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25+ Impressive Purple Plants For Indoor Garden

The plants with elegant Purple foliage and blooms can be the most refined color to harmonize with the dull green indoor plants.

Selecting indoor plants soaked in shades of Purple, sprinkled with violet dots, or blooming in rich Purple of various sizes can never go wrong with your design. The list includes plants like African Violet, Prayer Plant, Calatheas, Greenovia, Bellflower, etc.

Surf until the end to know about all of the 30 choices present for you to select from with the symbolization of purple color in plants.

Do Purple Plants Symbolise Anything?

YES! The purple flowers have a long, diverse symbolic history and are a great color as they blend the cool hues of blue with the warm shades of red.

The purple plant symbolizes honor, harmony, respect, royalty, peace, and spiritual awareness and is gifted in recognition of success, romance, and admiration.

Royal families mainly used this color flower to symbolize wealth, nobility, luxury, and status throughout the centuries.

Furthermore, the purple flower represents raised awareness and intuition on a spiritual level and are the best gifts for someone toiling with their spiritual growth.

In contrast, the purple color represents sorrow and mourning in Thailand. Hence, it is mainly used in funerals.

Some purple-hued flowers with special meaning are:

Name of Purple plantMeaning
Purple Lotus FlowerPurity, grace and symbolize Buddha himself in Buddhism.
VioletRepentance from sin in Christianity
Purple CarnationsCharacter of being impulsive or unpredictable
LilacsFirst feelings of love
Hyacinth Forgiveness
Dark Purple RoseBlack magic or death
Chinese EvergreenGood luck

25+ Impressive Purple Plants For Indoor Garden

After learning their features and general care tips, choose and bring the best among the listed thirty Purple indoor plants home.

1. African Violet (Streptocarpus sect. Saintpaulia)

African Violet is a native plant to Eastern Africa and has long been linked with mothers and motherhood.

These plants grow low and compact, with a height of about 8-16 inches. The leaves of African Violet are lush green with hues of Purple.

African Violet flowers bloom several times throughout the year with various colors and variegations, including shades of Purple.

However, these Violets are considered moderately difficult to grow indoors. Constant love and care are all these violets who want to flourish.

They require perfect growing conditions to thrive, such as:

  • Slightly acidic potting mix with adequate aeration and draining conditions.
  • Watering once a week to maintain constant and even moisture in the soil.
  • Bright indirect sunlight for at least 6-8 hours per day.
  • Half-diluted well-balanced fertilizers or fertilizers specially formulated for these plants.
  • A humidity of 80% and a temperature of around 70°F is ideal for African Violet.

The good thing is African Violets are not toxic to humans and pets.

2. Moses in the Cradle (Tradescantia Spathacea)

Moses in the Cradle is an easy-to-grow, low-maintenance plant popular in outdoor and indoor gardens.

The plant has lance-shaped leaves grouped as rosettes and is 6-12 inches long with green and white stripes on the top and Purple on the underside.

Also, Moses in the Cradle goes by the name “Boat lily” due to its three-petalled white flower that opens up from the boat-shaped bracts.

The plant reaches a height and width of 1-2 feet if provided with proper care.

  • A warm climate with temperatures of 60-85°F and medium humidity of about 40%.
  • Bright direct sun and even moisture keep it healthy.
  • Lightly moist soil during Spring and Fall. However, allow the potting mix to dry out between waterings in the winter.
  • A well-draining porous soil mixes rich in organic matter.
  • Add diluted and balanced fertilizer during the summer and spring seasons once a month.

Even though Moses in the Cradle is adorning, you must keep them away from children and pets as they are considered toxic.

3. Prayer Plant (Maranta Leuconeura)

Another plant in our list of unusual Purple indoor plants is a unique plant known as the Prayer plant.

It gets its name due to the diurnal movement of its leaves. The Prayer plant leaves fold up at night to resemble praying hands and lie flat during the daytime.

