.
PestsSpider mites, mealybugs and Thrips.
RepotEvery 2 years
PropagationRhizome division

1. Soil & Fertilizers

Talking about the soil mixture, Alocasia Regal Shield prefers a soil mixture that matches well with its water requirement.

Alocasia Regal Shield grows well in well-draining soil rich in organic matter with pH levels around 5.5 – 7.0.

Lack of proper soil mixture may lead to waterlogging of the root, which may cause root rot diseases and fungal infections.

You can use a starter potting mixture with a 50:50 ratio of peat and perlite or Sphagnum to make the ideal potting mix for Alocasia Regal Shield.

Moreover, to feed the plant properly, the composition of the NPK fertilizer should be 20-20-20 to ensure the best results.

Inadequate feeding results in the yellowing of foliage, weakening of the stem, and drooping of the leaves.

In contrast, overfertilization leads to browning, withering, and yellowing of leaves.

Practical Solutions

  • Always remember to wet the soil one day before fertilizing for better absorption of nutrients.
  • When actively growing, feed the plants with Miracle-Gro or Osmocote fertilizer once a month.
  • Completely restrict feeding the plants during winter, as they enter dormancy.
  • Miracle-Gro Sphagnum Peat Moss and Miracle-Gro Indoor Potting Mix are commercial recommendations for the best potting mix.

2. Temperature & Sunlight

Alocasia Regal Shield gets scorched by direct sunlight. In contrast, low sunlight cause the Alocasia to wilt & droop.

So, Alocasia Regal Shield prefers bright, indirect light at around 65- 75°F.

It is best to move the plants indoors or into a greenhouse during the winter to survive the harsh winter conditions.

Extended exposure to temperatures below 60°F (16°C) makes these plants dull and sluggish and they may even lose their leaves.

The best location for the Alocasia Regal Shields would be around the balcony, the patio away from direct sunlight.

Similarly, the south or north-facing window would be the best location for the plant in indoor settings.

Tips to Maintain Ideal Temperature & Sunlight

  • Our best bet is to use an air conditioner to maintain the temperature during hot summers.
  • During the summer, keep any electronics that produce heat, such as heaters, water boilers, and motors, away from the room where the plant is grown.
  • If grown outdoors, you can provide morning sunlight for around 4-6 hours.
  • Frequently mist the plants during summer to keep them cool.

3. Watering & Humidity

The plant is native to tropical regions and usually prefers a humid environment.

Alocasia Regal Shield prefers high humidity up to 80%, which is difficult to maintain in all household settings.

If the humidity levels drop below 50%, the leaves lose color and turn brown.

Moreover, you should water the plant when the top 2 to 3 inches of the plant is visibly dry.

If you overwater, your plants might face problems like yellowing, rotting, and drooping.

Contrary to overwatering, underwatering invites the difficulties like browning, wilting, and stunting plant.

Tips to Provide Adequate Watering & Humidity

  • Water the plant around the center of the plant and not directly on top of it.
  • Instead of watering your plant thoroughly, water it slowly. Because slow, deep watering helps the root ball to absorb moisture.
  • Regular misting, using pebble trays, using humidifiers, and grouping the plants are a few ways to maintain the humidity level for the plant.
  • Stick your fingers into the soil about half an inch. If it’s still damp, wait for two days before testing again. Then, water your plant if it is dry.

4. Potting and Repotting

The ideal pots for Alocasia Regal Shield would be at least 2-3 inches bigger than the plant size, Terracotta pots with drainage holes at the bottom.

Using clay pots can also be beneficial. Clay is porous and removes excess moisture from the soil.

Clay pots are beneficial for individuals who often tend to overwater their plants.

Adding a few stones at the base of the container can also be beneficial in maintaining the water moisture level in the soil.

If your plant’s roots begin to emerge from the drainage holes, realize it’s time to repot them.

To avoid repotting shock, repot them before Summer or after winter to avoid extreme temperatures.

Step-by-Step Guide to Repot Alocasia Regal Shield

Follow these steps to repot your Alocasia Regal Shield properly.

  1. Water the plant an hour before repotting to hydrate the roots properly.
  2. After removing the plant with sterilized scissors, inspect the roots and make sure to untangle and break the roots.
  3. Prepare the new pot, which is 1-2 inches bigger than the previous one. Fill it up with a proper soil mixture of around 30% to act as a base for the plant.
  4. Place the plant in the center of the pot and add the soil underneath the rootball to ensure stability.
  5. Keep adding the soil to hold the plant upright. Lightly tap the soil while adding to remove any air pockets.
  6. Water the soil when it becomes completely covered.
  7. Maintain the ideal temperature as the plant becomes sensitive after repotting.
  8. Place the newly reported plant away from direct heat or cold sources (away from fans and heaters) but near shaded windows to ensure proper lighting and temperature during the day.

5. Frequent Pruning

The best pruning season for the Alocasia Regal Sheild is fall or spring before the new buds grow.

