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Philodendron Goeldii: A Timeless Treasure of Natural Beauty

The elegant foliar arrangement and flare of lustrous finger-like leaves of Philodendron goeldii downswings when their care needs are taken for granted.

Ideal care of Philodendron goeldii includes 6-8 hours of daily dappled sunlight with 60-86°F temperature, well-draining soil, and 60-80% ambient humidity, followed by weekly watering and fertilization every 2-4 weeks in active seasons. Prune to remove the spent leaves in spring and repot every 2-3 years. 

Philodendron goeldii still has other care factors, like safeguarding from pest infestations and diseases.

Continue reading to grasp a full-fledged care guide of Philodendron goeldii, aka Finger Leaf plant.

Philodendron Goeldii [Plant Overview]

Also known as Finger Leaf plants, Philodendron goeldii have finger-like shiny green leaves arranged in a semi-circular pattern on long wiry stems.

Relationship-wise, the plant is an aroid, included in the plant family Araceae and sharing the same tropical habitats with other aroids like Laceleaf (Anthurium sp.), Swiss Cheese Plants (Monstera sp.), and Elephant Ears (Alocasia sp.). 
Image represents roots and leaves of Philodendron
Finger-like leaves and epiphytic roots of Philodendron goeldii.

Additionally, the plant is an epiphyte, found attached to other tall neighboring trees.

To learn more about the plant, go through the table below.

Scientific NamePhilodendron goeldii

Thaumatophyllum spruceanum
Common NameFinger Leaf Plant
NativeTropical Forests of Northern South America
Habit & LifespanEvergreen Perennial Epiphytic or Climbing Herb or Sub-Shrub
Growth Size2-10 feet tall & 4 feet wide
FoliageGreen shiny elliptically pointed leaves arranged semi-circularly on arched stem resembling fingers
FloweringInflorescence: Spathe and Spadix
Grown forUnique leaf arrangement
ToxicityPoisonous to humans and pets

Philodendron Goeldii Care & Grow Guide

Finger Leaf Philodendrons can grow indoors and outdoors from USDA zones 9-11.

It will turn into a beautiful houseplant with accessible care and maintenance.

Image illustrates Philodendron goeldii quick care tips
Give your Finger leaf Philodendron this primary care as suggested.

1. Sunlight & Temperature

Philodendron goeldii is a shade-loving tropical plant that grows best in medium bright light with a warm setting of 60-86°F.

Ensure 6-8 hours of daily bright sunlight for optimal growth by placing them in the east or 3-5 feet from a south-facing window.

Additionally, keep the plants away from the sunny window to avoid direct sunburn or cold drafts (<50°F).

Scorched leaves often have yellow, brown spots with dry leaf tips that do not revert to green.

Meanwhile, low light or cold condition results in stunted growth and pale, limpy, wilted, droopy leaves.

To avoid that, always aim for incandescent lamps (7-10 hours), frost blankets, or heat pads during winter.

2. Watering & Humidity

Young Philodendron goeldii thrives in evenly moist soil with relatively higher humidity of 60-80%.

Generously mist and fetch your plant with water weekly in spring and summer. But let the top 1-2 inches of the topsoil dry out between watering in fall and winter.

Meanwhile, give your outdoor plants biweekly watering to avoid over or underwatering issues.

Underwatered Finger Leaf Philodendron often results in stunted growth with wilted, droopy leaves.

Likewise, the symptoms of overwatered Philodendrons include grayish-white mold on top soil with yellow and decaying leaves.

Alongside consistent high humidity, excess water attracts pests and fungal diseases. To maintain humidity, keep potted Philodendrons in humidity trays.

Therefore, opt for the bottom watering with pebbles to keep plants hydrated, or use a moisture meter and water accordingly.

3. Soil & Fertilizer

Philodendron goeldii is a heavy feeder that thrives in porous and nutrient-retentive soil.

Employ organic well-aerated soil to keep Philodendron healthy. Similarly, feed them balanced liquid fertilizer every 2-4 weeks during the active season.

As they are fond of acidic soil mix (pH: 5.5-6), add peat moss, organic perlite, and compost.

Image represents green finger-like leaves of Philodendron goeldii
Feeding nitrous fertilizer in the growing season ensures better glossy green foliage growth in the Finger Leaf plant.

On the other hand, aim for nitrous fertilizer to boost thick foliage growth in spring and summer.

However, avoid overfeeding the plant, which may cause chemical buildup in the soil, leading to root and leaf burns.

Also, cut back on fertilizing them in winter to every 2 months.

4. Potting & Repotting

Philodendron goeldii requires repotting once in a few years because it enjoys a slightly root-bound condition.

They hate being frequently moved. Hence, limit repotting the plant every 2-3 years in spring when it becomes severely root-bound.

However, they need immediate repotting when infected with fungal diseases like rust spots, Fusarium wilt, and Rhizoctonia rot.

Carefully repot Philodendron after removing infected parts and applying copper-rich fungicides to prevent further spread.

