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12 Proven Ti Plant Benefits That You Need To Sack

Did you know that the Ti plant is used in mysticism and in keeping the evil spirit away from home in Austronesian culture? 

Moreover, the people of New Zealand, Southeast Asia, the Pacific Islands, and Papua New Guinea use the Ti plant for many cultural, medicinal, and culinary purposes. 

Generally, the Ti plant helps treat inflammation, hemorrhoids, bloody urine, cough, dysentery, ulcer, asthma, and several other infectious conditions. It also acts as a natural sweetener, rain gear, and food wrapper.

Besides, the Ti plant can be an excellent landscape specimen for your outdoor garden that radiates your garden with its palm-like colorful leaves. 

Also, if you are looking for a plant that inherits a lucky charm, grab and grow this plant. The list of Ti plant Benefits is ever-expanding so don’t skim until you finish the article. 

12 Amazing Ti Plant Benefits

Ti plant (Cordyline fruticosa) is native to Bangladesh, South China, Southeast Asia, New Guinea, and Northern Australia.

Belonging to Asparagaceae, it has received some common names, including ti plant, palm lily, and cabbage palm.

Although the plant is popular for its luminous foliage, it definitely has more to offer. Let us explore what additional benefits the Ti plant leverages and how to sack those up.  

1. Helps Reduce Inflammation

Inflammation represents a biological response to harmful stimuli, infections, or external invaders, but chronic inflammation can be something to be aware of. 

When our body is unable to fight external invaders, it can also be fatal, but relax; the Ti plant is here to save your day.

According to  article on Research Gate, the Ti plant has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which help reduce such inflammation.

You can smoothen ti plant leaves in mortar and apply it in swollen gums
You can smoothen ti plant leaves in a mortar and apply it to swollen gums.

Research also shows that the polyphenol content of the methanol leaf extract has significant antioxidant activity.

This helps take as a promising technique for food supplementation with natural antioxidants. 

Traditionally, Ti plants served as anti-inflammatory plants that helped reduce inflammation in teeth and gums. 

Smoothen the Ti plant’s leaves, mix a pinch of salt, and apply to the swollen gums.

You can notice a significant reduction in the swelling the following day. Continue the process until your gums do not heal.

2. Possesses Analgesic and Anti-pyretic Properties

You do not always have to rush to get yourself antibiotics when you have a moderate fever or pain. Instead, you can soothe your pain with a cup of warm Ti plant tea. 

Thanks to its antipyretic and analgesic properties, the Ti plant as serving as an effective remedy for swellings, relieves pain and reduces mild fever.

Testing of the antipyretic property of Ti plant
Ti plant preserves antipyretic and analgesic properties.

The research on the therapeutic effects of the Ti plant (cordyline Fructose) was done in mice to examine the analgesic and antipyretic effects of its methanolic extract.

Their findings back up the use of the Ti plant to soothe moderate pain and mild fever, highlighting its therapeutic effectiveness in mice experiments. 

Traditionally, Ti leaves were wrapped in the head and chest to treat fever which lacked perspiration. It was used as healing apparatus rather than medicine itself.

3. Useful for Treating Hemorrhoids 

Are you worried about your feces mixed with blood stains? Well, it is natural as hemorrhoids can suck your blood, causing anemia and making you feeble.

But, don’t panic; the Ti plant can help treat hemorrhoids.

Its anti-inflammatory property helps in controlling blood vessel inflammation, assisting hemorrhoid treatment. 

Ti plant helps treat hemorrhoids.

You can make Ti plant herbal tea to knock off hemorrhoids. Take about 3 pieces of purple leaves, and three sheets of Ti Plant leaves and wash them. Then, add 3 cups of water and boil until 1/3rd of the water dries out. 

There you have your Ti plant tea. Drink it regularly twice a day until hemorrhoids do not bid you farewell. 

Next, take 20 grams of freshly washed Ti plant leaf and add 200 ml of water. Boil the water until its volume reduces to half, and serve yourself the tea. 

4. Dysentery Treatment 

Dysentery wrecks havoc with its bloody diarrhea causing excessive dehydration, mucus feces, stomach cramps, fever, nausea, and vomiting. 

But, that should not scare you, as the Ti plant in your outdoor garden can assist you in bidding it a farewell. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, that help to treat infectious inflammatory conditions like dysentery. 

Ti plant contains compounds like flavonoids and polyphenols, which have anti-inflammatory effects.

This help fights off free radicals responsible for oxidative stress in our bodies and soothes intestinal inflammation, which in turn helps treat dysentery. 

You can crush dried ti plant leaves and flowers using mortar and pestle and store it in ari tight container for later use
You can crush dried Ti plant leaves and flowers using mortar and pestle and store them in an airtight container for later use.