Trimming discolored, dead, and damaged leaves is a good idea to keep the plant healthy.

The major pests affecting the growth of Alocasia are Spider Mites, Mealybugs, and Thrips.

These pests feed upon the plant parts and damage them.

The pathogens that threaten the Alocasia are fungal gnats, powdery mildew, and bacterial leaf spots.

Moreover, the plants show yellowing, drooping, and rotting signs after being infected with pests and pathogens.

At times, it is best to trim the larger leaves, which block the sunlight for newly formed buds, and leaves and prevent their growth.

Tips for Properly Pruning 

  • Locate the old and withered leaves that need pruning.
  • Then Put on your gloves and get a sterilized knife or pruning shears.
  • Clean the area and wash your hands properly after pruning.
  • Apply fungicide and dry out the soil monthly to minimize the risk of fungal infections.
  • Using copper-based fertilizer can be beneficial for treating plants suffering from bacterial leaf spots.

All About Growth: Alocasia Regal Shield

Alocasia Regal Shields, native to tropical regions, grow stunningly when it receives the appropriate water and fertilizer requirements.

The plant can reach up to 5 feet when grown in a pot within two years.

Alocasia Regal Shield blooming
The Alocasia Regal Shield flowers bloom in the late spring to early Summer, also its active growing season.

If adequate conditions are provided, it reaches a mature height of almost 2-3 feet in almost two years.

Alocasia Regal Shields contains thick, durable green leaves with dark purple-tinged undersides extending from eight to thirty-five inches (20cm-90cm).

Alocasia Regal Shield produces small and white on a tall green, light yellow, or white spadix but sometimes hides beneath the foliage.

Plant Propagation

Propagating Regal Shields is fairly easy and can be done by rhizome division and leaf cuttings during its growing season.

Propagation by Division

Follow these steps to propagate your Alocasia Regal Shield easily.

  1. Remove the plant from the pot and remove any excess soil from the roots.
  2. Identify the clumps and offsets in the roots and separate a few using a sterilized knife or scissors. 
  3. Place the rhizomes into the soil with the proper potting mix to grow individual plants.
  4. Place the plant in a warm, humid environment with indirect or dappled sunlight.
  5. Spray it with water after the soil has dried to around 90%. Around the fifth week, you’ll be able to see how the shoot is developing.

Propagation by Leaf Cuttings

Alocasia Regal Shield can be propagated via Leaf cuttings during the spring and summer.

Follow these steps to propagate your plant using the Leaf-cutting propagation method.

  1. Tear off sections of alocasia leaves about eight inches long from healthy alocasia plants with a couple of mature leaves.
  2. Place the plant so the underdeveloped roots are completely submerged in water in a clean container.
  3. Place the container in a location that receives bright indirect light.
  4. The alocasia leaves should be floating in a single layer on top of the water, not touching or coming into contact with anything else in the glass.
  5. It will take around two weeks for the roots to develop. Once the roots become well-developed, transfer them and grow them in a pot of your choice.

Also, watch the video to learn more about the propagation and pruning of Alocasia Regal Shield in detail.

Plant Toxicity

According to ASPCA, if ingested, Alocasia Regal Shield is toxic to humans and animals.

The sap of the stem and leaves contains sharp-pointed calcium crystals and proteolytic enzymes.

A few common symptoms of ingesting the plant include skin allergies, sore throat, and vomiting.

The symptoms result from the irritation of the mucous membrane, which may even lead to respiratory paralysis.

The plant can accumulate the toxins it comes in contact with if it faces issues with proper growth.

Over time, the constant accumulation of toxins causes growth-related issues and makes it unhealthy.

If you see any of the above symptoms in yourself or your child, seek medical attention immediately.

Call the Animal Poison Control Center at (888) 426-4435 or contact your local veterinarian asap if your pet shows any of the above symptoms.

FAQ About Alocasia Regal Shield

1. Why are my Alocasia Regal Shield Plant Leaves Dropping and Yellowing?

The most common causes of yellowing and dropping leaves are improper soil moisture and overwatering of the plant.

This issue can be easily solved by following a proper watering schedule every alternative day.

2. Can you Propagate Alocasia Regal Shield in Water?

Alocasia Regal Shield can be propagated in water, allowing roots to form.

After the roots have been developed, they can be shifted to a smaller-sized pot to allow proper growth.

3. How Often Should Alocasia Regal Shield be Misted?

Misting the plant once a week is enough to keep it healthy and maintain the moisture level.

Make sure to mist only the leaves, not the soil, as it may lead to waterlogging issues.

4. Is Alocasia Regal Shields Rare?

The Alocasia Regal Shield is found all across the globe. These plants thrive, especially in tropical environments.

From Editorial Team


Alocasia Regal Shield is a beautiful tropical plant known for its unique ‘elephant-shaped leaves.

In addition, it is a plant well known for its purifying abilities and would be a perfect pick for any household.

Despite its tropical nature, it can be grown in a household environment with attention and care.

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