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Peperomia Frost: Where to Buy, Plant Guide, and Care Tips

Peperomia Frost is a unique, beautiful plant with diverse variegation; on top of that, it is a low-maintenance houseplant with a lovely silvery hue.

Generally, Peperomia frost prefers well-draining, porous soil, a temperature of 65°F to 80°F, and brilliant filtered sunlight. Healthy growth also requires humidity over 50%, fertilizing every 2-3 weeks during the growing season, and repotting every 2-3 years. 

All of this information will help you maintain a problem-free Peperomia frost.

Overview of Peperomia Frost

This plant belongs to the Peperomia family, with over a thousand species extensively cultivated as tropical houseplants.

Peperomia Frost plant in a small pot
This plant is known as Peperomia Silver Frost due to its silvery foliage.

Here’s the overview of the plant, Peperomia frost:

Scientific Name Peperomia Frost
Common NameSilver Peperomia, Ripple Frost Peperomia
Native HabitatCentral & South America
Plant TypePerennials
FoliageHeart-shaped with dark green veins
FlowerSpiky & inconspicous
ToxicityNon-toxic to humans & pets
Plant Size6-8 inches in height

Where to Buy Peperomia Frost?

You can buy these beautiful plants in your local nursery or propagate Peperomia frost yourself.

Places to BuyDelivery Service
WalmartDelivery within 7 to 10 days
PlantvineDelivery within 5 to 7 days
AmazonDelivery within 4 to 8 days
LivelyrootDelivery within 5 to 7 days

Plant Guide and Care Tips for Peperomia Frost

You must provide your frost with a favorable environment to ensure its proper growth.

Some of the basic requirements are:

ParametersFavorable Condition
Sunlight8-10 hours of bright filtered light
Temperature65ºF (17ºC) to 80ºF (27ºC)
WateringWhen the soil is almost completely dry
Soil MixPorous, Chunky and Nutrient rich.
Well draining and well aerated
Soil pH 6.0-6.6
FertilizationOnce in 2-3 weeks in growing season
Avoid fertilizing in winter
HumidityAround 40-50%
Repotting Once in every 2-3 years
Pruning Once a year
Towards the end of winter
PotSmall terracotta pots of 3-5 inches
Propagation Via Leaf and Stem cuttings

1. Sunlight and Temperature

Peperomia frost care is best served in indirect/filtered light and a temperature between 65-80°F.

It is observed that they react well to the inclined diffused light of the morning sun, so it would be better to give them an east/west window spot.

Inspect your plant regularly for signs like dull pale leaves and slow or stunted growth, which implies too low light.

And sudden drooping or burnt leaves, which are caused due to the direct sun.

Moreover, the plant starts showing wilting, yellowing, and stunting symptoms if exposed to excessive temperature and sunlight.

Peperomia species are sensitive to cold temperatures, and their leaves start to drop, leaving behind the naked stem if exposed to a temperature less than 50°F.

Tips to Maintain Proper Lighting & Temperature

  • For a south-facing window, you’ll want to hang a sheer curtain of 40% shade material so it won’t get burned.
  • Fluorescent grow lights likewise work impeccably for Peperomia frost.
  • It is ideal for providing them 8-10 hours of artificial light to mimic their natural habitat.
  • Cover your plant with transparent plastic or frost blankets to shield them from cruel winters.
  • Expanding humidity around the plant can assist with temperature fluctuations.

2. Watering & Humidity

Watering your plants once or twice a week during the summer would be better. However, you can reduce watering throughout the cold months.

In some cases, they prefer moist soil that is neither dry nor wet. Therefore, the only way that damages your frost is overwatering.

Beautiful foliage of Peperomia Frost plant
Peperomia Frost is a cultivar from the Peperomia branch, which belongs to the Piperaceae family.

Overwatering results in squishy and droopy leaves, black stems, and rots all over the plant.

Whereas wilting, drooping, and yellowing are the underwatering symptoms.

Likewise, humidity between 40-50% is best for Peperomia frost.

But if you crash to provide the humidity in that range, the plant starts showing symptoms like wilting, stunting, drooping, and dropping the leaves.                                                                  

Tips for Maintaining Proper Watering & Humidity

  • At the time of watering, when you soak the pot, the water should go through the drainage openings in seconds, demonstrating that the soil is well-drained.
  • Ensure the plant has no water left, as waterlogged issues can cause root rot.
  • Your plant will go dormant or grow gradually in the cold weather months. Subsequently, it won’t require as much water during this time.
  • You can maintain humidity by using a humidifier close by, moistening occasionally, or using a pebble tray.
  • Remember to mist your plant frequently during summer to maintain the temperature & humidity.

3. Soil & Fertilization

In their local natural surroundings, Peperomia frost is regularly found in soil-less substrates in the breaks of trees, spoiling bark, or rock cleft developing as epiphytes do.

For excellent Peperomia frost care, give it a 50-50 non-natural/natural blend. The standard soil mix is 50-50 peat/perlite mix.

The best trick is to make your soil well draining. One part houseplant soil and one part cactus/ succulent soil can do wonders.

Peperomia frost prefers somewhat acidic soil with a pH of 6.0 to 6.6. Natural fertilizer helps in keeping up with soil acidity.

However, overfeeding results in withering, yellowing, and dropping of foliage.

And inadequate feeding leads to drooping, stunting, and foliage discoloration.