The Prayer plants have several varieties with variegated and striking foliage, along with several varieties having a purple hue.

The rarely blooming plant can sometimes flower with a small spike with white to faint purple and purple spots.
The purple veined leaf of Prayer plant is hanging by the trails.
The Prayer plant is famous for its unique leaf functioning.

As an indoor plant, this plant is a slow grower and reaches a height of 1 foot.

The Prayer plant is an easy-to-grow plant that needs the following:

  • A moist, well-draining soil mix with a pH range of 5.5 to 6.0 and partial to full shade.
  • A temperature of 65-85°F and a humidity level above 50% is optimum.
  • Use filtered water regularly whenever the topsoil is dry.
  • Fertilize every two weeks during the growing period, i.e., early spring through fall, and once a month in winter.
  • Use a water-soluble fertilizer diluted to 1/2 strength.

Prayer plants are not toxic to humans and pets. You can place this plant anywhere your heart wants.

4. Rex Begonia (Begonia Rex-Cultorum)

Rex Begonias are also called fancy-leaf begonias or painted-leaf begonias, thanks to their beautiful foliage with intriguing patterns.

Fancy-leaf begonia is a widely popular indoor plant because of its decorative foliage.

The height of the plant goes up to 12-18 inches and is similar in width.

Rex Begonias is an easy-growing plant; however, it needs careful cultivation in a perfect environment to produce attractive foliage.

  • Full or partial shade when planted in a lightweight potting mix that is slightly acidic.
  • Moderate humidity of about 50% and temperature of 60-75°F.
  • Water regularly moistens the soil and feeds twice a month with diluted fertilizer.

Even though its pretty foliage is tempting, you must keep this pant out of reach of children and pets due to its toxic nature.

5. Wandering Jew (Tradescantia Zebrina)

The next plant on our purple indoor plant list is Wandering Jew, Inch, or Spiderwort.

Wandering Jew is a fast-growing plant that reaches 6-12 inches in height and 24 inches in length and is used as ground cover.

They have striped leaves that are deep Purple when new and change to deep green as the leaves mature.

Meanwhile, the Wandering Jew blooms with tiny purple flowers during autumn.

The rule to growing Wandering Jew is quite simple:

  • Porous and rich soil mix.
  • Bright indirect light.
  • A humidity of 50% and a temperature of 50-80°F.
  • Water when the top two-inch soil is dry.
  • Add diluted fertilizer once a month in the growing season.

According to Newyork times, the Wandering Jew is harmless to pets and humans, but you better avoid the sap as it may irritate the skin. 

6. Chinese Evergreens (Aglaonema)

Chinese Evergreens are native to Asia, where they are grown to bring good luck to the home.

They grow up to a height of 2 feet and have beautiful foliage with silver patterns.

As they mature, Chinese Evergreens also produce small flowers in summer.

The requirements of Chinese Evergreen plants are:

  • Enough warmth to thrive and are challenging to grow, especially in the arid climate.
  • A temperature above 65°F with regular misting to keep the humidity high.
  • Partial to full shade (2-6 hours) along with rich and slightly acidic soil (pH<6.0).
  • Feed with slow-release fertilizers no more than twice a year, once in early spring and once in late summer.

It is better to place the Chinese Evergreens somewhere high to avoid the reach of pets and children, for they are toxic.

7. Calatheas (Calathea)

Calatheas are leafy plants with beautiful foliage that have striking angular patterns.

They are easy to grow indoors and reach 2 feet with a slow growth rate.

You will be delighted by its foliage as the beautiful leaves of Calathea look like finely painted art by an artist.

The basic requirements for the growth of Calatheas are:

  • Bright indirect light with well-draining soil and 65-85°F temperature.
  • High humidity and diluted fertilizer each month during the summer and spring seasons.
  • Water every 1-2 weeks or once the top 2-3 inches of soil is completely dried.

Be reassured as the Calatheas are non-toxic and one of the pet-friendly plants.

