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10 Best Small Leaf Hoya Plants

Enjoying the 2021 limelight, Hoyas are one of the beloved houseplants that have been around for decades and more! Popularly known as “anyone can grow plant.” 

The best choice for pet owners and plant lovers due to their non-toxic nature.

Small leafed Hoyas are extensively popular as indoor additions because they are tidy and easy to maintain compared to broad-leafed ones. Hoya Bilobata, Hoya Brevialata, Hoya Curtisii are among the most popular small leaved Hoya.

Are you looking forward to adding these beauties to your living space but not sure how to choose among the vast collection of hoyas?

Well, stay tuned, and by the end of this post, you will be able to choose one to suit your eyes and nose as well.

Hoya plant in white pot
A healthy Hoya plants

Hola to Hoya! And, let me warn you right there, you might even end up being a hoya collector!

An Overview of Hoya Plants

Beautiful flowers and intense sweet aromas; Hoyas are a treat to both the eyes and nose. They are the best indoor plants that have been around for ages.

Most of their varieties are native to subtropical Asian locations and are commonly called Wax plants.

They don’t just make your living spaces beautiful but can also flourish in your balcony or garden.

With the appropriate amount of bright light and medium temperature, they will shoot off numerous vines swirling around your pillars. 

10 Best Small Leaf Hoya

Whether you love the smell of freshly baked cinnamon bun or butter popcorn, there is at least one Hoya that meets your olfactory needs!

There are about 600-700 species of Hoyas around the world, and many are still unnamed. 

Now, let us go deeper into the ten best small leaf Hoya plants. 

1. Hoya Bilobata (Porcelain Flower, Wax Plant)

Just like many other Hoya plants, these are known for producing tiny red beautiful flowers.

They have a very unique foliage. The foliage sometimes appears to be heart shaped or small and round.

The leaves are lime green in color with dark purple margins. The leaves can develop red margins when grown in full sun.

Talking about the flowers, they bloom all year round. They are tiny clusters of reddish flowers with tightly wrapped petals. 

Hoya Bilobata (Source: Wikipedia)

This sweet and dainty plant won’t mind trailing up your bookshelves or hanging beautifully from the baskets. 

With proper care and an appropriate lighting, you can expect your Hoya Bilobata to grow or trail to more than 24 inches.

2. Hoya Brevialata

Who doesn’t love a cluster of yellow flowers which have a caramel-like-scent? Doesn’t that sound aesthetically pleasing?

The leaves are a round with a beautiful lush green color. It is one of the smallest leaved Hoya. 

Hoya Brevialata (Source: Pinterest)

Hoya Brevialata is an excellent choice if you want a small-sized Hoya that is also easy to grow.

3. Hoya Carnosa Compacta ‘Regalis’

Well, if you happen to lay your hands on Hoya Compacta Regalis Variegata, consider yourself lucky as it is not always available.

They are also popular as Hindu or Indian Rope Hoya.

The leaves are unusually twisted. The foliage is crinkled and wavey with a yellow edge. The Variegated foliage has green leaves with a rose-red color.

They are brightly colored into shades of green that can grow as big as three inches wide.

The vines, however, can reach up to lengths of twelve feet.

The leaves of Hoya Compacta are thick and glossy. The curly leaves and vines might even look like thick ropes.

They produce star shaped waxy, mildly scented flowers. 

Man Holding Variegated Hoya Carnosa Compacta Regalis
A blooming Variegated Hoya Carnosa Compacta Regalis

This variety of Hoya is very easy to care for and is perfect to hang at a higher location to show off those beautiful trailing vines.

4. Hoya Lacunosa

Honestly, these are the most fragrant Hoyas that make the surroundings smell like Cinnamon Buns!

Thick, waxy, glossy leaves are the most prominent feature of this plant.

Hoya Lacunosa flowers are fuzzy and cute. They are white with a bright yellow center.

The edges of the tiny petals appear like ice peaks!

Hoya Lacunosa trailing
Hoya Lacunosa

They love cool climates and prefer airy soil. The plant can grow as big as five feet with a proper watering schedule.

Yes, there you have it, they love water. Damp soil is excellent, but dripping soil is a big no!

If you want a low-maintenance plant, get yourself a Hoya Lacunosa!

5. Hoya Australis

They are popular as Waxvine or Waxflower. And, as the name indicates, these plants are native to Australia.

Hoya Australis have very peculiarly glossy and oval-shaped leaves.

They can grow about 30 feet long in the wild.

The flowers are white with a slight red accent and bloom throughout the year. They are a collection of tiny flowers and may look like each flower has its own miniature flower at the center! 

Additionally, their petals are filled with a powerful and spicy fragrance.

Man Holding Hoya Australis Lisa
Hoya Australis Lisa

The leaves give off darker shades of green when placed in a low-light setting.

However, if you are fond of lighter leaves with a hint of gold at the vein, place them in strong indirect light.

Hoya Australis is one of the most common species of Hoya plants. They have been cultivated for a very long time.

6. Hoya Bella

The most demanding variety of Hoyas with specific light and soil requirements is none other than Hoya Bella.

They prefer a good amount of light and considerably dry soil.

And, did you know they thrive when the temperatures are as low as 10 degrees Celsius? How unusual!

The leaves are slim, pointed, and elliptically shaped, appearing to be bent outwards.

The flowers, on the other hand, are more towards the chubby side with star-like features. They are primarily white with a red center.

Although, some varieties of Hoya also produce pink to violet petals with a red center.

