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Do Trees Create Wind? [The Nature Never Fails To Amaze Us!]

Cool breeze touching your face is soothing, but do you know the dynamics of this heavenly wind touch that trees try to create?

Generally, trees do not create wind at the beginning. It starts only when there is a change in the temperature and pressure created by the sun’s rays. Also, they are not significant wind creators but aid in increasing or decreasing wind speed.

Scroll down to learn what factors affect wind speed and how trees are related to wind.

Do Trees Help Create Wind?

Many believed trees initiated the wind that traveled from the forest to the cities. However, that might not be the beginning.

Usually, trees transpire to release denser cool air and flow towards the vacant space created by the rising hot air.

The process continues several times and occurs in different locations due to the direction of sunlight.

Thus, a biotic pump is created between the forests and the ocean due to the vaporization of air molecules, which leads to a wind cycle. So, trees do help to create wind.

Also, the pressure difference between two atmospheric environments can lead to the flow of wind from a higher range to a lower area causing the trees to move.

So you can say the sun is the prime creator of wind movement, and trees just aid the movement and affect the speed.

Do Forests Slow Down Wind?

If trees can boost the wind movement, they can also act as a barrier to the wind because they are not directly related to it.

Trees can accelerate or decelerate the wind speed. Their role is dependent on the size and placement.

Generally, the leaves, branches, and trunks of trees create friction when wind rubs over them. This frictional force creates turbulence and affects the wind energy, ultimately slowing down speed.
The trees group
Maintain a gap between trees for better root establishment to protect them even during hurricanes.

Moreover, wind retardation is highest in an area with taller trees in a group. So dense forests help to slow down the wind more than a sparse one with shorter trees.

Not only in controlling wind, but forests also have several benefits in reducing soil erosion, maintaining biodiversity, and climate regulation.

However, tall, dense trees might not be a good option in an area with wind turbines as it will affect wind speed.

So keep a safe distance from trees if you have a turbine to generate electricity.

From Editorial Team

Additional Information!

Trees do not create wind. Instead, they are impacted by the winds as the relationship between wind and trees determines their growth and survival.

Also, avoid vegetation near an area requiring high wind speed, as it will create turbulence in the particles and reduce wind efficiency.

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