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When To Harvest Mullein: Leaves, Flowers, Seeds & Roots?

As a biennial plant, Mullein matures only in the second year, letting you harvest all plant parts at different seasons.

Generally, you can harvest Mullein leaves in early summer, flowers in mid to late summer, and roots after the fall begins. Remember harvesting each part of Mullein in the second year of growth is better.

Also, you cannot harvest the flowers in the first year as it blooms only in the second year and dies after that.

So, this article will reveal the best seasons and ways to harvest every part of the amazing Mullein plant.

What Part Of The Mullein Plant Do You Use?

All Mullein parts, like leaves, stems, flowers, and roots, have high medicinal benefits for many health problems.

You can use the leaves of this easy-growing plant for pulmonary diseases, inflammation, diarrhea, asthma, etc.

Moreover, Mullein flowers and roots can be good medicine for cough, cold, throat problems, and bronchitis.

But, Mullein seeds are toxic, so be sure not to collect them while collecting flower petals.
Mullein plant parts
Every part of Mullein is beneficial except its seeds.

Besides the seeds, all parts of Mullein are edible, and the leaves taste great cooked along with other vegetables.

But, ensure not to feed this plant to pregnant women or women in lactation as the plant may show harmful issues.

When To Harvest Mullein?

As almost all parts are beneficial, Mullein allows you to harvest different parts from late spring to fall.

The life cycle of this versatile plant is only two years. Also, you must harvest leaves and flowers before the growing season ends. 

Parts Of MulleinSeason To Harvest
LeavesLate spring or early summer
FlowersMid to late Summer
RootsFall of the first year or spring of second year

How To Harvest Mullein?

Mullein is not only a good medicinal plant for humans, but you can also employ it as a forage during the folder shortage.

Gather the gardening gloves and sharp, sterilized pruning shears before you start harvesting Mullein.

1. Mullein Leaves

  • Harvest the Mullein leaves when they are young before bloom. Mulching around the plant’s base will let you harvest clean foliage.
  • Pick only two or three leaves from the second year’s plant, as the leaves have a great role in root development.
  • Only select clean leaves, as washing away the dirt is very difficult.

2. Mullein Flowers

  • Inspect the flowers and pick fully opened blooms.
  • You can harvest the flowers by visiting the plant daily or cutting off the stalk at once.
  • Place the picked stalk or flowers on a clean-dry basket and dry them to avoid molds.
  • While you are at it, deadhead spent blooms to extend the flowering period.

3. Mullein Seeds

  • Inspect the mature plant that has reached the end of the flowering period.
  • You will notice the round and brown-colored seeded pods on mature flowers.
  • You can harvest the seed pods by handpicking or cutting them with clean pruning tools.
  • Collect the seed pods in a clean-dry container and remove any dust particles attached.

4. Mullein Roots

  • Harvest Mullein roots only in the second year after all the energy is diverted from other parts.
  • Loosen the soil using a spade or garden fork and gently remove the root.
  • It’s considerable if the root breaks. You can simply take out the remaining roots.
  • Wash the root well before slicing them to dry.

From Editorial Team

Don’t Miss This Before Harvesting Mullein!

While harvesting the leaves, always inspect the lower part as it attracts many bugs and traps their droppings.

Moreover, visit the flower daily as they are prone to molds and other fungal infections. If the molds appear after harvest, dry them single-layered.