If you witness the colors in your Philodendron Rojo Congo fading, maybe it lacks nitrogen.
Many overestimate the easygoing nature of Philodendron Rojo Congo.
Thus, read on till the end to understand what to do and not to do with them.
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Overview of Philodendron Rojo Congo
Philodendron Rojo Congo is a cross-bred product of Philodendron Imperial Red and Tatei. They all belong to the Asteraceae family.
Indicator | Identity |
Scientific Name | Philodendron Rojo Congo |
Common Name | Rojo Congo, Congo Red |
Growth Zone | Zones 9-11 |
Growth Size | Up to 3 feet long |
Growth Speed | Moderate |
Grown For | Glossy red hued evergreen foliage |
Container | Terracotta or unglazed pot |
Flowering | Typical Philodendron flower with spathe and spadix |
Availability | Rare |
Toxicity | Toxic to pets and humans |
Philodendron Rojo Congo: A Detailed Care Guide
The tropical beauty of Philodendron Rojo Congo demands a simple yet efficient care routine.
And depending on the level of care, their foliage growth significantly differs.
1. Sunlight & Temperature
Many gardeners mistakenly think that Philodendron Rojo Congo needs full, direct sunlight.
As a result, they get their plants to sunburn the leaves and cause the unique red tint to fade away in no time.
It will be best to assign this cultivar east or west-facing window in the 9-11 USDA zone.
But avoid keeping them too close as cold drafts can cause drooping, yellowing leaves with stunted growth.
Similarly, extreme temperature fluctuation also affects plant health, so wisely position your plant to ensure temperature > 65°F.
Remember, the unique red tint of your plant will disappear due to chlorosis if they are in deep shade.
2. Watering & Humidity
Unlike lighting needs, Philodendrons do not stand improper watering habits.
Even slight mishaps in watering habits can cause the plant to wilt, limp, halt growth and induce root rotting that eventually causes death.
Ensure that the top 5 cm of soil is dry and opt for bottom watering to maintain optimal humidity and keep the plant hydrated.
Place a pebble tray partially filled with distilled water under the plant pot if the humidity drops.
Beware of too high humidity as it causes problematic fungal and bacterial infections.
In contrast, the leaf withers, wilts, and droops when the humidity drops too low.
3. Soil & Fertilization
Philodendron Rojo Congo thrives in loose, airy, well-draining organic soil enriched with nutrients.
To create well-draining soil, you can add coco coir, perlite and sphagnum moss to the mix.
Apply commercial foods such as Cacti mix and Miracle-Gro in the Spring and summer. But, avoid feeding the dormant plants in winter.
If you happen to overfertilize Rojo Congo, the signs like browning leaf tips, drooping, root burn, and salt buildup comes by.
Meanwhile, under-fertilization causes sparse or no new growth with a weak stem.
So, you need to use compost like other organic fertilizers to be in a safe boat.
4. Potting & Repotting
Philodendrons won’t fuss for a year when kept in terracotta or ceramic pot with drain holes.
The root-bound Rojo Congo can abruptly lose multiple leaves and have roots lurking out from drain holes.
To reduce the repot stress, water your plant a day before repotting. Remember, Spring is the best time to repot your Rojo Congo.
Also, you need to remove all damaged roots and stems while repotting your plant.
5. Periodic Pruning
Although pests rarely invade Philodendrons, aphids and mealy bugs can trouble them.
Besides, Erwinia blight is the main bacterial infection that makes the plant crumble down.
It is a contagious bacterial infection that begins in the soil and infects the whole plant within a week.
In such peril, you can cut off the severely damaged parts and wash off the plant using insecticidal soap.
Similarly, you can also spray the plant using neem oil to keep all pests and fungal diseases at bay.
If you see rotten roots or stems, be brave and trim them with sterilized sharp shears.
Philodendron Rojo Congo: All about Growth Rate
Rojo Congo is a self-heading plant with a moderate growth rate, unlike other Philodendrons.
Its burgundy green foliage with red petiole is the main centerpiece that stands out the most.
Young leaves typically have a velvety, glossy surface and are crimson. But turn burgundy green after reaching maturity.
Those visually appealing leaves can get almost 1.5 feet long and unit feet wide in an ellipsoidal shape.
Meanwhile, Rojo Congo is very unlikely to bloom indoors like any other Philodendrons.
But outdoor Philodendron Rojo Congo might bloom with a typical Philodendron flower under excellent care.
They bloom only after maturing, which generally takes almost 10 to 15 years.
However, due to its exotic, voluminous foliage, its blooms can easily go unnoticed.
Toxicity of Philodendron Rojo Congo
Philodendron Rojo Congo can be poisonous to humans and animals if consumed.
The insoluble calcium oxalate crystals penetrate the mucous membrane and release histamine.
