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Top Tips to Revive Indoor Azaleas Plant

Are you worried about your vibrant and prominent blooming azaleas’ dying? If so, relax your nerves.

I faced the exact problem a few years ago, but fortunately, I was able to revive my indoor Azaleas plant.

Let’s face it, azaleas’ aesthetic beauty drives one crazy to add more, and it indeed is annoying when your azaleas are dying instead of jazzing up your space.

So, I am up with some practical tips that I applied to revive my indoor azaleas plant. You can use the same method to revive your indoor azaleas plants.

Generally, to revive the dying indoor Azaleas plant, plunge the pot into a shallow pot with salt-free tepid water to wash off excess fertilizers and salts present in the soil. Use a humidifier or place the pot on top of wet pebbles to increase humidity around the plant. 

Beautiful Azalea Blooms
Beautiful Azalea Blooms

It is not only important but necessary to know the exact cause for a better solution.

Several factors are responsible for killing indoor azaleas. Trying various remedies without knowing the exact cause might not be effective in rejuvenating your plants.

This article presents you with the exact cause of your indoor azaleas’ degeneration. And, it also provides you with proper remedies to revive them.

Read the full article to find out what’s going wrong with your indoor azalea plants.

Can you Revive a Dying Indoor Azalea Plant?

Wondering if you can revive your indoor Azaleas Plant?

Scrape the stem of the Azalea. If you find the scratch part green, then lucky you are! Your Azalea is not dead yet.

Azalea requires a maintained moisture level and therefore cannot stand drought or inconsistent watering.

Similarly, another critical factor for the healthier growth of Azalea is a maintained pH level ranging between 4.5-6.

It is possible to revive your indoor Azalea plant if it is dying because of infrequent watering problems, imbalance in the optimal level of acidic soil, low humidity, minor pest infestation, and other minor causes.

If your indoor azaleas plant is degenerating, mitigating the potential cause can help revive them.

However, Azalea that is in constant neglect and subject to drought for a prolonged period may not revive.

Indoor Azalea Dying- Causes and Tips to Revive

Growing Azalea indoors can be a trickier task because of the constant fluctuation in temperature, humidity problems, and water requirements.

Azaleas, when grown indoors, require consistent care, and in fact, they don’t go so well in newbie’s hands. This makes growing azaleas indoors quite challenging.

However, your love for Azalea beats all these challenges.

Azaleas are not much care demanding; the problem may only arise if they remain subject to constant neglect.

Here are some of the causes that kill your azalea plant and tips you can apply to revive your indoor Azaleas plant.

1. Droopy Leaves

Whenever there are droopy leaves in azaleas, remember there is a watering problem.

However, identifying the exact problem might be quite challenging because the plant shows the same sign in both cases of overwatering and underwatering.

So how can you revive your dying Azalea?

Inspect the leaves, and if they are soft and limp instead of dry and crispy, there is an overwatering problem.

Waterlogging causes root rot, consequently leading to the death of plants resulting in droopy leaves.

In contrast, if the edges of leaves are brown, the plant is facing an underwatering problem.

Tips to Revive

  • Water the plant once the soil dries out.
  • Cut the dead leaves.

Preventative Measures

  • Water according to the season and the requirements of plants. They require more water during the summer season and less during winter.
  • Insert a thin stick in the pot. Water the plant if the stick feels dry; it will prevent you from overwatering the plant.

2. Wilting and Sunken Leaves

The common cause of wilting or sunken leaves in azaleas is primarily due to underwatering.

Azalea loves water, and when the soil around the roots becomes dry, it causes wilting of leaves and flowers.

Interestingly, plants lose leaves as a defense mechanism to prevent extreme loss of water from their leaves through transpiration. During the process, its leaves shrink, wilt, and ultimately fall off to prevent extra water loss in the time of drought. 

Similarly, prolonged exposure to direct sunlight also causes quick drying of the soil and wilting of the leaves.

Tips to Revive

  • Be sure to water your plant immediately after the soil dries out.
  • Plunge the pot into a shallow pot with salt-free tepid water until bubbles rise to the surface. Once the air bubble stops forming, you should take the pot out of the water.
  • Be sure to provide the optimal amount of shade to the plant.
  • Increase humidity around the plant.

