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Weeping Willow Tree Pros And Cons [Top 5+ Keyways]

The Weeping Willow tree is traditionally associated with friendship and is believed to symbolize empathy. But with the benefits and pros of the Weeping Willow Tree tags along few cons.

Generally, the Weeping Willow tree is adored for its height and unique green leaves branching like dropping tears. However, most of the leaves fall off after the autumn creating a difficult-to-clean mess. 

Besides, understanding both the pros and cons of the Weeping Willow tree helps you strengthen the decision to bring one home.

What Is a Weeping Willow Tree?

The Weeping Willow (Salix babylonica) is a deciduous tree gaining popularity for its unique cascading branches.

This tree is a close relative to the paper-producing Poplar tree, sharing the same family, Salicaceae.

These trees are native to China, but you’ll see them widely growing in many parts of North America.

Generally, the tree thrives in a temperate and sub-tropical region with mild to warm temperatures. You’ll have no problem growing them from Zone 6 to Zone 9.

The tree will grace your garden with yellowish-green flowers in early spring before the leaves emerge. 

But it will take 3 to 5 years for the plant to mature and reach the flowering stage. 

Further, many confuse the plant with Weeping Fig, but they are nowhere related. 

Weeping Willow Tree Pros

Many of you might worry about the care hassle of the plant due to the name ‘Weeping Willow.’ But let me clarify, Weeping Willow is anything but difficult. 

They are easily adaptive to a wide range of soil, from clay to sandy loam, as long as they are well-draining

Also, they barely require pruning, so they would not bother you with maintenance. 

Moreover, you can grow them in any location where you can provide them with at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight.

Meanwhile, the pros of the Weeping Willow tree do not end here, so let’s have a look at a few more.

  • Firstly, Weeping Willow is a great addition to your home garden with their gracefully drooping branches, flower, and foliage. They add visual texture to the garden.
  • These trees are fast-growing, with average yearly growth of 3 to 4 feet during the initial years. While a mature tree can be up to 50 feet, with a large canopy providing shade in your garden. 
A portrait of weeping willow plant by the river side.
Weeping Willow adds another dimension to your plain garden.
  • Adding to the pros of the willow tree are its extensive roots, which have a tight grip on the soil. They are often planted as erosion control along the riverbank and shorelines.
  • The thin lustrous green, lance-shaped leaves on the slender branch of the Willow tree attract many birds and pollinators like bees, just like Eastern Redbud. These pollinators do help the surrounding plants as well.

Note: The branches of Willow tree are fexible and a little vulnerable to damge in high winds. So, make sure not to shelter under the tree during storm.

What Is Negative of a Weeping Willow Tree?

As much as we adore the elegant silhouette of the Weeping Willow tree, pests are equally attracted to them. 

Willow leaf beetles, sawflies, aphids, and caterpillars feed on the plant’s leaves, leaving behind unaesthetic brown and dark blotches. 

These pets do not limit themselves to the Weeping Willow tree but tend to spread around in the surrounding, which is among the major cons overshadowing its pros.

Use neem oil to prevent the spread of pests.

Further, here are some more cons of the Weeping Willow tree that would want to rethink its pros.

  • Invasive roots: Although the trees’ roots are shallow, they tend to extend quickly in search of water and nutrients. This can disturb the growth of nearby vegetation and elements like underground pipes and fountains. 
  • Excessive leaves drop: As the fall begins, the Weeping willow tree prepares for the dormancy phase and starts shedding its leaves. Not just leaves, they also drop many branches, which can create a mess if plated near a walkway or driveway.
  • High water demand: Weeping Willow roots needs consistent moisture. Bottom watering could be the perfect option, but since the roots also require a lot of space, we do not recommend you grow the tree in a pot.
  • Allergic reactions: Willow trees do not contain any toxic compounds harmful to human beings or pets. However, the sap of the tree and leaves may cause skin irritation for someone with highly sensitive skin. 

From the Editorial Team 

Be Mindful of Weeping Willow Location!

Despite all the pros and cons of the Weeping Willow tree, you have to be careful about where to plant them. 

Given the extensive root system of Willow trees, make sure not to grow them near a fountain and underground pipes. The root can damage them.

So, plant somewhere near a water body, away from any physical structure, ideal to fulfill its moisture requirement. 

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