8. Cyclamen (Cyclamen Purpurascens)

Cyclamen is a group of 23 species native to the Mediterranean Basin.

These plants are 6-9 inches tall with heart-shaped leaves. The leaves are green on the top and Purple on the backside.

Moreover, Cyclamen produces shooting star-shaped flowers in the fall and spring, with purple, pink, red, and white colors.

These plants go dormant during winter and look dead but revive once the late fall hits.

The requirements of this plant are pretty simple but take care of the precise temperature requirements.

  • Maintain temperature between 40°F and 50°F and day temperature between 60°F and 75°F.
  • High humidity and partial sunlight.
  • Water when the soil is dry, and avoid watering the leaves.
  • Organically rich, slightly acidic soil with well-draining features.
  • Thorough watering and feeding with low nitrogen fertilizer in the winter and spring.

Keep the Cyclamen away from pets and children as every part contains Saponins, making it a toxic plant.

9. Purple Vanda Orchid (Vanda)

Purple Vanda Orchid plants have several purple and violet hues to select from for your indoor garden.

The matured plant of the Vanda Orchid reaches up to 1-3 feet in height and gives out fragrant and spotted blooms.

These beautiful Purple plants can be a focal point of your indoor garden, but you must do more work to keep them happy.

The basic requirements for having a healthy Purple Vanda Orchid are:

  • Neutral and well-draining soil-less growing media like bark or peat moss.
  • Partial sunlight with a temperature of 65-85°F.
  • Water frequently and maintain a minimum of 50% humidity (ideal-80%).
  • Balanced fertilizer twice a month on warmer days and monthly in cooler seasons to make it bloom.

Purple Vanda Orchid can co-exist with your pets and children as they are non-toxic.

10. Purple Shamrock (Oxalis Triangularis)

Purple Shamrock, also known as the False Shamrock, is an easy-to-grow plant native to South America.

Under ideal conditions, the Shamrock can grow up to 1 foot and 2 feet in width.

The vibrant dark purple foliage with pink, white, or lavender flowers is a beautiful plant that will adorn your living room.

The rule to grow Purple Shamrock is quite simple:

  • Full to partial sunlight.
  • A temperature of 60-75°F and moderate humidity of about 40%.
  • Light loamy or sandy soil and acidic soil with even moisture.
  • Fertilize with slow-release fertilizers added when repotting.

Take care and watch out for ingestion from pets and toddlers, as this plant is considered toxic to them.

11. Caladium (Caladium Bicolor)

Also known as angel wings or elephant ears, Caladium is a native plant of Central and South America.

Belonging to the plant family Arum, this plant grows up to 60cm and has large, wafer-thin foliage with striking purple prints in heart, arrow, or lance shapes.

The Caladium can bloom anytime during spring and autumn to give out flower-like buds with white spathe and spadix inflorescence.

Follow the following to keep Caladium happy:

  • 3-4 hours of filtered light.
  • Moist soil with high organic matter.
  • The day temperature is 70ºF and 60ºF at night, with more than 50% humidity.
  • Liquid fertilizer twice a month throughout the growing season.

All parts of Caladium contain Calcium oxalate crystals which are toxic on ingestion by pets.

12. Coleus (Plectranthus Scutellarioides)

Purple Coleus plants are easy-to-grow plants for both indoor and outdoor gardens.

The tiny physique of 36 inches in height and vibrant purple leaves makes Coleus a perfect plant to integrate into a garden to increase its brilliance.
A pot containing the leaves of Coleus is lying over a ground.
The leaves of Coleus are arranged directly opposite one another.
Coleus blooms (blue to white), but the flowers are not showy. The main attraction is its foliage.

Meanwhile, the plant being native to South East Asia and Australia, needs its native climatic conditions to thrive.

