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10 Science-Backed Benefits of Rosemary

Bringing Rosemary home will be a lifesaver as it offers numerous health benefits and aesthetic beauty, filling your space with its sweet smell.

Generally, Rosemary plant benefits include lowering inflammation, strengthening the immune and circulatory systems, increasing respiration, encouraging hair growth, etc. Moreover, Rosemary contains different antioxidants beneficial for human health.

Read on below to find out the list of benefits Rosemary has to offer.

Overview of Rosemary

Rosemary is a herb with pointy needle-like leaves that has been prevalent as a medicinal plant for a long now.

Look at the basic overview of the Rosemary Plant.

Scientific NameSalvia Rosmarinus
Common NameRosemary
Native AreaMediterranean Areas
USDA Zone7 to 10
Growth RateSlow to moderate
Plants Mature Size4-6 feet tall
4-5 feet wide
Leaf SizeHalf inch long leaves
FlowerDensely curled blue, pink, purple and white flowers
Bloom TimeFirst flowering in spring and later in early summer
ToxicityToxic if ingested in large quantity
LifespanSome varieties can live up to 30 years

Is Rosemary Suitable for Indoors?

Rosemary is a Mediterranean plant that grows on rocky slopes near the coast and takes a lot of its moisture from its foliage.

It is typically grown outdoors, but potted plants can be grown indoors with special care and attention. It needs a lot of light and proper watering to grow.

However, growing this plant indoors is challenging as it tends to succumb too often to improper watering.

If you want to grow Rosemary Plant indoors, you must know that a little anomaly in its care can kill this plant.

Let us look at the guide for the optimum growth of this beautiful plant.

A template containing the complete care tips of Rosemary.
Rosemary is easier to look after as its care requirements are sorted.

10 Science-Backed Benefits of the Rosemary Plant

Rosemary is not a shy plant when it comes to showing benefits. Besides the benefits mentioned above, this plant has many other benefits.

Let us look at other essential benefits of the Rosemary plant.

1. Nutrient-Enriched Source

Rosemary is a herbaceous plant that is loaded with a lot of essential nutrients.

According to Flushing Hospital, Rosemary has nutrients like iron, calcium, vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin B-6. Such minerals aid in blood pressure and heart rate regulation.

Rosemary is also a source of phytochemicals that are important in fighting many diseases and acts pivotal in improving eye and liver health.

Not only that, but Rosemary also contains thiamin, folate, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, and niacin.

For more details, look below for the nutrient content in 100 grams of Rosemary according to USDA.

Niacin0.912 mg
Pantothenic acid0.804 mg
Pyridoxine0.336 mg
Riboflavin0.152 mg
Fatty acids4g
Vitamin A2924 IU
Vitamin C21.8 mg
Calcium317 mg
Iron6.65 mg
Magnessium91 mg
Zinc0.93 mg

2. Inflammation Reduction

People have been using Rosemary for a long time thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties.

A lab study shows that Rosemary is crucial in neutralizing free radicals, particles that cause many health problems and eliminating joint pain.

The extracts from Rosemary are pivotal in activating the inflammatory properties in the hippocampus in the brain.

Rosemary’s anti-inflammatory properties come from polyphenolic compounds like rosmarinic acid and carnosic acid.

Rosemarinic acid is a compound popular for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which are beneficial against atopic dermatitis, arthritis, and colitis.

Further research on the therapeutic effects of Rosemary was done in mice to examine the analgesic effects of Rosemary essential oil and its pharmacodynamic interactions with acetaminophen and codeine.

Their findings back up the use of Rosemary for pain relief and highlight the essential oil’s therapeutic potential when combined with analgesic medications.

3. Supports Respiratory System

According to a report on NDTV, you can use Rosemary oil or tea as a medicine that can clear your airway of mucus and other particles when inhaling it.

Not only that, but Rosemary can also slowly reduce the symptoms of asthma and soothe trachea muscles.

Meanwhile, on January 6, 2022, scientists found that carnosic acid found in Rosemary can be helpful against SARS-CoV-2, a causative virus of COVID.

Also, due to the plant’s anti-microbial properties, it can be effective against many bacteria and fungal infections found in the upper respiratory tract responsible for pneumonia.

Look below for the recipe you can create from Rosemary for respiratory problems.

