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Philodendron Ring of Fire [Propagation, Buying & Care Guide]

Philodendron Ring of Fire owes its name thanks to serrated green and fiery leaves with reddish, white, and golden-orange speckles, which quickly cede their lush without tropical care! 

Generally, Philodendron Ring of Fire prefers daily 4-6 hours of indirect sunlight, 55-85°F of surrounding temperature, ambient humidity of 30-60%, porous soil, watering care every 7-9 days, and triannual fertilizer application, repotting every 2-3 years, with periodic pruning. 

Follow the article to learn the complete care, propagation, and buying guide for this marvelous Philodendron variety!

Philodendron Ring of Fire [Plant Overview]

Philodendron Ring of Fire is a tropical aroid believed to be a cross-hybrid variety of Philodendron tortum and Philodendron wendlandii

Additionally, this Philodendron variety is “ultra-rare to find” despite its tropical inhabitance and was first discovered by William Jackson Hooker in 1829.

Do you know you can increase the population of rare tropical plants, such as Philodendron Ring of Fire, by propagating them using tissue culture methods?

Take a quick look at the basic overview of the plant from the table below.

Common NamePhilodendron Ring of Fire

Philodendron Narrow Ring of Fire

Philodendron Narrow Variegata

Henderson's Pride
Native AreaCentral & South America
USDA Hardiness Zones9-11
Plant Growth FormPerennial herbaceous epiphyte or hemi-epiphyte
Plant TypeEvergreen
Leaf ColorTextured (orange to bright pink to red and deep green)
Leaf Shape and SizeShape: Deeply serrated margins with pointy lobes resembling fangs or fiery flames

Length: about 60 cm

Width: about 40 cm
BloomPink Spathe & White Spadix
Growth Size 6-8 feet tall
Growth RateSlow
Grown ForOrnamental value and decor (leaves)
Flowering SeasonSpring and Summer
ToxicityToxic to both humans and pets (parts of the plant contain toxic calcium oxalate crystals)

Philodendron Ring of Fire For Sale

Here are some trustworthy sites to buy the rare Philodendron Ring of Fire for your abode.

SitesExpected Delivery Period
AmazonWithin 4-5 days after placing an order
AroidAsiaWithin 1-2 weeks after placing an order
AroidNurseryWithin 7-8 days after placing an order

Philodendron Ring of Fire Care & Grow Guide

Philodendron Ring of Fire requires all the tropical setups to grow inside your home.

Image represents infographic illustration for caring requirements of Philodendron Ring of Fire
Brief illustrative description for caring for your Philodendron Ring of Fire.

Additionally, you must offer this plant plenty of room to grow as it needs copious space to stretch its leaves.

1. Light & Temperature

Daily Light & Temperature Requirements

Philodendron Ring of Fire needs 4-6 hours of dappled sunlight per diem and surrounding temperatures of around 55-85°F. 

Extreme Sunlight & Temperature Issues

  • Yellowing or browning (leaf discoloration)
  • Leaf curls and foliage burns
  • Crisp leaf tips and margins

Low Sunlight & Temperature Issues

  • Loss of leaf variegations
  • Lanky stems and petioles
  • Small-sized and fewer leaves or blooms
  • Foliar drops and sparse leaf growths

Tips for Proper Sunlight & Temperature

  • Situate the plant near a curtained east-facing or 3-5 feet from an open south-facing window.
  • Place the Philodendron below a shade net outdoors where the afternoon sun is hot enough to burn your plant.
  • Place the plant under grow lights about 6-12 inches away for 10-12 hours to cope with the lack of sunlight in winter.
  • Keep your Philodendron away from cold, drafty north-facing windows or cooling vents to avoid temperature changes.
  • Prevent temperatures below 55°F during winter by covering the plant with frost blankets.
  • Covering the potting soil with straw bales also helps keep the plant warm during winter.

2. Watering & Humidity

Daily Watering & Humidity Requirements

Water your Philodendron Ring of Fire every 7-9 days during spring and summer and every 2-3 weeks in fall and winter with ambient humidity of around 30-60%.

Overwatering & High Humidity Symptoms

  • Yellow and wilting (floppy) leaves
  • Foul smell from the potting soil due to root rot
  • Moldy growth on the topsoil
  • Decaying soft tissues of stems, roots, and petioles
  • Leaf fallouts and curls (due to root damage)
GIF Image represents watering requirement for Philodendron Ring of Fire
Your Philodendron prefers a splash of water when the soil of the potting mix is dry.

Underwatering & Low Humidity Symptoms

  • Progressive yellowing and browning of leaf tips and edges
  • Wrinkly and droopy foliage
  • Inward or outward leaf curls

Tips for Proper Watering & Humidity

  • Let the potting soil dry off completely by keeping the plant in the searing sun for a few hours.
  • Amend the soil with organic perlite, sand, or layer pebbles at the pot’s base for improved drainage.
  • Additionally, you can drill extra drainage holes in planters to flush excess water.
  • Remove water from the pot plate to avoid stagnation after each watering session.
  • To combat severe dehydration, use the approach of bottom watering.
  • Unpot the plant, change the potting soil, and trim the black or mushy roots if rotting is clear-cut.
  • Use humidifiers or humidity trays to maintain moisture levels around the plants.
  • Mist the leaves regularly to cool down the plant during the summer heat but avoid overhead watering.
GIF Image represents the importance of misting your Philodendron
Don’t be shy to mist your Philodendron during the hot summer.