Make sure to fulfill the following basic requirements to keep Coleus healthy:

  • At least 6 hours of direct sunlight for the day.
  • A temperature of 70-100ºF and humidity higher than 50%.
  • Water the plant daily during summer and once a week for winter.
  • Granular fertilizer every month during the summer season to keep it healthy.
  • Well-draining soil mix with a pH of 6-7, rich in perlite to keep Coleus free from root rot disease.

Ingestion of Coleus parts causes gastrointestinal discomfort in cats and dogs as the plant is mildly toxic.

13. Echeveria (Purple Pearl)

Echeveria, belonging to the Crassulaceae family, is a succulent plant with a rose-shaped arrangement of leaves.

The main focus of this plant is its light purple fleshy leaves that are waxy on the edges.

Echeveria grows up to 12 inches when the growing requirement is favorable.

Being a native plant to Central America, this plant needs a subtropical climate to thrive. And some other essential requirements as:

  • Full sun and humidity of around 40%.
  • Grows in USDA zone 9b, 10, and 11 so they can not tolerate frost.
  • Well-draining, lightweight soil with a pH of around 6.0 and watering once a fortnight.
  • A slow-release or diluted liquid fertilizer.

You can safely bring the Echeveria home, as they are pet-friendly and non-toxic to humans.

14. Iron-Cross Begonia (Begonia Masoniana)

Iron-Cross Begonia is a unique houseplant with a coarse, pebbled texture and wide and dark markings on the foliage.

The rust-colored patterning on the foliage gave it the name Iron Cross. It is a native plant of China and Vietnam and belongs to the Begoniaceae family.

It grows up to 18 inches tall and produces purple flowers in summer.

Tips to have its beautiful bloom each year are:

  • Bright indirect light and a temperature of 65-75°F, and high humidity.
  • Water once a week with chlorine-free water.
  • Well-draining soil mix.
  • Feed with 10-10-5 NPK or liquid fertilizer monthly in spring and summer.

Better to keep the plant aside and away from pets and children’s reach as the leaves are mildly and the root highly toxic.

15. Greenovia (Greenovia Aurea ex El Hierro)

Greenovia is another succulent with a rose-shaped arrangement of leaves.

These unique-looking succulents belong to the Crassulaceae family and are native to the Canary Islands.

The succulent leaves of this plant have a purple hue and grow to a height of 6 inches.

However, you may have to live in Spain to keep it as a houseplant, as it is rarely found elsewhere.

The basic requirements of Greenovia are:

  • A subtropical climate with bright full sun, 50-70°F temperature, and 40% relative humidity.
  • Water once a fortnight. Cut it in half during winter and resume in spring (growing season).
  • Monthly feeding with half-diluted liquid fertilizer in active season and cut back in winter.
  • A soil mix of pH 5.0-8.0 with enough drainage capacity.

Do not get deceived by the innocent look of Greenovia, as they are highly toxic to humans and pets on ingestion.

16. Persian Shield Plant (Strobilanthes Dyerianus)

The Persian Shield plant is also commonly known as the Royal Purple plant.

This plant becomes about 3-4 feet tall with evergreen foliage with shimmering leaves in shades of purple and green.
The group of Purple Persian Shield bush is growing outdoors.
Persian Shield Plants are bushy.

Belonging to the Acanthaceae family, the Persian Shield plant also produces lavender-colored flowers in its native Myanmar.

Even though this plant rarely blooms indoors, you can try to make it bloom by providing ideal conditions.

  • Full sun to partial shade with a tropical and warm climate, i.e., about 50% humidity and 70°F temperature.
  • Slightly acidic soil mix with good drainage and aeration.
  • Add all-purpose fertilizer once every two weeks in spring and summer.

Although the toxicity of the Persian Shield plant is debated, it is better to keep it away from pets and children to prevent any hazards.

17. Purple Passion (Gynura Aurantiaca)

Another one on the list of purple indoor plants that you will love watching grow is Purple Passion.

This plant has a unique growth habit with upright growth at the early stage and vine-like as it matures.