Hoya Plants
A healthy Hoya Bella

If you intend to get this one for yourself, be prepared to give in plenty of care!

7. Hoya Curtisii

Hoya Curtisii is one of the most extraordinary varieties of Hoyas commonly used as hanging plants.

They can give the impression of tiny Pothos or a trailing succulent.

The best part about this plant isn’t the flowers, but the leaves!

Hoya Curtisii
Hoya Curtisii

The foliage is small, round, and fleshy. They are primarily dark green with speckles of purple, silver, and yellow.

Isn’t that lovely? 

The flowers, on the other hand, are elongated and appear to have long legs! The petals are lime or light yellow with a pink center.

They love bright light with moist soil. If you let the soil dry out completely (like for succulents), you might end of with plenty of leaves drop!

Place them on your table as a centerpiece or hang them from the ceiling; either way, they look stunning. 

8. Hoya Heuschkeliana

If you want your garden to look extra pretty, get yourself a Hoya Heuschkeliana.

Their leaves are as beautiful as the flowers, and with the right growing conditions, they will flower all year long!

The flowers are available in three different shades of red, yellow, and pink. Furthermore, the flower gives off a robust buttery scent.

Variegated Hoya Heuschkeliana
Variegated Hoya Heuschkeliana bloom

The leaves are short and appear like a droplet. The foliage is commonly dark green.

But lucky are those who find the variegated ones, as they have striking neon leaves with a dark green outline.

No matter how much you are tempted to have them indoors, that would not be the best idea. They thrive in warm and humid outdoor locations.

9. Hoya cv Rebecca

The flowers are bright pink with a light yellow center and shaped like tiny stars. They are also towards the hairy side as the bloom is full of peach fuzz.

Not to forget the sweet smell and dripping nectar that is enough to attract all kinds of bugs!

Hoya plants
A Leaf From Hoya cv Rebecca (Source: Unsplash)

Hoya cv Rebecca has tiny yet beautiful matt green leaves with visible red veins or the other way round.

The plant loves bright indirect light. A certain degree of sun exposure is acceptable, but do not leave it out on a hot day.

10. Hoya Memoria (Gracilis)

Does your Hoya plant produce new leaves initially red in appearance that slowly turns green as they mature?

Well, that’s a peculiar trait of Hoya Memoria that differentiates it from the other varieties. 

The leaves are oval and elongate, with tiny white specks all over them.

The flowers are red to pink in color with a yellow center. 

Did you know that the flowers produce an unusual scent that smells like caramel popcorn? And the best part, they flower regularly! 

Hoya Memoria (Gracilis) (Source: Pinterest)

Hoya Memoria does not exactly trail upwards without support; hence, they would do great as hanging plants in your bedroom window or outside the yard.

These easy to care Hoyas will make you forget your good old room freshener! 

Basic Hoya Care Tips

Hoya plants are easy to care for and tend to. Most of them are similar in nature and habitat and hence require a similar growing environment.

However, it is always best to check variety-specific care tips for the best result! Each of them has its own likes and dislikes.

Below you will find some common ways to take care of your pretty Hoyas and keep them bright and happy. A recipe for healthy Hoyas!

Light Requirements

Depending upon the type of Hoya species, the light requirements might vary slightly.

However, they do not prefer to be placed right below the scorching sun or in dark corners inside your homes.

Place them next to a bright window or under a grow light (for dark living spaces) for best results.

Temperature and Humidity

Hoyas love cool temperatures, but anything below 10 degrees Celsius (50-degree Fahrenheit) can cause frostbites on your plant.

As Hoyas are originally from tropical and subtropical regions, they enjoy moderate to high humidity levels.

Furthermore, they love the monsoon season and heavy rains.

Growing Medium

All kinds of Hoyas love well-draining soil with a bit of orchid bark and perlite.

Cocopeat is a go-to medium for many hoya owners as it is exceptionally airy. They also grow extensively well in moss poles.

In the wild, they are seen to be growing over tree barks as well. 

Water Requirements

Although most Hoyas love plenty of water, the same is not valid for all. Water requirements are specific to the variety you own.

Nevertheless, they don’t prefer dripping soil. 

You can mist your Hoya plants from head to roots every few days for extra moisture. 

Pruning Habits

If you want to see your Hoya plant flowering now and then, do not prune the trails. However, if you want to keep them in good shape, pruning will make them look bushy and full.

On a brighter note, you can use the pruned trails to propagate numerous Hoya plants to share.

Hoya Plants
Flowers Of A Hoya Plant (Source: Pixabay)


Hoyas like being root bound to a certain extent as it provides stability. Once the roots spread throughout the pot, your hoyas will grow like crazy! 

Therefore, re-pot only when you see an excessive number of roots coming out of the drainage holes. Roughly, you can re-pot your Hoyas once every three years.


Hoyas are medium-feeders. They love to receive that extra boost of vitamins and fertilization now and then.

It is best to fertilize them through the spring and summer seasons for frequent flowers and long trails.

An alkaline fertilizer can do wonders for Hoya plants.

Pest Infestation

Hoyas are typically pest-resistant; however, you may find a few mealybugs and ants once in a while.

The sweet nectar attracts colonies of ants that are usually harmless. But the same cannot be said for the mealybugs.

Use Neem oil to ward off these buggers!


Now, haven’t these beauties been around for excellent reasons? Don’t worry if you don’t have a green thumb; these low-maintenance plants are very independent.

Get yourself a Hoya plant of your choice and start your journey as a plant parent. And, say goodbyes to your fancy air fresheners.

Let the hoya-craze begin!


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