3. Soil & Fertilizer

Seasonal Soil & Fertilizer Requirements

Philodendron Ring of Fire prefers organic, well-draining soil (pH: 6.1-7.3) fortified with triannual balanced liquid fertilizer usage.

Signs of Using Wrong Potting Soil

  • Soggy or puddling soil conditions and poor drainage
  • Lack of oxygen intake within the potting environment

Overfertilization Symptoms

  • Salt buildup in the potting mix
  • Root or leaf burns (foliar or fertilizer burns)

Under Fertilization Symptoms

  • Growth cessation (stunting)
  • Leaf color changes (yellow, red, purple, etc.)
  • Infrequent blooms and flowering frequencies
  • Small and fewer leaves and flowers
GIF Image represents overwatering conditions in Philodendron
Philodendrons don’t like mushy soil conditions that can lead to root rot.

Tips for Proper Fertilizer & Soil

  • Wash the potting soil with distillate water 4-5 times to remove excess salts and prevent mineral buildup monthly.
  • Avoid using fertilizer during fall and winter or reduce the application to every 6-8 weeks when the plant is dormant.
  • Dilute the fertilizer to the required concentration as instructed per pack.
  • Weekly unclog the drainage holes from the planters for a loose potting environment.
  • Avoid using a fertilizer with high salt or mineral content.
  • Also, feed young or newly propagated plants 3-4 times during the growing season until it forms healthy leaves.

Use a proper potting mix that contain a balanced blend of 30% soil, 20% sphagnum peat, 40% orchid bark with horticultural charcoal, and 10% perlite.

4. Repotting Care

Biennial or Triennial Repotting Requirements

Philodendron Ring of Fire needs repotting every 2-3 years after it becomes root bound or doubled from its original size in late winter or early spring in a 1-2 inches wider and deeper terracotta pot

Repotting Signs

  • Roots bumping out from the drainage holes
  • Jamming of roots on the topsoil
  • Abrupt leaf loss and surge in the soil acidity

Tips to Repot Philodendron Ring of Fire

  • Water the plant a day before repotting to prevent transplant shock.
  • Take your potted Philodendron, tilt it to the side, and remove the soil from the sides by gently tapping the pot’s base.
  • Grab the stem at the base and gently pull the plant from the pot.
  • Untangle the bundled roots and trim any damaged or rotten ones using sterilized pruners.
  • Keep healthy roots that look white and crisp intact.
  • After, prune some leaves to maintain a balanced root-to-shoot ratio during transplant.
  • Fill a new planter about one-third with fresh potting soil and place the root ball at the center.
  • Add more soil from the sides to fill the pot up to an inch below the brim.
  • Thoroughly water and place the plant under dappling sunlight.
  • Also, you must avoid fertilizing your newly repotted plant for at least 6 weeks.

You can watch the video to go through the steps of repotting your Ring of Fire.

5. Periodic Pruning

Occasional, Biennial, or Triennial Requirements

Prune Ring of Fire once the plant develops unruly parts or remove the diseased or pest-infested parts every 2-3 years.

Philodendron Ring of Fire Pests & Diseases

Pests: Spider Mites, Thrips, Mealybugs, Aphids, and Fungus Gnats

Diseases: Leaf Spots, Root Rots, and Powdery Mildews

GIF Image represents the technique of pruning your Ring of Fire
Pruning is an essential step to remove diseased parts or messy growth.

Steps to Prune Philodendron Ring of Fire

  • Inspect your plant for unruly stems, diseased or dying parts.
  • Hold the plant part and cut it all the way from the base.
  • Cut at the base of the petiole to remove the leaf.
  • To remove the infected stem, you can cut it at the base.
  • Additionally, ensure to make a 45° angle cut during the pruning.
  • A general rule of thumb is to prune about 25% of the plant.
  • Dab any visible pests using Q-tips laced with neem oil or wipe the infected parts using copper-based fungicides.

Philodendron Ring of Fire Growth Rate

The Philodendron Ring of Fire is an outstanding epiphytic climber.

It is highly sought after for its multi-colored, serrated, variegated leaves and rare flowering habit.

However, the plant has a slow growth rate, but the mature plant can stature about 3-8 feet in 10 years.

1. Foliage Features

The leaf bunch can spread about 40 centimeters, and each leaf leans about 60 centimeters in length. 

Image represents the colorful foliage of Philodendron Ring of Fire
Color-changing feature of the Philodendron Ring of Fire foliage makes it more appealing to the eyes.

Furthermore, the leaves have a special quality of changing their hues from green, orange-red, or white to cream or giving the blotched appearance of all the combined colors.