Purple Passion can reach 8 feet tall with purple fuzzy hairs on its velvety green leaves.

The basic requirements of Purple Passion are:

  • Bright indirect light.
  • Evenly moist, well-draining, and nutrient-rich soil.
  • 60°F to 70°F temperature and humidity around 40-60%.
  • Add balanced fertilizer diluted to half monthly during spring and summer.

Do not worry about the indoor placement of the beautiful Purple Passion plants, as they are safe for pets and humans.

18. Fig Rubber Tree Plant (Ficus Elastica)

Rubber plants belonging to the Spurge family can be as big as 100 feet when grown in their natural habitat in Southeast Asia.

But don’t worry, with limited space to grow on a container and light fertilizer, an indoor rubber plant can only be up to 10 feet tall.

This beautiful plant has shiny, oval leaves that are red when young and change to dark green with a purple hue when mature.

Provide the essential requirement to make the Rubber Tree flourish.

  • Partial shade with 60-65ºF temperature.
  • Frequent misting of leaves and evenly moist soil.
  • Humidity above 50%.
  • Diluted fertilizer in the growing season every month.

Give more attention to the Rubber plant, as the sap of this plant is toxic to pets and causes skin irritation in humans.

19. Christmas Cactus (Schlumbergera)

Even though the Christmas Cactus name suggests it to be a desert plant, this plant is native to the coastal mountains of Brazil.

Its leaves are modified to attractive pad-like segments that are bright green. Its beauty is complemented by angular flowers that come in different hues, including Purple.

Although classified as a cactus, Christmas Cactus grows in the bark of trees and rocky surfaces like an orchid.

Under proper care, the plant can attain a height of 6 to 12 inches and a width of about 1 to 2 feet.

The basic requirements of Christmas Cactus include:

  • Filtered light, 60°F to 80°F temperature, and high humidity.
  • Porous, moist soil or orchid potting mix.
  • Diluted fertilizer during bud formation and blooming.

Although the Christmas Cactus is non-toxic to pets, do not consider feeding them the plant parts as it can still cause discomfort.

20. Gloxinia (Sinningia Speciosa)

Gloxinia has three natural species and several hybrid species that produce lush, green, spade-shaped leaves and bell-shaped flowers.

This plant can grow up to 6-12 inches tall in a container.
Interestingly, Gloxinia’s lavender and violet blossoms are often mistaken for African Violet.

The plant requirements of Gloxinia to keep it healthy are:

  • A tropical climate that is warm and humid (50% humidity and 60-75°F temperature).
  • Bright indirect light.
  • Evenly moist and well-draining potting mix with a pH of 5.5-6.5.
  • Feeding each month with diluted fertilizer.

The Gloxinalso non-toxic to pets, so place them anywhere you prefer.

21. Ti Plant (Cordyline Fruticosa)

Commonly known as the Hawaiian Ti Plant, Cabbage Palm, or Palm Lily, Cordyline Fruticosa are loved as indoor purple plants worldwide.

The sword-shaped leaves are the main attraction of the Ti Plant.

Moreover, this evergreen plant expands to 3-4 feet across and up to 10 feet tall along a central stalk in ideal growing conditions.

The vibrant leaves are deep purplish-red, generally complemented by lavender, pink or white flowers.

The plant requirements of the Ti Plant to keep it healthy are:

  • Ti plant requires full to partial sunlight (6 or more hours).
  • Slightly acidic, loamy soil with regular deep watering during growing seasons.
  • Ti plant thrives at temperatures of 65-95°F.
  • Slow-release fertilizers with a balanced NPK ratio.

Even though the leaves are stunning, be alert, as the Ti plant is toxic to pets when consumed.

22. Aechmea ‘Blue Rain’ Bromeliad (Aechmea)

Belonging to the Bromeliad family, Aechmea has an exotic look and cool colors.

Aechmea’ Blue Rain’ Bromeliad has a striking, beautiful central spike of flowers in red and violet colors.