Choose a terracotta pot approximately 1-2 inches larger than the current pot or 2 inches wider than the plant’s root ball.

5. Occasional Pruning

Philodendron goeldii does not require regular pruning as it barely occupies much space.

However, you can occasionally prune the decaying yellow, brown, and damaged leaves or focus on annual pruning every spring.

Moreover, you must prune them when pests like mealybugs, aphids, spider mites, and scales invade goeldii.

To control and treat pest infestation, apply neem oil and prune off all damaged parts immediately using a sterilized pruner.

Otherwise, to make Philodendron bushy, aim to prune in early spring to encourage optimal side growth.

Philodendron Goeldii [Growth & Flowering]

Philodendron goeldii is a tropical perennial evergreen epiphytic climber with a moderately fast growth rate that grows long topical spiral stems.

They actively unfurl new leaves in spring and summer but stay dormant in fall and winter with no new growth.

A mature Philodendron goeldii sizes 2-3 feet in height and 4-8 inches wide indoors but can get 10 feet tall with 4 feet spread in the wild.
Finger-like long, elliptical pointy leaves of Philodendron goeldii
The glossy green pointy leaves organized in spiral stems of Philodendron goeldii give a close finger-like resemblance.

Juvenile leaves have a light green shade and turn into a deep green with more pronounced petioles.

Additionally, Philodendron goeldii will produce typical aroid inflorescences at any time except in fall and winter.

But to bloom, the plant needs ample sunlight and humidity throughout spring and summer.

Image illustrates inflorescence of Philodendron Goeldii
The special inflorescence of Philodendron consists of a leafy spathe that posteriorly wraps around a cylindrical and tapering spadix, bearing flowers.

Philodendron Goeldii [Propagation Methods]

Philodendron goeldii can be propagated via stem cuttings, air layerings, and seeds.

But seed propagation is a sophisticated process with a low success rate. So, stem cuttings and air layering are preferred.

Furthermore, aim to take the cuttings and propagate the plant in early spring or summer.

Now, gather tools like a rooting hormone, potting mix, and sterilized pruners.

1. Propagation via Stem Cuttings

Stem cutting is the safest choice to propagate Philodendron goeldii indoors.

  • Choose a healthy stem at least 2-3 inches long and cut below a stem node.
  • Remove all but 2-3 leaves from the stem.

Rooting in Soil 

  • Allow the cutting to scab by wrapping it in paper towels for 3-4 days.
  • After, plant the cutting 1-1.5 inches deep in moist soil.
  • Cover with a perforated plastic bag to lock moisture and warmth.
  • Following this, locate the cuttings in dappled sunlight and wait 2-3 weeks for new root growth.
  • Check the root growth by gently tugging the cuttings to see their stiffness.

Rooting in Water 

  • Place the freshly cut stem in a jar filled with water and rooting hormone.
  • Replace the water every 2-5 days and situate the setup near an east-facing window.
  • Within 2 to 3 weeks, you can notice new feeder roots sprouting.
  • Once the roots are rigid and firm, transplant them to a new pot and proceed with regular care.

2. Air Layering Method

Instead of rooting the stem in a potting medium, the layering method propagates on an existing plant.

Firstly, look for a healthy-looking stem with at least two plant nodes present.

  • Start with removing extra leaves from a stem and cutting the bark.
  • Layer the cut section with an organic mix of sphagnum moss and soil, cover it with plastic, and tie the ends to boost humidity.
  • Poke holes on the cover plastic to ensure optimal air circulation.
  • Once you see the roots, remove the plastic and carefully cut an inch below the freshly rooted area on the stem.
  • After, replant it to a new terracotta pot with the appropriate potting mix.

Philodendron Goeldii Toxicity [Pets & Humans]

Like most aroids and other Philodendron species and varieties, goeldii is toxic to pets like cats, dogs, and even humans.

According to the ASPCA, Philodendron species are toxic due to insoluble calcium oxalate crystals in their parts.

Consumption of any part of the Philodendron results in oral irritation, vomiting, diarrhea, and hypersalivation in pets.

Furthermore, ingested in larger amounts can lead to kidney failure.

Thus, seek medical help immediately if you suspect your kids or pets nibbled Philodendron goeldii.

Call Poison Control U.S. at (800) 222-1222 or Animal Poison Control (ASPCA) at (888) 426-4435 for pets.

Nonetheless, take appropriate caution and place the plant away from pets’ reach to avoid accidental consumption.

Philodendron Goeldii for Sale

Here I have enlisted some verified, reliable online vendors to buy Philodendron goeldii at a reasonable price.

Shops/ Sites Expected Delivery Period
EtsyWithin 7-10 days after placing an order
Gabrielle PlantsWithin 2-4 days after placing an order
My Home NatureWithin 3 weeks after placing an order
Garden Goods DirectWithin 3-5 days after placing an order

From Editorial Team


Philodendron goeldii, flourishes the most in indirect bright sunlight with higher humidity and scheduled watering.

So, you can group them with other houseplants, keep them in stippled rooms with a good amount of light and hydrate them seasonally!

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