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Hoya Mathilde: Ultimate Care Tips with Buying Guide

Hoya mathilde is a low-maintenance tropical plant that is easy to care for but withers easily when provided improper care.

In general, Hoya mathilde prefers 6-8 hours of bright indirect sunlight, weekly watering, room humidity of 40% to 60%, and a warm temperature of 60-80°F. Furthermore, it needs a well-draining potting mix, monthly feedings during the growing season, and repotting every 2-3 years.

Read till the end to learn the ideal care to encourage the luscious growth of Hoya mathilde.

Overview of Hoya Mathilde

Hoya mathilde is a flowering epiphytic hybrid cross of Hoya carnosa and Hoya serpens native to Southeast Asia.

Mainly grown for its waxy green foliage with splash marks, Hoya mathilde also produces sweet-scented white flowers.

Scientific NameHoya cv 'Mathilde' (Hoya carnosa x serpens)
Common NameWaxvine, Waxplant, Waxflower
NativeAsia especially Borneo
Growth ZoneUSDA Hardiness Zones 10-11
Plant TypeVining epiphytic plant
Growth SizeGrows up to 6 feet long
Grown ForAttractive flowers and stunning foliage
Foliage TypeRound-leaved with trailing foliage
FloweringStar-shaped white flowers with pink centre
Flowering SeasonWarm spring and summer
AvailabilityOften considered rare
ToxicityNon toxic in general but Sap is toxic

Hoya Mathilde: Ultimate Grow & Care Guide

Like any other Hoya plant, Hoya mathilde also requires similar Hoya care to thrive.

For flawless growth, aim to mimic the natural habitat-like condition for your Hoya mathilde.

ParametersSuitable Conditions
Lighting6 - 8 hours of Bright Indirect Sunlight
WateringOnce a week or if the top 2 inches of soil is dry
Temperature60 - 80 degrees Fahrenheit
HumidityRoom like Humidity ranging between 40 to 60 percent
Potting Soil MixWell draining soil with good aeration, Orchid soil Mix
Soil pHAcidic (5.5 - 7.0)
FertilizationOnce a month during spring and Summer
Fertilizer with high Nitrogen
PruningOnce in a year or when required
Prune dead or damaged foliage
RepottingOnce in a year or once in two years during the spring or summer
PropagationStem Cutting, Air-Layering
Common PestsMealybugs, Spider mites, Aphids, Scales
Common DiseasesRhizoctonia Root Rot, Bacterial Blight, Bacterial Wilt

1. Sunlight & Temperature

To preserve waxy green foliage, Hoya mathilde demands medium bright sunlight with a warmth of 60-80°F.

As direct sunlight scorches and dehydrates the plant leaves, incorporate Hoya mathilde in the east or south window with 6-8 hours of daily sunshine.

That said, take the pot a few feet from the window or use a sheer curtain to protect the plant from cold drafts in winter.

Low light and cold temperatures (<55°F) slow plant growth and influence flowering and leaf coloration.

Signs of Low LightSigns of Extreme Light
It causes stunted, leggy, and dull growth.It causes a high transpiration rate, and leaves start to curl.
Leaves appear bleached, yellow, disclosed, and smaller in size.Extreme heat breakdowns the chlorophyll, so the leaves appear pale or discolored.
Low chlorophyll leads to less pigmented leaves.Burning of leaf and leaf scorch.

Likewise, improper temperature results in leaf discoloration, immature flower bud drops and wilting and curling leaves.

If you notice such symptoms in Hoya mathilde, aim to use LED grow lights, frost blankets and heat pads to keep them healthy.

Alternatively, place your Hoya outdoors if you live within 11-12 USDA zones for optimal growth.

2. Water & Humidity

Hoya mathilde does not make a fuss when you forget to water occasionally but gets upset when the humidity is too low (<40%).

Lean on to a flexible Hoya watering habit by letting the top 2-3 inches of soil dry out before watering and regularly mist in summer to keep humidity at 40-60%.

Although they are semi-succulent, Hoya can not withstand severe drought conditions.

So, water Hoya mathilde only once a week in the active growing season and reduce it to once every 3-4 weeks in the winter.

