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Stone Lotus Flower: Appearance + How To Grow

The Lotus-shaped succulent found in bars, restaurants, or spas as tabletops might make you think of it as an artifact, but you might be wrong, as it is an actual Stone Lotus flower.

Generally, the Stone Lotus flower features a floret structure with small, fleshy mixed-colored leaves that gives rise to a bloom over a long stalk once in a while. Some of the varieties under Stone Lotus are Red Edge, Rabbit Ear, Dragon Claw, and White Dollar.

The list goes long, but before you install Stone Lotus in your garden, ensure that you meet the core requirements to get the most out of it.  

What Does Stone Lotus Flower Look Like?

The name Stone Lotus itself possesses the highlighting character as the leaf arrangement mimics the Lotus plant blooms.

The Stone Lotus flower looks like a Cactus with bulged leaves in a curvy pentagonal shape and layers of tiny and interwoven leaves in rabbit ears-like shapes.
A person is holding on a terracotta pot containing the Stone Lotus flower.
The Stone Lotus lacks stems, while the leaves allure a rosette pattern.

The versatility of the leaf structure is what differentiates all the Stone Lotus from one another.

Meanwhile, the Stone Lotus rarely blooms to give out pink, yellow, or orange hue inflorescence over a common long stalk.

Each inflorescence opens up from the middle leaf axil to give out small flowers ranging from 2 to 10 in number.

However, as a perennial, the staggering foliage that remains green throughout the season makes the Stone Lotus the perfect indoor and outdoor houseplant.

What Are The Benefits Of The Stone Lotus Flower?

Do not fall for the beautiful outlook of the Stone Lotus plants easily.

The Stone Lotus blossom has placed itself as one of the air-purifying plants that absorb harmful radiation indoors.

Also, Echeveria Lotus and Stone Lotus Flower can be the best way to attract pollinators like Butterfly and Bees, adding wildlife to your garden.

Meanwhile, the miniature form of the Stone Lotus adds extra benefits as it makes the plant more handy and movable, which can fill any gap between decor items in your showcase.

Stone Lotus is a non-toxic succulent with a sweet taste, so many eat it raw or cooked, as it is filled with dietary fiber, minerals, vitamins, and niacin.

Because of this, the plant plays a prominent role in removing uric acid, lowering sugar levels, and detoxifying the body.

Stone Lotus Flower Meaning & Symbolisms

The Echeveria is named Stone Lotus because of its stony and hardy appearance with Lotus florets arrangements.

Meanwhile, the Stone Lotus flower represents rare beauty and symbolizes strength and rigidity during tough times. So the plant is usually gifted to someone going through a difficult phase in life.
A person is holding on a green pot with the leaves and flower of Stone Lotus plant.
Different types of Stone Lotus give off various leaf arrangements, but the meaning remains the same for all succulents.

On the other hand, the Stone Lotus flower can refer to a timeless love as the plant rarely loses its vigor and can thrive for over three years.

Moreover, the plant symbolizes adaptability and persistence so you can keep the Stone Lotus as a symbol of endurance.

How To Grow & Care Stone Lotus?

Stone Lotus has become one of the favorite indoor plants thanks to its easy care and maintenance technique.

However, that does not mean you can neglect the plant entirely. So look at the tips below to get the Stone Lotus to bloom and give out the colorful foliage.

  • Provide at least 5-6 hours of direct sunlight daily during the winter and early spring, but bring Stone Lotus indoors during dormancy in summer.
  • Maintain the temperature around 55-80ºF and protect the plant if the temperature ranges below 32ºF.
  • Average room humidity (around 40%) is enough for the Stone Lotus.
  • Keep the watering schedule once or twice weekly and every two days in low-humid areas.
  • Choose a well-draining, loamy, porous soil that is slightly acidic to neutral pH and is rich in organic matter.
  • Use a slow-releasing fertilizer rich in potassium and phosphorous once every 20 days but cease it during dormancy.
  • You can even grow the Stone Lotus in a terracotta or plastic pot of 12 inches in diameter and depth.
  • Meanwhile, Stone Lotus requires repotting once it becomes rootbound, mainly in about 2-3 years.
  • Prune off the lower yellow or damaged leaves once in a while or when the plant becomes overcrowded.
  • Pests like mealybugs, spider mites, and ants can commonly attack the plant. So using neem oil and insecticidal soap during or before the infestation is advisable.
  • Meanwhile, if you observe black spots, root rot, or powdery substance, use a copper fungicide to control the disease’s spread.

From Editorial Team

Extra Tips!

To extend the Stone Lotus flower garden, propagate the plant once every three years using leaf cutting or rhizome division.

Stone Lotus rarely grows 3 inches tall and has a pleasant fragrance, making it one of the perfect miniatures to add to your decor collection.