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7 Reasons For Money Tree Dying [How To Save It?]

Drooping, yellowing, and dropping leaves may exhibit a dying Money Tree, mainly due to flaws in the care conditions.

Generally, inconsistent watering, temperature changes, lack of humidity, repotting shocks, pests and diseases, erratic fertilizer application, and irregular sunlight can lead to the issue of Money Tree dying. 

Go through this article to know why your Money Tree is dying and learn the solutions to prevent it.

How Long Do Money Trees Live?

Money Trees incorporate braided stems and bright green palm-looking leaves. 

Usually, Money Trees can grow about 6-8 feet tall and live for 10-15 years. 

However, it can grow 60 feet and live up to 30 years in its native habitat

However, if the Money Tree lacks proper care, it can survive only a few weeks.

Fact: Since Money Trees are fortune-generous, it is believed that a dying Money Tree can bring bad luck!

Why Is My Money Tree Dying?

A dying Money Tree exhibits symptoms like droopy or wilting foliage, root rots, foliar color shifts, leaf drops, etc.

You can save Money Tree with the correct and timely problem diagnosis. 

1. Irregular Sunlight

Money Tree dying in winter is a common issue due to less sunlight. 

However, extreme sunlight in spring and summer can also desiccate the plant due to soil moisture loss.

Photosynthesis becomes slow without sunlight, with the Money Tree leaves turning yellow, brown, and falling off. Likewise, the leaf tips and margins turn yellow, brown, twirly, and crispy due to excessive sunlight.

Light Requirements for Money Tree

Offer Money Tree about 6 hours of daily bright indirect sunlight all seasons. 

Tips to save a dying Money Tree from sunlight issues

  • Relocate the plant and move it to a shady spot until it recovers from the sun damage.
  • Situate near an east-facing or well-curtained south-facing window for dappled light.
  • Place the plant under grow light for at least 12-16 hours daily.
  • Keep the leaves at least 3-6 inches from the window pane to protect them from direct sun burns.

2. Inconsistent Watering

Usually, the dying of Money tree trunks and leaves ensues if the plant stays dry for a long period.

However, overwatering may cause root rot which may indirectly harm the leaves and trunk likewise.

Overwatering causes root rot, while underwatering may lead to yellow and brown leaves, leaf curls, and fallouts. Some other alarming watering issues in Money Trees are brown leaf spots.

Watering Requirements for Money Tree

Hydrate your Money Tree 2-3 times every 1-3 weeks in spring and summer with 6-8 ounces of water.

However, reduce that frequency and quantity to half during fall and winter.

Tips to save a dying Money Tree from watering issues

  • Get a sterilized saw and cut off the dead trunk from the base.
  • Unpot the plant, remove any mushy blackish-brown roots, and repot with fresh soil.
  • Amend the potting mix with organic perlite to boost drainage and increase airflow.
  • Use the approach of bottom watering to hydrate the plant than overhead watering.
Image represents root rot in Money Tree
Fungal diseases invited by waterlogged conditions can cause root rot.

3. Low Humidity

Humidity helps determine when the plants open their stomata to transpire and maintain a cellular water pool.

When the humidity decreases, Money Trees shut their stomata and conserve water. But the plants can not regulate transpiration.

The primary signs will be dry, yellowish-brown, flaky leaf tips, stunted growth, and irregular flowering and fruiting.

Humidity Requirements for Money Tree

Provide your Money Tree with humidity levels between 50-70%. 

Tips to save a dying Money Tree from low humidity

  • Keep the plant on a humidity tray to hydrate it during heat spells.
  • Group your Money Tree with other houseplants to increase the humidity level.
  • Mist your plant 1-2 times a week during early summer mornings.

4. Temperature Fluctuatation

Abrupt heat and cold can shift the seasonal adaptation of Money Trees.

High heat can dehydrate the cells, while low temperature can induce frost injuries.

Extreme temperature causes leaf curls, wilting, yellowing, and browning of leaf tips. Low temperatures can distort the leaves and make them curly, dry, and crisp.
Image represents Money Tree with yellow leaves
Yellow leaves in Money Tree can be dangerous, leading to the death of the plant.

