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Why is my Threadleaf Aralia Dropping Leaves?

Are you worried by the fact that your Threadleaf Aralia is dropping leaves? Remain calm as it is quite a common phenomenon for the plant.

I am a plant enthusiast and have several indoor plants in my house, including Threadleaf Aralia for decoration.

The article describes the different methods I used to take care of my Threadleaf Aralia.

The possible causes for Threadleaf Aralia dropping leaves are inconsistent plant watering, low humidity, inadequate lighting, and extreme temperature conditions. In addition, Pest infestation and diseases may also cause leaves to drop. 

Threadleaf Aralia with its distinct saw like leaves
Threadleaf Aralia with its distinct saw-like leaves (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Often, the changes in watering schedule, temperature, and the constant moving of the plant may severely affect them.

Read more about the tips that I used to manage the dropping of leaves and appropriate conditions and the different ways to prevent leaf falling from Threadleaf aralia.

Is it Normal for Threadleaf Aralia to Drop Leaves?

Plants dropping leaves can be disheartening to their owners.

Threadleaf aralia is a susceptible plant, and the leaves; branches will fall at the slightest pull, changing in their optimum growing condition.

The frail and sensitive nature of the leaves causes them to drop.

Don’t worry; leaves of Threadleaf Aralia falling do not mean your plant is dying.

It just means that the plant is not getting proper growing conditions for its growth.

Providing proper growing conditions in soil moisture, temperature, and proper lighting may revert the leaves dropping.

As for the dry soil conditions, maintaining proper humidity levels can be helpful.

Quick Note: Regular dropping of the leaves may also be seasonal.

Causes of Dropping Leaves in Threadleaf Aralia

Threadleaf Aralia is one of the most popular indoor plants requiring proper humidity and soil conditions to ensure proper growth.

Generally, a wide of factors inconsistent soil moisture, humidity levels, temperature, lighting, and other factors affect the dropping of leaves.

All these factors affect the plant in a different way which can lead to the leaf falling.

The most common issue is inconsistent moisture; it is important to pinpoint the exact cause.

There are many ways to provide proper care for your indoor plants. Maintaining Temperature and soil conditions help Threadleaf Aralia to a great extent.

Here are some of the reasons why your Threadleaf Aralia may drop leave with preventable measures and solutions.

Inconsistent Soil MoistureMaintain the relative humidity above 60%. Keeping the topsoil (2 inches) moist at all times.
Low HumidityMist the leaves with filtered water daily. Using moist pebbles in the pot.
Light related conditions, issuesProvide a constant level of lighting. Placing the plant in lightly shaded area but away from the sun.
Transplant ShockDeveloping proper drainage system as original potting.Not moving the plant around frequently.
Change in temperatureMaintain proper temperature levels (18-29 C). Placing the plant away from fans, windows and heaters.
Infestations and diseasesCutting the infected areas to prevent spread. Keeping the leaves dry to prevent infections.

The factors which affect the plant directly are as follows:

1. Inconsistent Soil Moisture

In the case of Threadleaf Aralia, soil moisture and texture are critical and should be taken into account. Threadleaf Aralia requires almost perfect watering.

A proper rate of water should be provided as overwatering and underwatering the plant may create issues.

Underwatering the plant cause stress for the plant and may require to be soaked in the tub to rehydrate the soil.

Overwatering may also create fungal infections and drainage problems in the roots causing the leaves to drop.

If the plant has completely dried out, resoak it in a water tub to revive the soil. Normal filtered or distilled water can be used to water the plant.

Watering the Plants
Watering the Plants (Source:


  • As a rule of thumb, water the plant by inspecting the soil and watering it 1-2 times a week.
  • To ensure a proper watering routine, allow the soil to become visibly dry.
  • Do not allow the plant to sit in a saucer cup filled with water.
  • Water as long as the soil is damp; don’t wait to be completely soaked and immediately throw away the drained water.
  • Using Peat-based mix to ensure water retention in the soil.
  • Ensure that your pot has the proper drainage system.
  • Hydrate the top layer of the soil to ensure proper soil moisture is maintained for its optimum growth.

Quick Note: Excess hydration of the soil can also lead to wilting of leaves.

2. Low Humidity

Threadleaf Aralia thrives in a humid environment.

Low humidity increases the transpiration rate and causes excessive water loss, causing the leaves to drop.

The proper growth of the plant requires almost 50-60% relative humidity levels.

The tropical region is the best location for growing Threadleaf Aralia. 