It grows up to 15 inches high, flaunting its beauty.

Fulfill the primary care required to make the plant bloom.

  • Grows better in tree bark than in soil. Therefore, select an orchid potting mix.
  • Requires 65°F to 80°F temperature and bright indirect light.
  • Light feeding during the growing season with watering once a week.

The toxicity of Aechmea is still debatable, but most believe it to be non-toxic to cats and dogs. 

23. Sweet Caroline (Sweet Purple Potato Vine)

Ipomoea batatas (Sweet Purple Potato Vine) are one of the most versatile indoor plants.

This plant has up to 8 inches long and 5 feet wide vine-like growth. Its ivy-shaped leaves with rich purple color are the most extraordinary feature of this plant.

Belonging to the morning glory family, placing the Sweet Caroline plant on a hanging basket gives the best view of its showy leaves.

Follow the care tips to enjoy the vibrant heart-shaped foliage of the Sweet Caroline.

  • Grows in any soil with the full sun for 6 hours, partial sun for 4 to 6 hours, and full shade for 4 hours.
  • Watering in the morning is the only thing to care for while growing this beautiful foliage.
  • A temperature of 70-80°F and feed with water-soluble plant fertilizer.

According to California Poison Control, ornamental Sweet Potato Vine has level 4 toxicity, with the seeds being highly toxic to pets. 

24. Purpurea Purple Heart (Tradescantia Pallida)

The Purpurea Purple Heart is another plant loved most as an indoor purple plant.

The rich royal purple stem and leaves with a subtle hint of turquoise make this plant an attractive focal point for your garden.

This plant can grow up to 12 inches tall, with pointed, narrow purple leaves, i.e., 5 inches long.

This native purple plant of Eastern Mexico produces small clusters of vividly pink flowers in the summer.

The basic requirements of the Purpurea Purple Heart are:

  • Full or partial sunlight and water generously to keep it thriving.
  • Loamy soil as they are essentially drought tolerant after being well established.
  • A temperature of 60 to 70°F during the day and about 50 to 55°F at night.
  • Fertilize monthly during the growing season and cease until spring, when new growth starts appearing.
  • Cut plants after flowering to encourage more bushy growth.

Keep your pets and children from the Purpurea Purple Heart, as they are highly toxic. 

25. Bellflower (Campanula)

Campanula is a genus of flowering plants with small bell-shaped flowers in purplish-blue color.

Bellflower, when grown outdoors, spreads as a ground cover. However, when confined in a container, it can be up to 6 inches tall and 8 inches wide.

Although the bell-shaped purple flower is the main attraction, the hairy, heart shape blue to green foliage beautifies the plant.

The basic requirements of Campanula are:

  • Neutral, well-draining soil fertilized once in spring.
  • A temperature of 65 to 70°F, high humidity, and regular moisture.
  • Full to partial sunlight produces abundant of these gorgeous flowers.

Although the Bellflower is non-toxic, consuming the plant part can still cause diarrhea in your pets and children.

26. Purple Waffle Plant (Hemigraphis Alternata)

The tropical perennial plant, Purple Waffle Plant, is called Red Ivy.

It can grow up to 6 inches tall indoors and produces rich, metallic foliage with green upside and Purple on the downside.
A pot containing the leaf of Purple Waffle Plants is standing over a shelf.
The leaves of Purple Waffle is also known as metal leaf and has a heavy texture.

Purple Waffle Plant will thrive with the following basic requirements:

  • Bright indirect sunlight and regular irrigation.
  • A temperature above 40-50°F and humidity above 50%.
  • Moist and slightly acidic soil with a pH of 6.1-6.9.

Purple Waffle Plant is another plant to add to the collection, for they do not possess any toxicity for your pets and children.

27. Pink Quill (Wallisia Cyanea)

The gorgeous plant of the bromeliad family, Pink Quill, got its name because of its stunning light pink feather-shaped bracts.