However, if you are growing Philodendron in a humid environment, it forms aerial roots that climb in hanging baskets.

2. Inflorescence (Flowers)

The overall structure of Philodendron flowers from all varieties is similar.

Philodendron Ring of Flower blooms but rarely during spring and summer.

Image represents the inflorescence of Philodendron Ring of Fire
Philodendron Ring of Fire has a unique inflorescence known as “spadix” and “spathe.”

The Ring of Fire flower is an entire inflorescence comprising leafy, light to dark pink spathe and creamy white spadix.

However, the flower lacks fragrance, serving the only purpose of reproduction.

Besides, the plant must be at least 10 years old to beget flowers.

Toxicity of Philodendron Ring of Fire 

Like all the aroids, the Philodendron Ring of Fire is toxic for humans and pets.

According to ASPCA, the toxicity of Philodendron varieties, like Philodendron Ring Fire Gold, is due to needle-like bundles of calcium oxalate crystals that penetrate the mucous membrane and release histamine.

In humans, accidental consumption of the parts may result in swelling of the esophagus, gastrointestinal tract, lining around and inside the mouth, diarrhea, and vomiting.

Whereas your pets may experience vomiting, loss of appetite, drooling, and pawing in the mouth due to irritation.

If you are searching for a homemade remedy, go for milk that helps bind the oxalate crystals in the plant parts.

But if that doesn’t work, call any helpline number below for support.

Philodendron Ring of Fire Propagation

Interestingly, you can propagate the Philodendron Ring of Fire using stem cuttings and into 2 different mediums.

Propagation via Stem Cuttings

You can follow a step-by-step guide to propagating the Philodendron Ring of Fire using stem cuttings during spring or early summer.

Step-1: Selection of Stem Cuttings

Select a healthy stem cutting at least 20 cm long with at least 2 or more leaf nodes.

Also, you need to use a sterilized knife and cut the desired stem length.

Step-2: Rooting the Cuttings

You can propagate the cuttings using 2 different ways.

Propagating the Cuttings in Soil

Propagation in the soil is considered gold as it helps your Philodendron to grow sturdier roots.

  • Moisten and poke some holes in the potting mix.
  • Dip the cut ends in the rooting hormone powder, shake off the excess, and place the cuttings about 1-2 inches deep.
  • Check the stability by gently tugging the cuttings using your hand.
  • Stem cuttings usually take 3-6 weeks to develop roots and leaves.

You can check this by gently striking the cuttings with little force and observing whether the cutting shows any resistance.

GIF Image represents the different methods of propagation in Philodendron Ring of Fire
You can easily produce more Philodendron plants by propagating via stem cuttings from the mother plant.

Propagating the Cuttings in Water

Water propagation removes the chance of messy pre-requirements that one might face during soil propagation.

All you need to do is place the stem cuttings in a jar filled with rooting hormone solution.

Furthermore, you can even see the developing roots that generally take 3-6 weeks, after which you can transfer the cuttings to a fresh potting mix.

Step-4: Caring After Propagation

  • You can place the cuttings in an area that receives indirect sunlight.
  • Place a plastic wrap over the pot to secure warmth and humidity.
  • Ensure not to fertilize the propagated cuttings, as the fragile roots may suffer from fertilizer burn.
  • Also, prevent the soggy conditions of soil at all costs.
  • You can refill the hormone solution every 3-5 days or sooner if it becomes murky.

Philodendron Ring of Fire vs. Jungle Boogie vs. Crocodile vs. Caramel

Philodendron Ring of Fire is similar to several varieties of Philodendrons, such as Jungle Boogie, Golden Crocodile, and Caramel.

Generally, the leaf shape is similar in all four, with serrated leaf margins that flare outwards like teeth.

However, the major difference that separates the three of them from Ring of Fire is the variations in their leaf color and patterns.
Image represents difference in colors between different varieties of Philodendrons
The difference in leaf color between (a) Philodendron Ring of Fire, (b) Philodendron Jungle Boogie, (c) Philodendron Golden Crocodile, and (d) Philodendron Caramel Marble.

Look at the table below to learn about the differences between Philodendron varieties.

Philodendron VarietiesLeaf ShapeLeaf Color
Ring of FireToothed margins widely separated from each other

Main characteristic

Serrated edges with blunt tips
Speckled with orange, white, green or pink patches
Jungle BoogieToothed margins widely separated from each other

Main characteristic

Serrated edges with pointed tips
Dark green
Golden CrocodileToothed margins widely separated from each other

Main characteristic

Serrated edges with blunt tips
Bright green
Caramel MarbleToothed margins close to each other

Main characteristic

Serrated edges with pointed tips
Caramel brown to dark green

From Editorial Team

How to Make Ring of Fire Bloom Indoors?

Philodendron Ring of Fire rarely blooms indoors due to inadequate sunlight.

But you can speed up this process by proffering the plant with phosphorous-rich fertilizer before the blooming season.

Moreover, support your Philodendron with trellis or moss poles to boost their growth.

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