  • Use Pebbles, rocks in the pot to ensure proper humidity levels.
  • Use humidity trays and other misting techniques to help maintain high levels of humidity.
  • Placing the plant near household areas (Bathroom, Kitchen) to ensure proper humidity.
  • Ensuring the topsoil (2 inches) is moderately moist.
  • Using a humidifier to provide adequate levels of humidity can help with the overall process. You can also take a look at the Geninani Portable Humidifier.
  • Misting houseplants is an effective way to ensure proper humidity levels; additionally, it is also useful for preventing overwatering of plants.
  • Keeping the surrounding soil relatively damp in the top two inches will aid in increasing humidity.
Humidifier (Source:Amazon)

If you are interested in pebble trays, you can take a look at them from Amazon, along with a variety of pebbles for garden and indoor plants use  (natural white pebbles).

3. Sudden Lighting Changes

Drastic changes in the lighting conditions can be stressful for Threadleaf Aralia and cause them to shed their leaves.

Both low lighting, bright lighting have an equal effect on the leaves dropping.

Threadleaf aralias are equally affected by the transition from low to bright light and vice versa, while they are less likely to replace lost leaves when moving from bright to low light.

If possible, choose a suitable growing location, to begin with to maintain a consistent light intensity.

Higher exposure to light leads to darker colored leaves. Additionally, it may cause leaves to turn brown.

Window with proper Sunlight
Window with proper Sunlight (Source: Unsplash)


  • Threadleaf aralia loves medium to the bright indirect lighting condition. Hence, place the plant away from direct sunlight.
  • Use an east, south or west-facing window to place the plant.
  • Place the plant near shaded southern exposure.
  • Use LED Grow lights to ensure proper distribution of light for the indoor plant.
  • Avoid north-facing exposures or deep shadow since low light can cause irreversible leaf loss and a leggy look.
  • Avoid drastic changes in lighting conditions around the plant.
  • Use sheer curtains, blinds to protect the plant from direct sunlight.

4. Temperature Extremities

Threadleaf Aralia is quite sensitive to extreme temperature and often prefers temperatures between (18-29°C) for optimum growth.

Temperature below 15°c damages the leaves of the plant.

Extreme hot or cold temperature causes stress to the plant leading to leaves dropping.

Low temperature may cause chilling injury to the plant, causing a large number of leaves to drop.


  • Grow the plant at room temperature.
  • Using special heat insulation measures (electric heating, plastic bags) to ensure proper temperature during winter.
  • Building an indoor shed to maintain cooler temperatures during the summer months.
  • Avoid hot or cold air indoors (fans, heaters) by which might damage the plant foliage by placing it away from the devices and windows.
  • Place the plant in a wind-sheltered area with southern exposure.
  • Spray the leaves with water to cool the Threadleaf Aralia plants in summer.
  • Move the plant indoors during the winter months to prevent chilling injury.
Indoor plants placed near a fan
Indoor plants placed near a fan (Source: Pxfuel)

5. Sudden Change in Location

The sensitive nature of Threadleaf Aralia causes leaves to drop easily when moved frequently from one location to another.

For example, the quantity of light and heat intensity differs when the plant moves from indirect illumination from a western to an eastern window.

If you need to move your Threadleaf Aralia, make sure you move it gradually to ensure minimum stress for the plant.

You may expect occasional leaf drops if you buy a plant from a nursery until it gets used to its new surroundings.


  • Place the plant near areas that have minimal human interaction, movement.
  • Do not move the plant as it can stress to the plant, causing leaves to drop.
  • Keep the light intensity consistent by starting with a favorable location.

6. Transplant Shock

Plants face transplant shock when they are moved, and the plant is forced to grow in a new environment or face a potting medium reduction.

Repotting or transplantation of the plant may cause stress and result in dropping leaves.

The common symptoms of transplant shock are wilting and falling of leaves, dying branches, and falling off branches. In extreme cases of negligence, the plants may die altogether.

Changes in the pot size, nutrients, and drainage are a few factors leading to the transplant shock for Threadleaf Aralia.