Preventive Measures

  • You should always maintain the ideal soil moisture.
  • Avoid extreme exposure of Azalea to the sun.

3. Leaves Changing Color

Change in leaf color is a natural tendency. But, sometimes, these colors may indicate serious problems that you should be concerned about.

Azaleas turn into beautiful shades of purple, red, orange, and yellow during fall.

Nonetheless, the color change also occurs because of nutrition deficiency, pests, diseases, alkaline soil, sunburn, and watering problems.

Fall color change
Fall color change (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Here is the list of color changes in Azaleas leaf and their possible causes.

Color Causes
BlackSooty mold, pest infestation, sometimes
because of overwatering.
Brown, Brown in tips and edgesNatural color change during fall, nutrition
deficiencies, loss of moisture, winter
injury, pests, damage in roots, dieback
Red or purpleNatural color change during fall.
White, or Bleached outPowdery mildew disease.
Green with brown spotsLeafminers, sunburn, fungal problems
Yellow or pale greenIron deficiencies, over or under watering
problem, alkaline soil, exposure to
extreme sunlight.

Read more about color change in Azaleas’ leaf.

Tips to Revive

Preventive Measures

  • Maintain the optimum pH level of the soil. To correctly measure the pH of the soil, you can use soil ph measuring kits.
  •  Fertilize at the beginning of spring.
  • Inspect bugs and pests regularly.
  • Use rainwater to water your azaleas.

4. Brown and Crispy Leaves

When your indoor azalea plant experiences prolonged drought, its leaf starts to turn brown and crispy.

Another probable cause for brown and crispy leaves is infestation by dieback fungus.

When the plant undergoes heavy frost or underwatering during extreme heat, it gets infected with dieback fungus.

The fungus causes the browning of leaves and branches and ultimately kills the plant.

Tips to Revive

  • Water your azaleas immediately and maintain soil moisture.
  • Cut off the dead and discolored branches using sterilized scissors or knives to prevent fungus spread.
  • To control dieback fungus, spray fungicide containing thiophanate-methyl or mancozeb at the labeled rate.

Preventive Measures

  • Water when the soil is dry and maintain humidity around your azaleas.
  • To control fungus, spread fungicide containing copper-based fungicides, thiophanate-methyl, or chlorothalonil. Spray when the disease is first visible within an interval of 7-10 days until does not shows sign of recovery.

5. Leaves Loss

So your indoor Azalea is losing leaves?

Several factors cause indoor azaleas to shed leaves. When your Azalea experiences an underwatering problem, it sheds leaves to slow down the rate of transpiration.

Similarly, high temperature, fluctuating indoor temperature, and low humidity also cause leaves loss in azaleas.

Another cause for leaf loss is root rot and alkaline soil pH. Moreover, sunburnt or increased amount of shade also causes Azalea to lose leaves potentially.

Tips to Revive

  • Establish a watering schedule.
  • Provide your Azalea with enough light.
  • Cut off dead leaves as it takes extra energy from your Azalea.

Preventives Measures

  • Maintain soil moisture.
  • Do not use hard water as it makes soil alkaline.
Blooming Azalea
Blooming Azalea

6. Losing Flowers

The leading cause of flower loss in Azalea is prolonged droughts, insufficient nutrition, low humidity, and erratic watering.

Similarly, bug infestation, diseases, and unbalanced soil pH also cause Azalea to lose flowers.

Tips to Revive

  • Remove dead flowers carefully without hindering buds.
  • Water the plant thoroughly. If the flowers are falling off due to underwatering, they should perk up within 24 hours.
  • Spray Insecticidal soap or neem oil immediately to get rid of bug infestation.

Preventive Measures

  • Fertilize the plants before spring starts.
  • Proper watering schedule and high humidity are vital factors for prominent blooms.
  • Protect the plants during harsh winter.
  • Deadhead spent blooms and prune your Azalea every year.

You might also be interested in reading Everything About Planting Azaleas In Spring.

7. Flower Buds Not Opening

When Azalea is pruned very late in summer, they do not get sufficient time for new mature growth. So, it causes difficulty in forming and opening buds.