Meanwhile, it is also toxic to humans, as released histamine causes inflammatory symptoms.
Accidental intake can cause swollen mouth, irritation in the bowel tract, diarrhea and vomiting.
Similarly, pets will develop symptoms like vomiting, loss of appetite and excess drool.
If you suspect your pet or kids took a nibble, you can give them milk as a first-aid remedy to ease the burning sensation.
With that said, you shall seek medical help or call any of the helplines below.
- Animal Poison Control Center (ASPCA) : (888) 426-4435
- National Capital Poison Control : (800) 222-1222
Propagation Methods for Philodendron Rojo Congo
Being a hybrid cross of Imperial Red and Tatei, Rojo Congo can be propagated via stem cuttings and offset division.
As they barely bloom, propagation via seeds is very unlikely. So, many aims for stem cutting for successful results.
Interestingly, it was illegal to propagate Philodendron Rojo Congo before January 2022 due to the patent.
Before you get your hands dirty with propagation, ensure you have Rooting Hormone, Pruning shear and pots.
Let us begin the propagation without further ado, shall we?
1. Stem Cutting
Start selecting a healthy stem with a node and cut it just below the node.
- Submerge the stem in a container filled with water and rooting hormone.
- Replace the water once in a while and place them in indirect light.
- Wait for new roots to grow, which takes almost 1-2 months.
- Once roots have become an inch long, transplant them to a new pot with fresh soil mix.
2. Offset Division
Before separating them, you must wait until the offsets or shoots reach at least 4 or 5 inches.
- Look out for little plantlets at least 4-5 inches tall or with aerial roots.
- Take them out carefully without hurting their roots and stems.
- Plant each of the plantlets in an individual pot with a light potting mix.
- Place them in a bright shade and keep them moist. Give those Rojo Congo youngsters regular care.
3. Air Layering
You may grow and air layer the plantlets that the Rojo Congo produces as it matures.
- Locate whitish bumps like growth below the nodes.
- Peel off 1/3rd of the stem thickness right under the bump.
- Cover the peeled spot with moss and wrap it up with cling film.
- Poke some holes to ensure air circulation.
- Mist them occasionally to keep the moss moist.
- Wait for 3-5 weeks for new root growth.
- Carefully cut the stem under the new root after they become visible.
- Place them in a small pot filled with fresh potting mix.
Philodendron Rojo Congo Vs. Imperial Red
Philodendron Rojo Congo is not your regular Imperial Red but is actually a parent of Red Congo with Philodendron Tatei.
In contrast to Philodendron Imperial Red, Rojo Congo grows more compactly with wider, darker burgundy leaves.
But Imperial Red has more bright greenish elongated leaves that are compact.
Other than that, both of them share identical care and maintenance needs.
Factors | Philodendron Rojo Congo | Philodendron Imperial Red |
Growth Size | Up to 3-4 feet | Up to 3 feet |
Leaf Profile | Shape: Wider, longer leaves with more thickness. Color: Darker red tinted green leaves. | Shape: Pointy, glossy leaves and are compact. Color: Brighter red hue on green leaves. |
Toughness | Roots spread more making a robust support for plant | Roots are compact with less rigid support |
Toxicity | Toxic to pets and even humans | Toxic to pets and humans |
Blooming Feature & Period | It has brighter flower petal with vibrant purple hue. | Less brighter flower petal with wine red tint. |
Pot Requirement | Terracotta or ceramic pots with multiple drain holes | Terracotta or Ceramic pots with multiple drain holes |
Tips for Keeping Philodendron Rojo Congo Problem Free
If your Philodendron Rojo Congo is dying in dry soil, pour a pail of neutral water and allow the soil to soak under the bright indirect light.
But you can prevent this by considering the following tips.
- Aim for grow lights with heat for 12 hours a day in winter.
- Keep plants together to boost indoor humidity.
- Reduce watering and fertilization in winter due to dormancy.
- Use chopsticks or a moisture meter and water accordingly.
- Apply fungicides to cut the ends of roots when repotting them.
- Only cut 1/3rd part per pruning to avoid excess stress.
- Regularly wipe clean plant leaves with a soapy solution.
Philodendron Rojo Congo for Sale
Rojo Congo was previously rare to find, but now, with the upliftment of patents, it has become a bit easier to find them.
Buying Options | Shipping |
Etsy | Ships within 3-7 days |
Garden Goods | Ships within 3-5 days |
Little Leaf Shop | Immediate shipping |
Monrovia | Ships after the last frost date |
House Plant Shop | Ships within 2-5 business days |
From Editorial Team
Philodendron Rojo Congo is an ideal houseplant on a terrace under shade in the hot months, especially in summer.
They can thrive in growing zones 9b to 12 throughout the year.
To grow Rojo Congo indoors, place it in a warm and humid location with bright light.