  • Ensure the new pot has similar drainage and soil system previous to repotting.
  • It is important to transplant the plant before it begins to overgrow and affect the plant root system.
  • Also, add a thin coating of tiny grit to the pot’s base to enhance drainage and reduce over-watering in plants that are in a darker position.
  • If your plant is experiencing transplant shock, consider combining sugar and water and gradually sprinkling it into the soil. It adds nutrients to the roots and helps them stay healthy and robust.
  • Repot Threadleaf aralia once a year in the spring, using general-purpose potting soil and a pot just large enough to accommodate the roots.
  • Try not to move the plant around much. Indoor plants are often sensitive for up to 2 weeks after moving.
Threadleaf Aralia with its Distinct Leaves
Threadleaf Aralia with its Distinct Leaves (Source: Etsy)

7. Infestations of Pests

Mealybugs and spider mites attacks are common in Threadleaf Aralia.

If these infestations are not taken care of, it may even kill the plant.

Stunted growth and yellow or fallen leaves are the most common signs of insect damage; however, both can manifest visible bugs as the infestation progresses.

The continuous piercing by these sap-sucking insects stresses and weakens the critical leaf tissues. In addition, the yellowing of the leaves causes them to droop or fall off.

Common PestsSymptoms
Spider MitesYellow or brown colorations in leaves.
Spider web like characteristic on the plant.
MealybugsFormation of cotton like puffs on stems.


  • Shower the plant or hose it down outside to reduce spider mites.
  • If the infestation is severe, rinse your plant with Neem oil or insecticidal soap.
  • Before taking plants home, always inspect and quarantine them.
  • Use pest-free, clean soil or potting mix.
Ladybug sitting on a leaf
Ladybug sitting on a leaf (Source: Unsplash)

8. Infection and Diseases

Threadleaf Aralia also suffers from a few common indoor diseases which need to be taken care of to provide proper growth for the plant.

Alternaria Leaf Spot (Alternaria panax)Improper watering, fertilization, lighting. 1. Leaves turning into pale yellow.
2. Tiny lesion on foliage
Pythium root rotFungal infection caused due to overwatering.1. Stunted plant, chronic and wilted.
2. Blackened stem and mushy roots
Rhizoctonia aerial blight (Rhizoctonia solani)Soil borne fungal infection1. Lesions on Foliage
2. Spider web like mycelia of pathogen all over the leaf.


  • Avoid overhead watering and exposing the plant to rain to reduce Alternaria leaf spot.
  • Avoiding over-fertilizing reduces the severity of Alternaria leaf spot on false aralia,.
  • Pythium root rot may be controlled using soil drench treatments of many fungicides.
  • Apply fungicides like fludioxinil (Medallion 50W), strobilurins, and benzimidazoles.
  • Prevent Rhizoctonia infestation by using a healthy potting mix and sterilizing pots while repotting.

Here is a video that describes the proper way to take care of Threadleaf Aralia.

Tips to Take Care of Threadleaf Aralia

Proper care of Threadleaf aralia requires several factors of temperature, moisture along with the required properplant’sng conditions.

The plant can grow up to 5-6 feet in length within several years with proper care.

Here are few general takeaway tips for taking care of Threadleaf Aralia:

  • The ideal temperature for Threadleaf Aralia is between 18-29°C. Temperature above or below the recommended limit may delay the plant’s development.
  • As a rule of thumb, the top 2.5 cm of the soil should be moist at all times.
  • Threadleaf Aralia being a sensitive plant, requires NPK, household fertilizers on every two-week basis. Therefore, rabbit manure compost is best suited for the plant.
  • Use fertilizer in the summer season as it grows actively as compared to the winter (dormant) season.
  • Cutting of the diseased, infected parts of the plant to ensure it does not spread to other parts of the plant.
  • You should use a peat-based soil mixture as it does not retain the water in the roots for a longer period.
  • Prune the Aralia in late winter or early spring before new sprouts begin to grow as it helps to maintain the shape and size of the plant and also prevents irregular spread.
  • You should repot the plant every year to provide for proper growing conditions. Repotting before spring is the most ideal.
  • Before repotting the plant, make sure the new pot is at least one inch bigger as compared to the current one to ensure proper growth.
Healthy Threadleaf Aralia Leaves
Healthy Threadleaf Aralia Leaves (Source: Wikimedia Commons)


Threadleaf aralia is an attractive plant with unique saw-like, long leaves with a dark green color.

Unfortunately, the plant suffers from widespread dropping leaves quite easily when exposed to a stressful environment.

Specific lighting conditions, temperature, humidity, and moisture levels should be provided to indoor plants.

Maintaining such an adequate environment decreases the leaves falling.

The good news is that most aralia species are adaptable and can survive in a variety of growth environments.

To keep your Threadleaf aralia from dropping leaves, follow the tips in the article.

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