Tips to Provide Proper Soil & Fertilization

  • Water the soil one day before fertilization.
  • You can use organic fertilizers such as manure and worm castings instead of synthetic or chemical fertilizers.
  • Treat them with an all-purpose fertilizer in a 2-3 weeks recurrence in the growing season.
  • Avoid fertilizing the plants during winter, as they enter dormancy.

4. Timely Pruning

Next time you see your plant becoming leggy and thin, recall the time to prune them.

The best recurrence to prune your Peperomia frost is once a year.

Generally, the best time to prune Peperomia frost is towards the end of winter, as the plants go dormant during winter.

Inspect the damaged and diseased plant parts and trim them immediately.

You need sharp, sanitized scissors or pruning shears while pruning. 

Aphids, Mealybugs, and Spider Mites are the crucial pests that disturb the development of the Peperomia plants.

These pests cause browning, wilting, and slow growth in plants.

Bacterial blight and fungal rots are the common diseases found in Peperomia frost.

Practical Solutions for Pests & Diseases

  • Occasionally spray your plants with neem oil or insecticides to keep them pests free.
  • Copper-based fungicides can be used to control Phytophthora root rot.
  • Avoid overwatering and misting in the evenings.
  • Spray the plant with 1 cup rubbing alcohol, a few drops of Dawn dish detergent, and 1 quart (32oz) of water. It will aid in the control of Mealybugs.
  • Apply fungicides to the soil before potting and repotting to prevent soil-borne pathogens.

5. Potting and Repotting

Peperomia frost has tiny root frameworks normal to epiphytic succulents.

Small terracotta pots of 3-5 inches are ideal for Peperomia frost and repot in the container 2-3 inches larger than the original.

This is why layering the lower part of the pot with rock is significant – so the plant drops out of the pot effectively without harm.

Repot your Peperomia every 2-3 years when it becomes root bound, as frequent repotting is unnecessary.

 Remember to trim off dead parts of roots while repotting.

Tips for Repotting Peperomia Frost

  • Use a clean pot with proper drainage.
  • Layer the base with gravel.
  • Use a similar potting mix to prevent stress.
  • Place the plant, ensuring the same depth as earlier for the rootball.
  • Fill the pot but leave some space to add the fertilizer.
  • Water the plant thoroughly and leave it in a well-lit space.

Propagation of Peperomia Frost

Generally, Peperomia frost can be propagated via leaf cuttings and stem cuttings.

You would like to propagate your plant during June for the best results.

Propagation via Leaf Cuttings

If you didn’t know, propagating Peperomia frost by leaf cuttings is one of the easiest methods.

You can propagate them by following the steps given below:

  1. Firstly, cut a few healthy leaves and the petiole using a healthy mother plant.
  2. Allow a day for the cuts to be callous.
  3. In a germination tray with a 50/50 peat/perlite soil mix, place the leaves 4 inches apart.
  4. Underneath the soil, the stem should be securely planted. Then, apply just a bit of pressure to the leaf in the soil.
  5. When leaf veins are firmly in contact with the earth, insert hairpins through the leaf into the soil.
  6. Place the tray in a grow light at 70°-75°F (21–24°C) while spraying the soil occasionally.
  7. The soil moisture should be kept constant but not wet, as wet soil can cause your leaves to rot.

New plants will take around four to eight weeks to emerge from the leaf base.

Propagation via Stem Cuttings

You can follow these easy steps using stem cuttings to propagate your plant successfully.

  1. Use a mature mother plant with a regular flowering routine.
  2. Inspect the foundation of basal branches and pick a thick and healthy branch.
  3. Slice around three inches of the tip of the stem with a few leaves on it and put it to the side to dry for a day.
    Stick this in water or wet soil (50/50 peat + perlite).
  4. Place this in the warm indirect shade, ensuring the water stays at room temperature.

The stem should root in about a month or two.

Toxicity of Peperomia Frost

According to the ASPCA, Peperomia plants are non-toxic for people and animals. They don’t cause any harm whenever ingested.

Moreover, Peperomia cultivars are added to servings of mixed salads.

But, if your pets & toddlers overconsume the plant and get symptomized from nausea, vomiting, and dizziness, contact:

Growth Habits of Peperomia Frost

Peperomia frost accommodates silvery heart-shaped leaves arranged on slender, erect petioles in a globe arrangement.

Peperomia frost reaches a height of about 8 inches (20 cm).

Stunning Peperomia Frost plant exposed to sunlight.
The red range in the daylight is related to bloom creation.

However, the leaf coloring resembles the Watermelon Peperomia, with icy white and dark green veins.

The blossoms develop on long stalks (around 5-8 centimeters), are greenish to brown, don’t look like most common blossoms, and have no fragrance.

While it might sprout all through the growing seasons, the blossoms show up essentially from June to August in the Northern Hemisphere, i.e., in summer.

FAQs About Peperomia Frost

1. Can you Grow Peperomia Under Artificial Lights?

The answer is Yes! If you provide your Peperomia with artificial lighting for about 12 hours daily, they can grow very well.

2. Why are my Peperomia Leaves Fading?

If your plants’ leaves fade, it hints towards a lighting issue. Fading of leaves is likely due to low light.

Consider moving your plants to a brighter space.

3. Why is my Peperomia Frost Curling and Shrinking?

Watering-related issues are the primary offender behind curling, hanging, falling, and fading off leaves.

Both overwatering and underwatering can cause them.

From Editorial Team


This specific species is impeccable and worth the effort.

Be patient while growing Peperomia frost; the plant will compensate you with its dazzling looks.

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