The plant will not entirely turn yellow instantly; it will start from either the top or bottom. 

Temperature Requirements for Money Tree

Maintain a temperature of around 65-75°F.

But, never let it drop down below 50°F.

Tips to save a dying Money Tree from temperature fluctuations

  • Use frost blankets and heating pads to move the plant inside during winter.
  • Avoid placing the plant in the direct path of air conditioner vents, heaters, etc.
  • Locate the plant away from the direct south or west-facing window sunlight.
  • Use sheer drapes to discourage direct sun rays on the leaves.

5. Nutritional Imbalance

Generally, the lack of nutrition causes the Money Tree to be unable to prepare its food.

However, excess minerals and overfertilization affect the soil, roots, and leaves.

Nutrition deficiency causes chlorosis (yellow leaves) and foliar color changes (purplish or reddish-green). High fertilizer application can cause the fertilizer salts to deposit on the soil causing fertilizer burns.

Fertilizer Requirement for Money Tree

Feed your Money Tree every 2 weeks during spring and summer.

But don’t feed the plant throughout the fall and winter.

Tips to save a dying Money Tree from incorrect fertilizer application

  • Dilute the liquid fertilizer to half-strength for the required nutrients.
  • Add organic fertilizers, including eggshells, cow manure, or chicken manure.
  • Before fertilizing, add enough water so that the plant can easily absorb the fertilizers.
  • Flush the excess mineral salts from the soil using distillate water monthly to prevent fertilizer burn.

6. Repotting Shock

Despite its quick growing speed, you only have to repot Money Tree every 2-3 years.

Repotting becomes crucial if pests and diseases attack Money Tree.

However, under root-bound conditions, a healthy Money Tree may require repotting.

A repotting-needy Money Tree leaves wilt, curl, or even turn yellow or brown and drop off with a stunted growth rate.
Image represents process of repotting Money Tree
Money Trees can grow quickly, but still, you will need to repot them every 2-3 years.

Tips to take care of Money Tree before/ after repotting

  • Make sure you pot the plant in well-draining, loamy soil to avoid the shock.
  • Ensure to water the plant for 1-2 days before repotting.
  • Prepare a weak sugar solution and feed the plant to ease the transplant scare.
  • Use broader and deeper pots to allow spacious legroom for the plant.
  • Lay small pebbles at the pot’s base before adding soil during repotting for more airflow.

7. Pest and Diseases

Diseases in Money Tree is an upshot of untidy cleaning habit, dirty potting soil, and infected water.

However, pests attack Money Trees as a food source and to drink up all the plant sap.

Pests like mealybugs, scales, aphids, spider mites, and white flies, and diseases like root rot, bacterial wilt, and leaf spot affect Money Tree.

You must be on guard and check for the signs of infestation in their early stages. 

MealybugsStunted plant, Chlorosis, Defoliation
ScalesHoneydew on leaves, Dropping of leaves
AphidsSlow growth, mottled leaves, Curling of leaves
White FliesDry leaves, Honeydew, Leaves turn silver
Spider MitesYellow or brown spots on leaves, Spider like webs
Rhizoctonia Root RotRusty-brown lesions on stem, brown, mushy leaves
Bacterial Wilt (Pseudomonas cichorii)Leaves turn dull and wilt, withering of stems
Anthracnose Leaf SpotTan blotches or spots on young leaves, Curled, dropping leaves

Tips to save a dying Money Tree from pests and diseases

  • Isolate the infected plant away from the healthy houseplants.
  • Prune the affected parts using sterilized pruners to avoid further spread.
  • Wipe the leaves by dipping a soft cotton ball in neem oil to eliminate pests and honeydew.
  • Use short and strong sprays of water to eliminate the pests and their eggs from the leaf and stem corners.

From Editorial Team


You can save a wilting and dying Money Tree by salvaging and propagating the healthy parts. 

However, don’t forget to dip the cuttings in the rooting hormone before propagating.

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