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Are Jumping Spiders Good For Plants? If Yes, How?

Think before killing the tiny jumping spider because it might do more good than bad to your plants!

You heard it right! Jumping spiders are relatively small (1-25 mm) bugs that hunt and feed on common pests without significantly harming the plant. But they are venomous to attack the other plant pests. 

Are you wondering how a bug can be beneficial to your plants? Read on to find out.

How to Identify Jumping Spiders?

Not all multi-legged insects living on your houseplant are harmful; some may be doing you a favor by eating harmful pests.

The jumping spider (Phidippus clarus) is a one-of-a-kind spider from the family Salticidae, which includes over 6,000 described species.

Measuring about 1 to 25 mm (less than an inch) long and short-bodied with powerful legs, they can attack and grapple pests larger than them.

Biological predators against aphids, mealworms, moths, and web-spinning spiders, which feed on your houseplants.

jumping spider plant
Jumping spiders are small compared to their wild counterparts.

Moreover, their frontal eyes allow a wider field of view to find prey and detect predators, making them agile hunters.

Therefore, you must be careful not to kill them. Here are a few pointers to help them identify correctly.

Scientific NamePhidippus clarus
Common NameBold Jumping Spider
Size1-25 mm
ColorationBold pattern of white spots on a dark background
HabitatHouseplants, gardens, grasslands, and forests
RangeThroughout North America
LifespanOne year or less
DietCarnivorous, preying on insects
BehaviorActive hunter or predator
VisionLarge, frontal eyes with binocular vision
ToxicityNot harmful to humans or pets
Web ConstructionDoes not spin webs

Are Jumping Spiders Good For Your Plants?

Jumping spider differs from web-spinning spiders, making them less of a pest for house plants.

In fact, they are one of the most adopted bio-control agents for preventing crop damage.

  1. Pest Control: They prey on various insects, including flies, mosquitoes, ants, and common plant pests, keeping their number in control. Succulents will enjoy their presence as these plants often witness more sap-sucking pests.
  2. Low Maintenance: Jumping spiders are relatively low maintenance; they do not create disgusting webs in your living spaces.
  3. Fascination: Jumping spiders make an attraction for their colorful appearance and entertaining behavior. In fact, they are the most observed arachnids in nature documentary.
  4. Bio-control Agent: Use them as bio-control agents for field crops and orchards, where pests are common.

Are Jumping Spiders Good To Have Around The House?

Jumping spiders are not particularly human or pet-friendly but do not cause any trouble.

These jumping spiders are poisonous or venomous and use their poison to kill off pests; therefore, you should not mess with them. However, the severity of their poison is less likely to harm humans and pets.

jumping spider plants
The only thing that may bother you is their cocoon-like home, which they build on plants’ leaves for nesting.

They will naturally stay out of your way if you do not mind them building nests and killing off wandering pests.

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Jumping spiders and humans can coexist harmoniously and benefit from each other’s presence.

Ensure jumping spiders are happy by avoiding using harsh chemicals on the plant and removing their home during pruning.

Using a sprayer, mist your plant twice a week to allow these spiders access to water.