Also, drought, insufficient nutrition, low temperature, and diseases may hinder buds in opening up.

Tips to Revive

  • Spray the buds with water as it promotes shoot and root growth. However, you should be careful not to follow the process once the flower starts blooming.
  • Fertilize with phosphorus as it increases hardiness and flower bud set.

Preventive Measures

  • Keep the compost moist but not soggy.
  • Prune your azaleas in time.
  • Prevent them from the harsh cold.

8. Pest Infestation

Pests and insects have the potential to hinder the growth of your Azalea. Besides, they might harm Azalea’s roots and even kill them.

Here is the list of pests and diseases in azaleas, their signs, and tips to revive your indoor Azaleas plant from them.

Pests and Diseases in Azaleas CategorySymptomsTips to Revive
Leaf MinersInsectsYellow lines, green with brown spots on the leaves.1. Spray horticultural oils

2. Regularly prune your plants.
Lace BugsInsectsBlack, yellow, or white spots at the bottom of
Spray insecticidal soap
Bark ScaleInsectsCotton-like formations or
soot-like mold on branches
and stems.
1. Chop off the affected part

2. Spray horticultural oil to the rest of the plant.
MitesInsectsChange in the green color of leaves to pale green,
gray, bronze.

Heavy infestation exhibits fine webbing on leaves.
Spray insecticidal soap or
horticultural oil to the plant.
Powdery MildewFungal DiseaseDiscolored leaves and leaves are coated with a white particles. Spray fungicides containing sulfur.
Petal BlightFungal DiseaseFlower petal looks degenerated and dull with pale or whitish spots.Spray fungicides before bud develops into flower.
Root Diseases Fungal and Bacterial DiseaseThe bark at the base of the plant appears dark, reddish or brownish.

Also, the leaves appear welted, stems mushy, and growth is reduced.
Removing affected branches and spraying fungicides might help.

Tips to Take Care of Indoor Potted Azaleas

If you plan to welcome these vibrant-looking blooms to your space, here are a few tips to keep in mind.

Prepare yourself to commit to their care because these sophisticated and aesthetic plants demand high maintenance.

Quick view

Parameters Favorable Condition
Sunlight 3-4 hours of morning direct or afternoon shade, if not, indirect bright light for whole day.
TemperatureIdeal temperature is 60 to 65 Degrees Fahrenheit.
Watering Water 2 to 3 times in winter and in a frequency of 3 to 4 days in summer.
Soil pH 4.5 to 6
Soil Type Acidic, nutritious, and well- draining
Humidity About 40% of relative humidity.

1. Soil Type

A well-balanced pH is key to the proper growth and overall development of the Azalea plant. Not to forget, they prefer a pH between 4.5- 6.

Well, there is a simple home remedy you can use to make your Azaleas’ soil acidic. Sprinkle used coffee grounds into your soil as it makes soil acidic once decomposed.

Also, there’s another hack you can use to remove alkaline from the soil of potted Azaleas.

All you need to do is plunge your potted Azalea into a shallow pot filled with tepid water. Air bubbles appear on top; once the bubble stops appearing, take the pot out of water. This helps to wash off alkaline from the pot and helps maintain the required ph level.

Potting Mix for Indoor Azalea Plants

You can buy potting mix directly from the market for your indoor Azaleas plan. However, keep in mind that the potting mix should be acidic.

Also, on the brighter side, we do have a  special soil recipe for you.

To get a perfect homemade potting for your Azaleas, Combine regular garden soil with one-third of peat moss, two-third of compost or leaf mould, and two-third of sand.

Soil for indoor Azaleas plant
Soil mix for indoor Azaleas plant (Source: Unsplash)

Lastly, Indoor azaleas love moist and well-draining soil, so make sure you have proper drainage holes.

2. Watering Requirements

They love moist and well-draining soil, so the key to healthier azaleas is proper watering. However, be careful not to waterlog as this causes root rot.

It would help if you established a proper watering schedule for timely watering. For example, water the plant twice or thrice a month during winter. And water them in the frequency of three to four days in summer.

It is recommended to use rainwater or slightly acidic water for best results. Do not use hard water as alkaline soil is an enemy to your healthy azaleas.

