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Little Volunteer Tulip Tree Pros And Cons: Should You Grow It?

The Little Volunteer Tulip tree is deciduous with a high aesthetic value. However, there are also some drawbacks to the Little Volunteer Tulip tree.
Generally, the Little Volunteer Tulip tree has various pros, including ornamental value, rapid growth, color change, adaptability, and low maintenance. However, some cons of the tree are limited size, susceptibility to pests and diseases, and specific growing conditions.
Read on to learn about the pros and cons of the Little Volunteer Tulip tree.

What Is Little Volunteer Tulip Tree?

The Little Volunteer Tulip Tree (Liriodendron tulipifera) is a deciduous tree originating from eastern to North America.

Little Volunteer Tulip Tree
Fertilize the plant during Spring with a balanced fertilizer.

Furthermore, the key morphological features of the Little Volunteer Tulip tree are below.

  • Appearance: The Little Volunteer Tulip tree bears a tall, strong trunk with a conical crown. Additionally, the mature tree can reach up to 70-90 feet.
  • Leaves: The leaves of this tree are four-lobed, resembling Tulip flowers in shape with a size of 4-6 inches. 
  • Flowers: This tree bears large, showy flowers resembling the Tulip. Similarly, they bloom in Spring to early Summer.
  • Fruits: The tree bears cone-shaped samaras that are released in the Fall and can be dispersed by wind.
  • Tree Habitat: This plant prefers nutrient-rich and moist soil in hardwood forests. 

Little Volunteer Tulip Tree Pros

The Little Volunteer Tulip Tree is beneficial in various aspects that are below.

  • Ornamental value: This tree is cultivated for its beautiful Tulip-shaped flowers and unique foliage. Furthermore, they add aesthetic beauty to your gardens.
  • Rapid growth: This tree grows rapidly and grows about 2-3 feet yearly.
  • Change in color: The leaf color of this tree changes to vibrant golden yellow during Fall, which makes it interesting to look at.
  •  Adaptability: The tree is able to resist a wide range of environmental extremes and can thrive well in poor soil conditions.
  • Biodiversity conservation: The tree can attract a wide range of pollinators, including Bees and Hummingbirds. Furthermore, plant seeds may also be a food source for certain wildlife species. 
  • Timber use: The wood of this tree is lightweight and is suitable for wood crafting and construction.
  • Low-maintenance plant: The Little Volunteer Tulip tree is an easy-to-grow plant and relatively resistant to pests and diseases.
  • Shade provider: The large, spreading canopy of the Tulip tree provides ample shade to several animals.

Little Volunteer Tulip Tree Cons

Besides pros, there are Little Volunteer Tulip Tree cons depending on the cultivar and the growth place.

  • Size limitations: If you want to grow a big tree, the size of the Little Volunteer Tulip tree would be small for your garden.
  • Susceptibility to pests and diseases: These trees are susceptible to several diseases and pests, like Verticillium wilt, Powdery mildew, Scales, and Aphids. Furthermore, you can spray Neem oil to inhibit their growth.
Flowers of Tulip tree
The Little Tulip tree produces large, Tulip-shaped flowers in the Spring.
  • Specific growing conditions: Little Volunteer Tulip tree needs 6 hours of direct sunlight and a temperature of 70-80°F.
  • Availability and costs: This variety of Tulip trees is not so readily available and is costly.
  • Messy: In the Fall, most of the plant parts drop, including the leaves and fruits. So, it looks messy around the tree.

From Editorial Team


There are several other cultivars of the Tulip tree, including Aureomarginatum, Fastigiatum, Integrifolium, and Leucanthum.

However, the care tips are similar for all the cultivars.

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