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Shaggy Parasol Vs False Parasol: Key Differences For [Safety]

It’s often difficult to settle the debate surrounding Shaggy Parasol vs False Parasol mushrooms based on their looks alone.

Sometimes, you must look under their caps to find the true poisonous faker! 

Generally, the accurate way to resolve the debate between Shaggy Parasol vs False Parasol is to look at the color of their gills. Shaggy Parasol has whitish-pink gills, while Fake Parasol has dull mossy green gills when mature.

To have a deeper look at more features of these fungi, follow the article.

Shaggy Parasol Vs False Parasol [Overview & Facts]

Parasol mushrooms belong to the family Agaricaceae, with about 40 species listed under the Chlorophyllum (previously Macrolepiota) genera.

Most of the Chlorophyllum species look alike, and several of them are toxic, with only a few edible species.

The members of this genus have distinct morphological features making it different from other mushrooms and associated familial species.

Shaggy Parasol and False Parasol are two similar-looking Chlorophyllum species. However, Shaggy Parasol is safe to eat, while False Parasol is deadly for humans and pets.

Image illustrates the difference between the gills of Shaggy Parasol and False Parasol mushrooms
Shaggy Parasols have whitish pink gills, while False Parasols have mossy green or dull green gills.

But you can differentiate between Shaggy Parasol and False Parasol based on their cap structure, gills, stem or stipe, and spore print. 

Edibility & Risks of Shaggy Parasol Vs False Parasol

Shaggy Parasol (Chlorophyllum rhacodes) is an edible mushroom, while False Parasol (Chlorophyllum molybdites) is toxic.

Due to the bold flavors and meaty texture, cooks use Shaggy Parasols to complement or supplement beef rib roasts and leg of lamb, and they are also used in stews, soups, and fried or sauteed dishes.

Despite their edibility, Shaggy Parasol may cause minor gastrointestinal upsets if you eat it raw or sometimes cooked.

Image illustrates culinary use of Shaggy Parasol mushroom
Shaggy Parasols have a variety of culinary uses.

Additionally, Shaggy Parasol packs protein, vitamin B, fiber, iron, zinc, potassium, and copper. They are also supposed to contain anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties.

However, the False Parasols are considered toxic for consumption but not usually as deadly as Dead Caps.

Difference Between Shaggy Parasol Vs False Parasol

If you are a newbie mushroom forager, you must know the difference between Shaggy Parasol and False Parasol.

A good look at the table shall clear all your thoughts.

FeaturesShaggy ParasolFalse Parasol
CapSize: 3-12 inches in diameter

Color: Creamy White with Brown Pronounced Scales

Shape: Convex & Flat on the Middle with Wavy Margins
Size: 2-11 inches in diameter

Color: Creamy White with Brownish, Pinkish to Greenish Scales

Shape: More Bell-shaped & Pronounced Bumpy Top with Smooth Margins
GillsWhitish Pink (when mature)Dull & Mossy Green or Whitish Green (when mature)
StemMay Stain Reddish or Pinkish When CutNo Staining
Spore PrintWhitish BrownGreenish White

However, both Shaggy Parasols and False Parasols can look the same when they are babies or maturing.

So, it’s ideal not to eat them and depend on experts’ guidance before collecting them.

From Editorial Team


Fake Parasols are also called ‘Green-Spored Parasols,’ but their gills turn green only when they mature.

Further, they grow in fairy ring patterns in clusters, which may be a major key for identification.

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