Overwatered PlantUnderwatered Plant
Yellowing, limping, and droopy foliageWilted and crispy leaves
Decayed lower rootsBrown leaf edges
Slowed plant growthCurled and browned leaves
Root RotStunted foliage growth

Likewise, low humidity results in shriveling, wilting and yellowing curling leaves, while high humidity results in mold growth and fungal infections.

Thus, use a bottom-watering approach, a pebble tray with occasional overhead watering, to keep Hoya mathilde hydrated.

Pro Tip: Use a moisture meter or chopsticks to measure soil moisture to water the plant accordingly.

3. Soil & Fertilizer

As Hoya mathilde detests excess water, use a well-draining, nutrient-rich soilmix with medium water retention.

They thrive in a lightweight, well-aerated potting mix that permits plant roots to grow freely. Similarly, Hoya mathilde enjoys monthly balanced fertilization.

Alternative to commercial soilmix, prepare Hoya soilmix by mixing orchid mix, perlite, peat moss and organic compost.

Meanwhile, increase fertilization to once every two weeks if necessary in the active season but completely cut back in dormant winter.

Signs of Under-fertilizationSigns of Over-fertilization
Faint and pale foliageLeaves start turning brown
Frail stemWithering of lower leaves
Yellowing of leavesStem starts turning yellow and the leaves start wilting
Falling off of leavesFertilizer crusts and salt buildup on the soil surface and roots
Slow plant growth or stunted growthLeaf tips and margins start to turn brown

To avoid mishaps, thoroughly water the plant before and after fertilization and dilute the fertilizer to half-strength before use.

Otherwise, use eggshells, vegetable by-products and slow-release fertilizer without touching leaves and stems to avoid chemical burns.

4. Potting and Repotting

Hoya mathilde does not mind sitting on a 4-6 inches wide pot for over 1-2 years without asking for repot.

Moreover, the plant flowers are better when slightly rootbound in the same pot.

That said, immediate repotting is necessary when the pot is too small, roots are lurking out from drain holes, and it is troubled with fungal infections.

The common diseases in Hoya Mathilde are bacterial blight, root rot, and bacterial wilt.

In such peril, snip off infected parts, apply appropriate fungicides and repot the plant if the condition does not bounce back.

Hoya Mathilde plant in a pot
Aim for terracotta or clay pots with multiple drain holes for your Hoya mathilde plant.

While repotting, use a 2-3 inches larger pot than the current one and ensure the pot has enough drain holes.

For routine repotting of Hoya mathilde, aim for spring or early summer to encourage better growth.

Note: The plant can wilt after repotting and is normal. Do not fret and continue with regula ideal Hoya mathilde care.

5. Occasional Pruning

Hoya mathilde is a slow-growing indoor plant that does not require regular pruning to thrive.

However, when the climbing vines of the plant become irregular and sparse, pruning once a year is a must to tame the beast.

Moreso, plants stressed out with pest invasions require thorough pruning as a control and treatment measure.

Name of PestsSigns of Trouble
Spider mitesLeaf wilting and dropping with a yellowish halo is one of the most noticeable symptoms.
There is the look of freckled leaves.
ThripsThrips might be seen in the form of thrips feces, injured plant components, or black patches.
NematodeBy nature, nematodes burrow and consume fleshy roots, causing root rot.
The plant shrinks and becomes less potent due to this slowed growth rate.
MealybugsMealybugs appear on plant leaves as small, flat, oval white dots.
They leave a white cotton-like substance on the leaves and have a powdered or fuzzy appearance.

To treat and control pests, manually remove them and prune off severely infected parts using a sterilized pruner.

While pruning, focus on leggy, sparse foliage growth and ensure not to prune more than 20% part at a time.

Hoya Mathilde: All About Growth

Featuring the main traits of both Hoya carnosa and serpens, Hoya mathilde is a slow grower that grows actively in spring and summer.

But the plant stays dormant with no new growth at all in winter.

Hoya Mathilde can generally vine up to six feet long with oval-shaped, velvety, fuzzy green leaves 2-3 inches long.