ProblemsApplication Recipe
Runny Nose, Cold3 drops of rosemary, 3 drops of thyme, 15 milliliters of almond/sesame oil
Sinuses, Headaches and Nose Blockage3 drops of rosemary, 3 drops of thyme, 15 milliliters of almond/sesame oil, 2 drops of eucalyptus
For all kinds of Respiratory Problems4-5 drops of rosemary oil, 10 milliliters of almond/sesame oil
Dry Cough, Flu, Sore Throat3 drops of rosemary, 2 drops of eucalyptus oil, 2 drops of peppermint oil, 15 milliliters of almond/sesame oil

4. Improves Digestive System

Another benefit of the Rosemary plant is that it is suitable for your stomach. It contains gas-relieving components that can treat an upset stomach.

People in Europe use Rosemary leaves for dyspepsia and other indigestion-related problems.

Meanwhile, most stomach problems result from inflammation, so Rosemary can indirectly help you get rid of an upset stomach.

Also, due to the plant’s antispasmodic properties, you can reduce gas and bloat with the carnosic acid benefitting the good bacteria in your stomach.
Tea containing orange and Rosemary needles
Adding orange to the Rosemary water adds extra antioxidants and minerals.

Prepare the tea by mixing 1-2 grams of Rosemary in 150ml water and consume 1-3 cups daily.

So the next time you have stomach problems, you know what to do.

5. Lowers Blood Sugar

According to ACS, Rosemary contains essential enzymes that reduce the risk of type-2 diabetes.

Rosemary powder capsules have a promising effect of increasing vitamin B12 levels by 10% in diabetic patients and 29% in healthy individuals.

In addition, Rosemary showed a significant reduction in glucose and glycosylated blood HbA1c levels in diabetic patients with either medication, which appeared as 20–23%.

Due to the hypoglycemic action of Rosemary, it helps to reduce blood sugar levels in adults. You can consume Rosemary by making a tea out of it.

Furthermore, polyphenols (carnosic acid and rosmarinic acid) extracted from Rosemary have an insulin-like effect and help transfer glucose to the muscle cells.

6. Improves Blood Circulation

As a medicinal plant, health practitioners use Rosemary to lower blood pressure.

Research has proven that the Rosemary plant helps to reduce the cholesterol level, benefits the blood vessels and prevents cardiovascular diseases.

Also, topical use of Rosemary oil on the scalp increases blood flow, thus resulting in the growth of hair follicles.

Even in ancient times, the application of Rosemary or its extracts was supposed to promote blood circulation in the body.

A woman with Raynaud’s disease (a disease that disrupts circulation) massaged her hands with a Rosemary oil blend and warmed her fingers.

Rosemary also fights against the disruption of blood circulation in the brain.

7. Supports Immune System

Rosemary provides excellent immunity to your body due to the presence of different antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial properties.

According to the Journal of Biomedical Science, Rosemary can also elevate our body’s levels of white blood cells.

Rosemary will heal you of different diseases and protect you from other diseases.

Moreover, the plant can fight viruses by inhibiting them, blocking their replication, and stopping their spread.

8. It Helps Repel Pests

Many use the Rosemary plant for its fragrance and edible nature, but it helps to keep pests and vegetable-eating harmful insects away.

Although we may like the smell of Rosemary, we cannot vouch for the tiny pests.

According to USA Today, Rosemary’s pungent smell is pivotal in driving minor bugs like flies, mosquitos, cabbage moths, etc., away.

Not only the insects, but it is also pivotal in driving away tiny snails and slugs.

The rosemary plant’s distinctive scent draws some beneficial insects that protect your plants from harmful insects.

You can also make a repellant spray by following the steps below.

  • Add a cup of dried Rosemary to one quart of water and boil it for 20 to 30 minutes.
  • Pour cold water into another container and strain the Rosemary water.
  • Fill small squirter bottles and spray them directly on the skin.

Pesticides made from Rosemary extracts are effective against plant-attacking pests like spider mites.

9. Acts as Aromatherapy and Antidepressants

Rosemary oil is used in aromatherapy to promote blood circulation, calm the nervous system, and ease muscular pain.

Aromatherapy also helps you reduce stress levels, boost you up, relieve fatigue, and boost your mental function.

According to the National Library of Medicine, Rosemary extracts significantly reduce depressive behaviors.

Inhaling Rosemary’s aroma can reduce cortisol levels, a stress hormone that makes you more relaxed and chill.

The study found that when 22 young adults inhaled rosemary oil for five minutes, their salivary levels of the stress hormone cortisol were lower than those who inhaled a non-aromatic compound.

Rosemary is also helpful for fighting against opium addiction and can be used as an optional drug for opium withdrawal symptoms.