Traditionally, the Ti plant was used to treat several conditions like bloody urine, cough, and dysentery. 

Boil dried leaves and roots of the Ti plant in 3 cups of water to treat dysentery.

5. Treats Menstrual Problem

About 14-28%  of menstruating females face menstrual problems like excessive cramps, bleeding irregularities, and irregular periods.

Such problems might be the result of hormonal imbalances, which might even cause menopause and infertility in the long term.

However, you need not worry as these problems are curable, and the Ti plant can benefit you in many ways.

Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine states that anti-inflammatory and antioxidant element reduces the number of inflammatory prostaglandins that are responsible for painful period.

The Ti plant has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds like flavonoids and polyphenols, which can treat menstrual problems.

An illustration of different types of period cramps
Ti Plant can treat different types of period cramps.

Besides, the Ti plant has also been used traditionally in the Philippines to prevent excessive menstrual bleeding. 

So, drinking a cup of Ti plant tea regularly is beneficial to fight against menstrual problems. 

6. Respiratory Health Support 

Do you suffer from colds, sore throats, or coughs frequently? Don’t worry; a cup of Ti plant tea helps fight against such problems.

Ti plant has antibacterial, antioxidant, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory properties, effectively supporting the respiratory health system. 

Besides, this houseplant can also work as a medicine in the treatment of asthma.

The Ti plant has been traditionally used as an effective ingredient in treating asthma. 

A study published in the Sage Journal suggests that Ti plant flower contains Anthocyanin properties. 

Anthocyanin is a water-soluble vacular component that has protective effects of Anthocyaun on inflammation and oxidative stress-mediated asthma. 

Ti plant helps treat and reduce respiratory issues.

The research showed the effectiveness of Anthocyanins in inhibiting airway inflammation, thereby justifying the use of the Ti plant flowers as an herbal remedy for treating asthma.

To prepare Ti plant flower tea, take about 10 grams of tried Ti plant flower and boil it in 200 ml of water. Lower the flame and boil until the volume decreases to half, and serve yourself warm tea. 

7. Effective Remedy for Infectious Condition

Skin and other infections like sore eyes, skin rashes, and eczema are major problems affecting a large number of people. But, you need not worry as the Ti plant is here to serve you.

A study of Cordyline Fructose published in research gate suggests that the Ti plant exhibits antibacterial and anti-inflammatory activity against infectious bacteria.

Bacteria such as Streptococcus pyogenes and Staphylococcus epidermis are responsible for causing several mild to fatal infections, but Ti plants can save you.

Before and after results of Skin Infection
You can see the difference between before and after results of skin infection after applying the Ti plant.

Traditionally, Ti plant extracts were used to treat several skin conditions and infections such as toothache, sores, pimples, etc.

Its leaves and ashes were used for the treatment of infectious conditions like smallpox and skin rashes.  In Papua New Guinea, the Tok Pisin tribe used its leaf extract from heating to treat sores and pimples.  

Similarly, Fijian used its juice to treat infectious conditions like earache, sore eyes, and eczema.  

8. Ulcer Treatment  

Peptic Ulcer, also called gastric ulcer, is caused due to uncontrolled stomach acid resulting in nausea, lack of appetite, and abdominal pain.

Traditionally, people used the Ti plant as an effective remedy to treat ulcers. 

Ti plant can treat many diseases, including the ulcer.

Thymidine present in the aqueous extract of cordyline is shown to exhibit antiproliferative activity.  

According to an article published in the National Library of Medicine, the aqueous extract and ethanolic extract of the Ti plant helps inhibit gastric cancer cell, exhibiting anti-gastric cancer activity.

So, consuming the tea of Ti plant leaves might be a good idea if you have a peptic ulcer. 

9. Treating Bloody Urine and Cough  

Does your urine appear bloody and burn while you urinate? Relax, ti plant benefits in treating such bloody urine because of its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. 

Bloody urine is caused due to infections resulting in inflammation such as UTIs. 

Ti plant helps cough and other Infectious diseases.

Ti plants help to soothe inflammatory conditions by fighting against infectious bacteria causing inflammation, thereby aiding in the treatment of bloody urine.  

Traditionally, the Ti plant was used in the Philippines to treat such bloody cough: hemoptysis occurred due to pulmonary tuberculosis.

Take about 600 grams of Ti plant roots and leaves and boil it with 3 cups of water. Now, lower the heat when it comes to boil and wait until the volume is reduced by 1/3rd.

Finally, you can drink the ready mix twice a day but ensure that you do not drink more than 1/2 cup at a time. 

10. Natural Sweetener

Ti plant is popular for its humongous use as food, traditional medicine, and ornamental plants. Besides, they were traditionally used in sweetening foods. 