The bract of this evergreen plant produces small violet flowers that complement its beauty.

The height of Pink Quill, when grown indoors, can be up to 12 inches and spread up to 10-20 inches.

Just provide your Pink Quill with the following requirements:

  • Filtered light with temperatures between 70 and 80°F.
  • Orchid or bromeliad soil mix.
  • Fertilize it once in spring with a diluted all-purpose fertilizer.

Good News!! You can place the stunning Pink Quill at your favorite spot in the room, as it is not toxic.

28. Silver Squill (Ledebouria Socialis)

Silver Squill is a unique bulbous plant with striking thick leaves in mottled color.

The leaves of Silver Squill have dappled silver and green foliage with a purple hue on the underside and stem.

It grows about 10 inches tall with pink stems and green flowers.

Just provide your Silver squill with the following requirements:

  • Bright indirect sun (for at least 3-4 hours/day).
  • A cool climate with about 60°F temperature and low humidity below 40%.
  • Keep Silver Squill in the shade with watering once a month.
  • Add fertilizer monthly to keep its silver polka dots polished during the growing season.
  • Rich, well-drained soil with neutral pH.

Keep in mind, Silver Squill is toxic and needs to be placed out of reach of pets and children.

29. Begonia’ Maori Haze’ (Begonia rex Beleaf)

Also known as Begonia rex Beleaf, Begonia ‘Maori Haze’ plant is native to Brazil.

The Maori Haze has a showy purple leaf with vivid patterns and small pink flowers blooming in summer.

This evergreen plant is a perfect addition to your garden as it can be used as a focus throughout the year.

Moreover, it can grow up to a height of 40-60 cm when grown indoors; just provide it with the following requirements:

  • High humidity, more than 60%, and 60-70°F temperature.
  • Bright indirect sunlight and regular watering.
  • The plant does not tolerate dry soil. So, maintain constant moisture by misting the soil regularly.
  • Add balanced liquid feed during the growing season.

Better to keep the tiny hands and furry pets away from Begonia ‘Maori Haze’ as they are toxic.

30. Ruby Necklace (Othonna Capensis)

Ruby Necklace is the last plant on our purple plants’ indoor list. It is also known as the String of Pickles.

It is a beautiful and delicate succulent with glossy green leaves on rich purple stems.

The trailing succulent leaves of Ruby Necklace look best on a hanging basket, extending its trail from 2 inches to 20 feet long, depending on the growing condition.

Moreover, it produces bright yellow flowers in the spring and summer, adding to this plant’s exotic beauty.

The basic requirements of Ruby Necklace are:

  • Cactus soil mix with pH level 6.0-6.5 with complete soil drying between the watering sessions.
  • Add diluted fertilizer low in nitrogen once or twice a year.
  • Shines best in warm temperatures above 75°F and about 50-60% humidity.
  • Bright indirect light to thrive, but slight sun stress with direct early sun turns the green leaves into beautiful purple or deep ruby red.

The Ruby Necklace is safe to bring home as they are non-toxic to your toddler and pet.

31. Wandering Jew (Tradescantia Zebrina)

Wandering Jew is a tropical perennial herb forming dense mats or colonies. 

This plant is found in hardiness zones between 9 and 11 at a temperature of 50-80°F.

Moreover, this plant incorporates green, heart-shaped foliage with purple stripes and lavender-purple flowers.

The crucial requirements of Wandering Jew plants are:

  • Prepare the soil mix using organic compost, peat moss, and perlite with soil pH 5-6.
  • Water the plant when the soil is 1/2 inch dry.
  • Prune the plants every year or when you see them overgrowing.

From Editorial Team


Adding deep colors like Purple spices up the environment and gives a vibrant touch to your indoors.

You can add one or more colorful plants you love most to relieve the stress and anxiety of your daily schedule by providing minimal care and enough bright light.

Moreover, use Terracotta or Ceramic flowerpots for these gorgeous plants.

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