Similarly, aromatherapy with Rosemary essential oil can also work against baldness and hair loss.

To get the full benefits of Rosemary oil, you can take a bottle of it and smell it directly. Or, you can buy a diffuser.

Look below for the list of Rosemary oil for aromatherapy on Amazon.

10. Anti-Cancer Properties

Among many properties of Rosemary, the anti-cancer property stands out the most.

Rosemary contains phytochemicals that can slow Cancer cell growth, strengthen immune functions, limit the production of cancer-related hormones, and act as an antioxidant.

According to the National Library of Medicine, Rosemary extracts can significantly reduce the spread of leukemia and breast carcinoma cells.

In another study published in the same journal, they say that due to its anti-tumor properties, Rosemary is effective against Cancer.

A naturally occurring phytopolyphenol found in Rosemary, carnosol acts as an anticarcinogen and antioxidant, pivotal in fighting Cancer.

Also, according to Scientific Research, adding Rosemary extracts to beef can stop the development of Cancer cells.

The polyphenol compounds in Rosemary unlock new possibilities in treating Cancer and fighting tumors.

Rosemary contains other compounds like carnosic acid, ursolic acid, and rosmarinic acid, all of which have anti-cancer abilities.

So, add Rosemary to your daily supplement to keep the Cancer cells at bay.

Health Considerations to Keep in Mind

Rosemary is deemed safe to use at the appropriate dose. However, it may cause adverse responses in certain persons.

Some of the side effects of the Rosemary plant are as follows:

  • Consuming too much Rosemary oil or Rosemary leaves can induce vomiting, redness in the skin, and sensitivity to the sun.
  • Too much Rosemary can bring complications to the pregnancy and even lead to miscarriage.
  • People with elevated blood pressure and on medication of anticoagulants should not consume Rosemary as it elevates blood pressure.
  • Also, the plant can affect the activity of drugs that control the pressure.
  • Consumption of a large amount of Rosemary will show anomalies like spasms, lung fluid, and even a coma.
  • A high amount of Rosemary intake can also lead to kidney failure.
  • Although safe for pets, Rosemary can cause stomach problems if consumed in higher quantities.

How to Use Rosemary?

Besides the medicinal and aromatic uses, Rosemary provides a culinary option.

As you already know, Rosemary tea is quite famous and provides many health benefits thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Meanwhile, Rosemary oil can also be a good substitute for everyday cooking.

Rosemary is also used as a seasoning in various recipes, including casseroles, soups, stews, and salads. It goes well with meats and vegetables as well.

Similarly, the flavor of freshly chopped Rosemary will infuse the bread and cookies when baked.

You can also use the stem from the Rosemary to propagate them quickly and bring more healthy herb home.

Rosemary is an all-in-one package of taste and nutrition.

Rosemary Recipes

You can make the following things out of Rosemary in your home and take advantage of the beneficial plant.

Rosemary TeaBoil a pot of water

Add 2-3 sprigs of Rosemary

Fill a cup with boiling water and let it sit for 5 minutes.

Add lemon and sweetener.
Rosemary DiffuserGet a 100-200ml water diffuser tank.

Add 2 drops Rosemary, 3 drops Lavender, 1 drop Atlas Cedarwood (For Awakening).

5 drops Lemon, 2 drops Cinnamon bark, 2 drops Rosemary (To stay focused).

2 drops Lime, 2 drops Grapefruit, 2 drops Rosemary, 2 drops White Fir (To have clear mind).
Rosemary OilGet some fresh rosemary and some oil.

Pour the oil into a pan and heat it.

After heating, strain the oil in a container and let it cool down.
Rosemary SaltGet Kosher salt, lemon zest, and fresh rosemary leaves.

In a food processor, mix salt, chopped rosemary, and lemon zest.

Cover the baking sheet with aluminum foil and allow the it to dry for 1-2 hours.

Or, you can add Rosemary sprigs to your food and elevate the taste while getting all its health benefits.

Take reference from the video for other recipes!

Where to Buy?

Rosemary is not rare, so you can easily find it in your local nursery. But if you want to look for it in an online store, refer to the list below.

Amazon3 to 5 days
Walmart1 to 2 days
Hooks Green Herbs 1 to 3 days
Etsy11-20 days

Final Thought

Rosemary is distinguished in several ways as an aromatic, medicinal, and culinary plant.

The herb is famous for its pleasant aroma and calming the body while energizing the mind.

Furthermore, Rosemary tea is simple to make at home with only two ingredients and is an excellent addition to almost every recipe.

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