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What Does Grafting A Tree Mean? [Gardening Ideas]

Do you know the cleft tree grafting technique is the oldest method used by the ancient Chinese and the people of Mesopotamia about 4,000 years ago?

Grafting a tree simply means connecting two plants by inserting a tender shoot or scion of one plant onto another plant’s wounded trunk or rootstock. It is mainly carried out in fruiting trees to enhance fruit quality and quantity, making plants stronger and disease resistant.

Although grafting might seem a better option to propagate plants, it is not viable for all plants. Thus, read until the end to learn everything about grafting a tree.

What is Tree Grafting?

In simpler terms, tree grafting is a propagation method connecting two plants to get the best traits out of them.

For instance, heirloom Tomatoes are grafted with other disease-resistant Tomatoes, so the obtained Tomato plants are free from diseases with a rich heirloom flavor.

A general tree grafting process is somewhat similar to an organ transplant. You will be attaching a shoot of a desired plant onto the wounded trunk of another plant.

Here, the plant trunk with a root system is a rootstock, and the young shoot or twig placed on top of the rootstock is a scion.

a stem after a successful grafting
Two different stems merge and become one with progressive tissue growth in the wounded area.

Firstly, make a clean cut on the rootstock plant and place a scion over it to allow mutual tissue growth.

Then carefully wrap them up to ensure the graft is safe from pests and diseases.

Remember, tree grafting and budding are two different vegetative propagation methods.

The budding technique uses a plant bud atop the rootstock wound, while grafting uses a tender stem or scion.

What is the Purpose of Grafting?

Grafting primarily aims to produce sturdy, disease-free, reliable plants by combining two matching plants.

Furthermore, grafting is a great way to produce new plant varieties per desired shapes with optimal yields.

Alternatively, it allows alteration of the fruiting trees’ life span, production quality and quantity.

Nowadays, horticultural grafting is also carried out to make plants more sturdy and adaptive to different conditions.

Likewise, various types of grafting techniques are available, and each one serves different purposes.

For example, the whip and tongue approach is common to graft fruit trees by connecting scion and rootstock of equal diameter.

Other standard grafting methods are four-flap, cleft, inlay and bud grafting.

Having that said, not all plants can be grafted and requires compatible scion and rootstock to carry out successful grafting.

However, a recent discovery unfolded grafting is possible even for monocots, once thought impossible.

Editor’s Note

Grafting Is a Better Option!

Unlike propagation via stem cutting or seeds, grafted plants heal relatively faster, resulting in faster growth and fruiting.

That said, it is slightly expensive, and not all plants can be grafted, as incompatible grafting can result in poor flowering and fruiting.

All The Best!

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