Watering the Plants
Watering the Plants (Source:

3. Humidity Level

When it comes to Azaleas, high humidity is always a boosting factor.

Indoor Azaleas require a humidity level of a minimum of 40% of the relative humidity. Therefore, humidity higher than 40% is always a win-win. 

As the plant loves moisture, you can use a humidifier or set the pot on a tray filled with wet pebbles. It helps to maintain humidity around the plant.

However, be careful not to mist water in its flower as it may cause fungus in bloom.

4. Temperature and Light Requirements

Azaleas love bright filtered light with some direct morning and evening sun. Therefore, it is best to provide them with 3-4 hours of morning direct sun or afternoon shade. But, remember, Azaleas do not do well in the full and scorching sun.

You can provide artificial lights if your Azaleas are not receiving the optimum sunlight requirement.

If you are growing Azaleas indoor with low light, using less than 12 hours of  HID lights is recommended. HID lights provide both blu and red spectrum, which are essential for the growth and flowering of Azalea.

Light largely impacts Azaleas’ blooms as the blooms last longer. Also, Azaleas produce more flowers under a good amount of light.

They thrive best at temperatures between 60-65° F, where the blooms can last longer. However, azaleas do not do well when the temperature falls below 25 degrees F (-3 C.), so put an eye on your Azaleas.

Also, do not keep your Azaleas on the window at night during winter as the icy window ruins young and tender plants.

Indirect Sunlight
Indirect Sunlight (Source:

5. Correct Container for Azaleas

Unlike other plants, Azaleas require a container supporting good drainage. Use a container that is thrice the size of your Azaleas for proper growth.

Growing azaleas in ceramic, terracotta, or clay pots is always the finest option.

A thick clay container will keep the azalea’s thin root system from drying up by preventing the sun from overheating the soil. In the winter, a thicker container helps to protect the azalea roots.

A container with a diameter of 16 inches is perfect for growing azaleas.

This ensures that the container has adequate soil for winter insulation and that the shallow roots have appropriate hydration.

6. Fertilizer Requirement

Unlike other plants, azaleas need to be fertilized as your plant can’t shine without nutrition.

It is best to use acidic fertilizer in a frequency of two to three times during summer. Fertilize your azaleas plant before spring starts.

Azaleas love fertilizers rich in nitrogen, iron, and the NPK balanced fertilizers, such as a 10-10-10 ratio.

Here are some best fertilizers for Azalea plants.

You can also use organic materials like cottonseed meal, coffee grounds, organic compost for your Azaleas plant.

Related Article: 8 Best Fertilizers for Jade Plants

7. Regular Pruning

Azaleas do not look good when they are thinly growing and if the branches appear untrimmed. However, pruning Azaleas helps to make them bushier, and also it supports more blooms.

Therefore, it is recommended to prune your indoor Azaleas every year as soon as their blooming period ends, when the flowers begin to fade and shrink. 

However, you should not prune them in late summers or winter to remove flower buds ready for the next session.

Pruning equipments
Arrangements for pruning (Source: Unsplash)

Learn more about Pruning Pinapple Sage, African Voilets and Polka Dot here.

8. Repotting Azaleas plant

Azaleas need to be repotted for their healthier growth once they become root-bound.

So how do you know if your Azaleas are to be repotted?

The best way to know is to examine its root through drainage holes. If you can see the roots from the drainage holes, the plants require repotting.

Generally, young Azaleas need to be repotted every year. In contrast,  well-grown and older Azaleas needs to be repotted every 2 to 3 years.

We have some articles on Repotting your other Indoor Plants if you wish to learn more. Check out: Repotting Jade Plant, Aloe Vera, Philodendron,Schefflera, Lemon Tree, Snake Plant, Rubber Plant and many more.


If given consistent care, these high-maintenance plants are not that hard to care for. In case of simple neglect, they can easily be rejuvenated with minor efforts.

All your indoor azaleas require to revive is a proper watering schedule, maintained soil pH, humidity, and protection from pest infestation.

Bring home some azalea plants if you do not have them yet.

After all, Why not brighten your corner with some azaleas when you have mastered their caring tips.

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