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5+ Best Trees That Look Like Redbud [For Reddish Garden]

Spring-blooming Redbuds flourish within the USDA zones 4-9, but if you are tired of “planting your garden red,” other trees like Redbud may just be the eye candy for your garden! 
Generally, some trees, such as Texas Mountain-Laurel, Yaupon, Carolina Laurelcherry, and Common Hoptree, can replace Redbud Trees. These trees resemble the Redbud in their growth habit and the color of the flowers.
Go through the article below to learn about the Trees that resemble Redbuds.

Trees That Look Like Redbud: Perfect Varieties for Your Garden 

Although you cannot find trees exactly like Redbuds, features in some trees, like heart-shaped leaves, flower color, etc, can resemble Redbuds.

However, each species have its own characteristics and care requirements. So, it’s vital to choose the one that suits your region’s climate and environmental conditions.

1. Texas Mountain-Laurel

Texas Mountain-Laurel (Sophora secundiflora) is often mistaken for Redbud Trees (Cercis canadensis) because of their similarity in appearance.

Beautiful Redbud Trees
Flowers of Redbuds are edible and can be eaten as salads or garnish.

Texas Mountain-Laurel has a cluster of pink or lavender flowers that bloom in Spring and heart-shaped leaves that turn red or orange in Fall, similar to Redbuds.

However, Texas Mountain-Laurel differs from Redbuds in their evergreen nature. Redbud Trees are deciduous and shed their leaves once a year. 

2. Yaupon 

Both the trees, Redbud and Yaupon (Ilex vomitoria), have small, white flowers that bloom in Spring and oval leaves that turn red in Fall.

However, Yaupon has small blooms than Redbuds.

The flowers of Yaupon are about 0.25 inches, and the flowers of Redbud Trees are about 0.5 inches.

Additionally, Redbud Trees have a shorter lifespan than the Yaupon. i.e. 20-30 years.

3. Carolina Laurelcherry

Carolina Laurelcherry (Prunus caroliniana) and Redbud Trees bloom pink or white flowers in Spring.

Furthermore, these trees have heart-shaped leaves.

But the major difference between Carolina Laurelcherry and Redbuds is their growth habit.

Carolina Laurelcherry is evergreen, and Redbud Trees are deciduous and shed their entire leaves once a year.

4. Common Hoptree

Common Hoptree (Ptelea trifoliata) and Redbud Trees are medium-sized trees native to North America.

Similarly, Common Hoptrees are misinformed as Redbuds because of their similarities in heart-shaped leaves and growth habits.

However, there are some variations too. Common Hoptree has compound leaves, whereas Redbuds bear simple leaves.

Note: Redbuds are toxic to your pets, containing a toxic compound called Saponin.

5. Mexican Buckeye

Mexican Buckeye (Ungnadia speciosa) looks like Redbuds because of their similar features, such as similar growth habits and the color of their flowers.

However, there are some prime differences between these plants, such as in the structure of leaves.

Mexican Buckeye has compound leaves, while the other bear simple leaves.

Similarly, Mexican Buckeye has a more spreading growth habit than Redbuds.

6. Carolina Buckthorn

Carolina Buckthorn (Frangula caroliniana) & Redbuds both have pink or white colored flowers that bloom in Spring.

Furthermore, both plants have similar growth habitats: moist, well-drained soil and full sun.

However, there are some variations between these plants.

Redbuds are deciduous, whereas the Carolina Buckthorn plant is evergreen.

Additionally, Redbuds have simple leaves, but Carolina Buckthorn has compound leaves.

7. Roughleaf Dogwood

Roughleaf Dogwood (Cornus drummondii) and Rebuds are small to medium-sized deciduous trees originating from North America.

Additionally, their growth habitats are also the same.

Roughleaf Dogwood with beautiful pink blossoms that looks like redbud
Roughleaf Dogwood bears pink blossoms similar to Redbud but has compound leaves.

In contrast, Roughleaf Dogwood bears simple leaves, while the Redbuds have compound leaves.

On top of that, Roughleaf Dogwood has a more spreading growth habit than Redbuds.

From Editorial Team


Redbuds give a stunning spring vibe to your garden. However, they are winter-hardy only in their native climates.

Hence, if you stick to planting redbuds without second thoughts about other trees, manage an early spring planting schedule at all costs!