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Vertical Hydroponic System: Everything You Need To Know

In a vertical hydroponic system, you can grow different types of plants in a space-friendly manner. It’s amazing that you don’t even have to use messy soil in this method.

Generally, a vertical hydroponic system works by passing the solution rich in nutrients through the vertical tubes or channels where the plants are growing. This system uses less water and nutrients and produces a very low amount of waste, which is more sustainable than traditional soil farming.

You can grow variety of plants in a vertical hydroponic system, including herbs, greens, tomatoes, chilies, vegetables, and even small fruit trees.

So, go through this entire article to learn about vertical hydroponic systems in detail and to build this system easily at your home.

How Do Vertical Hydroponic Systems Work?

In a vertical hydroponic system, you can grow your plants without using soil and the nutrient medium essential for the plants.

Basically, a vertical hydroponic system works by passing the solution rich in nutrients through the vertical tubes or channels where the plants are growing.

Instead of soil, you use mediums like vermiculite, sphagnum moss, coco coir, perlite, etc. in a hydroponic system.Plant growing in vertical hydroponic system

You can grow high-quality crops in vertical hydroponics.In the lowermost part, there is a reservoir full of nutrient medium. The solution provides the plant with the essential nutrients they need to grow and survive.

In the vertical hydroponics, you can see a pump that pumps the nutrients from the bottom to the top. From the top, the nutrients flow back vertically downwards, passing through every plant.

Moreover, the excess solution goes back to the bottom and then returns to the reservoir of the system. In this way, the plants grow and survive in the vertical hydroponic system by reusing and recycling nutrients.

How To Build a DIY Vertical Hydroponic System?

To build a DIY vertical hydroponic system, you can buy commercial hydroponic plans online or use the materials available at your home.

You need PVC pipes, net pots, a growing medium, a nutrient solution, a pump, and a reservoir for a vertical hydroponic system.

  • Cut the PVC pipes to the length you want your hydroponic system to be.
  • Connect the pipes together and drill the holes in the pipes to fit the net pots.
  • Fill your net pots with the soilless growing medium and plant the seeds or seedlings.
  • In the existing system, connect the air pump and reservoir.
  • Fill the nutrient medium to the reservoir and turn on the system.

Remember to use artificial lights if you are growing plants in vertical hydroponics indoors. You can also treat the plants affected by pests and diseases by placing the hydroponic pesticides and fungicides inside the nutrient medium.

Vertical Hydroponic System Benefits

As a vertical hydroponics system uses less water and nutrients and produces a very low amount of waste, it is more sustainable than traditional soil farming.

Moreover, this method can also be the best way to teach your children about agriculture and plants.

  • Due to the constant water supply and nutrients, you can get a higher yield from vertical hydroponic systems than from soil-based farming.
  • As the nutrient solutions recycle, this system uses less water than traditional soil farming.
  • You can grow plants that are less susceptible to pests and diseases.
  • As pests and diseases occur less in a vertical hydroponic system, there is less use of herbicides and chemical pesticides.
  • You don’t have to worry about climatic disturbances while growing your plants. This system blesses you with year-round production.
  • Additionally, you can grow many plants efficiently anywhere, including balconies, outdoor gardens, terraces, indoor gardens, etc.
  • The fruits, vegetables, and greens are of high quality and with improved taste.

Thus, by using a vertical hydroponics system, you can grow and harvest your vegetables and crops faster.

However, it’s complex to use this hydroponic system. Also, this system is expensive and uses a lot of electric power. 

Nevertheless, there are many benefits and disadvantages of using this system.

From Editorial Team

Tips For Growing Plants In Vertical Hydroponics!

The nutrient solution that you use in vertical hydroponics must be of high quality. Moreover, you must maintain the correct temperature while growing the plants.

Additionally, for the flowering plants, herbs, and green, provide artificial light for about 12-14 hours in absence of sunlight.

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