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Is Olive Oil A Type Of Seed Oil? [Comparison With Other Oil]

With the highest production from the Mediterranean region (95%), olive oil has different processing techniques, making it a natural oil but not from seed.

Actually, olive oil is not a type of seed oil. Instead, the part used for oil extraction is the green drupe fruits, whose flesh is cold pressed or crushed physically without undergoing any heat or chemical treatment. Such a natural process makes olive oil a fruit oil.

The distinction of olive oil does not end here, as there can be different types based on processing under the olive oil category.

Continue the article to understand them all and their origin.

What Oils Are Considered Seed Oils?

The refined oils extracted extensively from the annual plant’s seeds or kernels are considered seed oils.

The list includes eight major plants that have received the tag “hateful eight.” They are canola, sunflower, safflower, corn, cottonseed, sesame, grapefruit, and peanut oil.
A template with all 6 major seed oil
Seed oils can harm our bodies unknowingly if consumed in higher doses and re-heated.

Here, seeds undergo extreme pre-heating to oxidize the unsaturated fatty acids.

Later, industries treat heated seeds with solvents and use chemicals to increase production and refine them.

Thus prepared oils give rise to byproducts like trans fats that can harm humans.

However, if taken in moderation, polyunsaturated seed oil fats suit the heart and body.

Is Olive Oil From The Seed?

The olive trees produce drupe fruits with one to two seeds inside the stone that many crushes to produce concentrated oil.

However, the highest amount of olive oil comes from the flesh of fruits, not the seeds.
Brown olives flesh over a plate
You can even prepare olive oils at home by crushing the fruits.

The process involves natural physical extraction by crushing the fruit under cold-pressing without heat or chemicals.

Initially, the pressing results in Extra Virgin olive oil, not a seed oil with the highest grade.

The Extra Virgin is unrefined, holds all nutrients intact, has a fruity taste, and has the highest health benefits.

After the Extra Virgin comes Regular olive oil. It is the combination of refined olive oil, which has undergone a little more intensive pressing, and Extra Virgin.

Both types of olive oil are vegetable oils and have distinct aromas and tastes. But the origin is the same, from the fruit paste.

Extra Virgin receives the most fame for dressing and topping. Meanwhile, Regular olive oil is for frying and sauteing.

Is Olive Oil Better Than Other Seed Oil?

Differences between olive and seed oils depend on their source of origin and fat composition.

Seed oil is a refined oil containing polyunsaturated omega-6 fats higher than olive oil, leading to inflammation in the human body if consumed in higher quantities.

Meanwhile, olive oil contains more monounsaturated fats such as linoleic, omega-3, and oleic acids that balance omega-6. This quality makes olive oil anti-inflammatory.

Also, Extra Virgin olive oil undergoes the least refining indicating that the lesser refining, the higher the nutrient compounds.

Thus, olive oil is much better than other seed oils from the perspective of micronutrients and health benefits.

Although, some seed oil, like grape seed oil, is better than olive oil or, say, share similarities regarding antioxidant sources and minimizing heart attack and stroke risk.

You can also use olive oil to store basil and drizzle them when you eat any food to add extra nutrients.

However, sunflower oil is better than olive oil in case of baking and cooking at higher temperatures.

This could be the only drawback of olive oil, as it gives more flavor to the dishes when left for dressing instead of baking.

From Editorial Team

Extra Tips!

Depending on the health benefits, go for olive oil. But if it does not match your taste, you can choose other fruit oils like coconut, avocado, and palm oil.

And it is best to avoid vegetable oils from seed as they are highly processed in industries and contain synthetic chemicals.

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