The Ti plant tuber contains glucofructans, which is a type of fructose and act as a natural sweetener for foods. 

Its rhizomes contain about 20% sugar, so it also is used as a natural sweetener in New Zealand and many other places. 

Ti plant acts as a natural sweeter.

Similarly, they also serve in the making okolehao, an alcoholic brew from the ti roots in  Hawaii.

In Fiji, Papua New Guinea, and the Pacific Islands, its rhizome is baked for about four days in an earthen oven. The baked rhizome is consumed as food, sweets, refreshment, or confectionery.

11. Great for Home Decor

The perk of growing a Ti plant is it can create a luminous effect both in your outdoor garden and indoor space. 

Its color shades range from green, red, chocolate, pink, orange, and streaked variation, offering you multiple color options for decoration.

Although it produces white, pink, yellow, and red sessile, star-shaped flowers, its major highlight is its colorful smooth, flexible sword-shaped palm-like vibrant leaves that grow 1-2 feet long with a spread of about 4 inches. 

You can arrange Ti plant leaves in a glass jar for decoration
You can arrange Ti plant leaves in a glass jar for decoration.

You can use Ti plant leaves in bouquets as it adds colors to the flower arrangements.

To leverage its aesthetic beauty in your outdoor garden, you can plant it as a statement piece or even grow them as hedges or border plants. Some popular outdoor gardening varieties are Red sister, Pink passion, Australis, etc. 

Similarly, to adorn your indoor space with its vibrant foliage, place it by your office table or in the corner of your bedroom. Likewise, you can place them on the table as a center decore piece in your living room.

Insight! Hawaiian Boy, Florida Red’, ‘Candy Cane, Black Magic, Morning Sunshine, Miss Andrea are some best Ti plant varieties for indoor decoration.  

12. Cultural Significance 

Did you know that the Ti plant, originally called Ki, is considered sacred to the Hawaiian God Lono and the goddess of Hula, Laka? 

The ti plant has huge cultural significance in the animist religions of Austronesians, as they regard it as sacred, associating it with mystical and spiritual power.

They believe the Ti plant holds a soul and uses it in treating soul loss illness and dispatch malevolent spirits. 

Similarly, Ifugao people plant Ti plant as a border plant as a fence to prevent entering of evil sprint into their communities and cultivation. 

Ti plant makes an excellent ornamental plant
A Red Ti plant symbolizes blood and war.

The red Ti plant was worn in ceremonial dances called “bangibang,” which was dedicated to warriors who died in battle. 

Likewise, New Geninean people use it as an indicator of land ownership for cultivation and also for ceremonial men’s houses.

Besides, each color variation of ti plant symbolizes different meanings.  

Color Type Meaning and Symbols
Red 1. Blood and war
2. Used in White Magic
3. Ties between the living and the dead
Green 1. Peace and healing
2. Also, associated to black magic rituals

Health Considerations of Ti Plant to Keep in Mind

Although the Ti plant benefits us in several ways, you need to keep it at a safe distance as they are toxic to your pets.

According to ASPCA, the Hawaiian Ti plant contains saponins making them moderately toxic to cats and dogs.   

On ingestion, your pets might show symptoms like vomiting (occasionally with blood), depression, anorexia, hypersalivation, and dilated pupils (cats). 

Ti plant can be toxic to cat.

Hurray!  California Poison Control System(CPCS), has listed the Ti plant as non-toxic to humans. 

However, the saponins content might irritate your mouth, throat, and gastro-intestine if consumed raw.

So, cook the Ti plant properly as heat significantly decreases the saponins content present in the Ti plant.

To avoid its health hazards, boil its parts properly as instructed above and be careful not to consume more than 2/3 cups of Ti plant water daily. 

You can contact the following helpline if your pet has nibbled the Ti plant. 

Where to Buy Ti Plant?

Ti plant benefits are humongous. They instantly jazz up any dull space and offers many medicinal and cultural values. 

If so, why not get yourself a Ti plant? Here are some places from you can get Ti Plant.

Places to Buy Expected Delivery Period
EtsyArrive within 7-10 days
AmazonWithin 5-8 days
Kanoa Hawaii FedEx delivery from Hawaii (1-2 days) after shipping, which takes 1-2 business days
Urban Tropicals Ships to only the lower 48 states and delivery might take about 9 days


Ti plant adds liveness and freshness to your space while offering anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and sweetening benefits. 

To leverage its aesthetic beauty, plant it as a statement piece in your outdoor garden and as a center decor piece on the table of your living room. 

However, their toxicity makes them dangerous to pets, so keep them at a safe distance. 

If you have already own Ti plant, you might also be interested in learning about Ti plant flowers

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