Besides the waxy, ornamental leaves, the plant produces clusters of small flowers with red or pink corona.

small hoya mathilde splash plant on a pot
Besides the regular Hoya mathilde, another popular variegated variety is Hoya mathilde splash.

Each cluster has around ten to forty flowers, and each bloom lasts about five days. However, the flower takes almost 2-3 weeks to mature.

Hoya Mathilde’s flowers grow on spurs, so avoid deadheading the blooms once they fade, as removing or cutting off them prevents new flowers from sprouting.

Hoya Mathilde Toxicity

Like any other Hoya varieties, Hoya mathilde is not toxic to humans or pets like cats or dogs.

However, the plant is not edible, and the sap in the plant parts may irritate if consumed.

Be it humans or pets, accidental consumption can result in minor stomach upset, vomiting and gagging.

Therefore, keep it out of the reach of children and pets at all times by using preventive measures.

  • Hanging Baskets: They are helpful for hanging the plant pots to a height where pets cannot reach them.
  • Isolated Room: Use an isolated room to avoid contact with the pets and children.
  • Cayenne pepper: Pets like cats avoid the plant when you sprinkle some cayenne pepper on it.
  • Diluted Lemon Water: This can perform as a repellent against some pets.
  • Protective Shelf: Use a shelf with protection so no harm can reach the plants.

If you suspect houseplant poisoning in your pets or kids, contact Pet Poison Helpline at (855) 764-7661 for further assistance.

Propagation Methods for Hoya Mathilde

Hoya mathilde can be propagated via stem cutting and air layering methods.

But Hoya propagation via stem cutting is preferred due to easy steps that ensure optimal results quickly.

Meanwhile, the optimal time to propagate a Hoya Mathilde is spring or summer when the plant is actively growing.

1. Popagating Hoya Mathilde Via Stem Cuttings

Select a healthy vine free from pests and diseases for efficient stem propagation.

  • Carefully snip the stem right below the leaf node, ensuring they are 3-4 inches long and have at least two nodes with 2-3 leaves on top.
  • Let the cuttings rest for a while to allow callous formation on the cut ends.
  • Dip the cut edge on the rooting hormone or organic honey solution to enhance rooting.
  • Rooting in Water: Submerge the cuttings in a jar filled with clean, chemical-free water.
  • Replace the water every 3-5 days and place the jar in a bright, warm room.
  • Within 2-3 weeks, you can notice new root sprouts in the cutting, and once the roots grow over an inch, consider transplanting them in a pot.
  • Rooting in Soil: Plant the cutting into the well-draining, fresh soil mix and thoroughly water to keep the soil moist.
  • Keep the planted cuttings in a bright, warm room with relatively higher humidity.
  • Within 2-3 weeks, cuttings should have new root growth.

2. Propagating Hoya Mathilde Via Air-Layering

As Hoya mathilde is a climber, they produce aerial roots pretty quickly. So, the air layering method involves leveraging those roots.

  • Fill a fresh container halfway with moist moss and carefully lower the dangling stem with nodes.
  • Firmly pin the stem into the moss and cover the nodes well with moss.
  • Regularly sprinkle water on the moss, and continue to look after the mother plant.
  • New roots will sprout from the buried node within a month or two.
  • Once the new growth is sturdy enough with over-inch-long roots, snip the layering from the mother plant.

After transplanting the newly propagated Hoya mathilde plant, continue with a regular care routine.

FAQs About Hoya Mathilde

What is the other name for Hoya mathilde?

Other than Hoya mathilde, the plant is commonly named waxplant, waxvine, waxflower and Hoya carnosa x Hoya serpens.

Is Hoya Mathilde a hybrid?

Hoya mathilde is a hybrid cross between Hoya carnosa and Hoya serpens and carries features from both plant parents.

From Editorial Team

Pinch of Phosphoric Food for Better Bloom

Besides the regular Hoya mathilde care, feed your plant with a bloom booster rich in phosphoric content to encourage flowering.

Likewise, ensure to place the plant under the grow light for over 12 hours daily if natural indirect sunlight is not available.

Happy gardening!!

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