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Hoya Macrophylla Care [Growing Exquisite Beauty of Hoya World]

Rare succulent Hoya macrophylla is a tropical plant with shiny foliage and flowers serving as an add-on to your home decor, but you need to put a little effort into maintenance. 

Hoya macrophylla flourishes with 4-6 hours of bright indirect sunlight, porous soil, 65-80ºF ambient temperature, 40-90% surrounding humidity, biweekly watering and monthly fertilizer use in growing seasons, repotting every 2-3 years in spring or summer, and occasional pruning.

To get a fitter grasp on Hoya macrophylla care, propagation, and sale, continue reading!  

Overview of Hoya Macrophylla

As a native of the Borneo rainforest, Hoya macrophylla has taken over houses from Eastern Asia to Australia to the United States.

Let’s look at the basic overview of the plant from the table below.

Scientific NameHoya macrophylla

Hoya latifolia
Common NameWax Plant

Porcelain Plant
USDA Zones9-11
Plant Type Epiphytic Vining Evergreen Perennial Succulent
Growth Size4-6 feet
Growth SpeedSlow to Moderate
Grown ForCreamy white to pink variegated foliage and waxy fuzzy flowers
Flowering SeasonLate Spring to Summer
Bloom ColorWhite to pink
Variegated, glossy, and egg-shaped with pointed tips

Size: 4-5 inches
ToxicityNon-toxic to pets & humans

Hoya Macrophylla Care & Grow Guide

Hoya macrophylla is an epiphytic plant flourishing in warm and muggy Asian rainforests.

Because of their habit of thriving in steamy jungles, Hoyas are also dubbed “Radiator Plants.”

For in-home care, you must imitate the conditions of its native tropical habitat.

A template containing the optimum care for Hoya Macrophylla.
Maintaining the optimum surrounding is for the better growth of Hoya macrophylla.

So, scroll down to learn the complete care tips for Hoya macrophylla.

1. Sunlight & Temperature

Hoya macrophylla prefers to be under dappled light but can tolerate full sun with partial shade and optimum temperature.

Provide Hoyas with 6 hours of bright indirect light by placing them near an east-facing window, maintaining a temperature of 65-80ºF.

East-facing windows ensure your plant is not under the reach of direct light, which may burn the leaves and turn them yellow or brown.

Also, these Hoya species make good outdoor plants in hanging baskets in warmer zones.

But remember to bring them inside before frost hits and keep them under proper light to prevent leggy growth.

Also, cold drafts below 60ºF can hamper its growth, while below 35ºF will kill Hoyas.

So better to cover them with frost blankets and install grow lights in case of low light.

2. Watering & Humidity

You must water Hoyas with a meticulous schedule as they do not like wet feet or high humidity.

So it’s better to water Hoya plants every 2 weeks during spring and summer with a humidity of around 40-90%.

Allow the soil to dry out completely before watering, and check at least an inch of topsoil before watering in fall and winter.

But refrain from prolonged dryness and low humidity as the plant may dehydrate, making the leaves crisp and wrinkly.

Additionally, do not overwater or prevent overhead watering as it might suffer from root rot and yellow leaves.

Image represents Hoya Macrophylla growing in pot
You must also cease watering during the fall and winter to prevent overwatering in Hoya macrophylla.

So it’s better to install humidifiers, use pebble or humidity trays, or group the plants to increase the moisture on hot days.

3. Soil & Fertilizer

Choose porous soil that is well-draining and slightly acidic to alkaline (pH 6.1-7.3) with richness in organic matter.

You can opt for commercial potting mixes for Hoya macrophylla, like Hoya Potting Mix, formerly enriched with added fertilizers.

Feed your Hoyas with a balanced fertilizer monthly during spring and summer while forbidding fertilizer application during fall and winter.

You can also make a DIY recipe using sand and orchid mix in a ratio of 1:1 or peat moss with organic perlite in a 2:1 ratio.

However, do not overfertilize the plant as it may suffocate them and burn the leaves and roots.

There is also a high chance of fertilizer salts accumulating on the soil, but you can flush them out using distilled water.

And during underfertilization, the plant ceases its entire growth, turning the leaves pale and yellow.

4. Potting & Repotting

Choose a pot that makes your Hoya macrophylla slightly root-bound, as constricted roots encourage the plant to bloom.

Hence, an unglazed terracotta pot with drainage holes and a diameter no bigger than 6 inches can home the plant.

Hoya plants can stay in the same pot for at least 2-3 years before repotting in spring or early summer. 

The thing to keep in mind while repotting is to choose 2 inches wider containers than the previous.

Additionally, wait 3-4 days after watering to remove the Hoyas and any loose dirt from the old pot.

Afterward, fill the pot with soil, replant them, gently cover the roots with sand and then water generously. 

However, avoid repotting in the fall and winter, causing the plant to stress out and the leaves to droop.

5. Occasional Pruning

Pruning is not mandatory in Hoya macrophylla, given their sluggish growth, until you wish to make them compact.

However, trimming the plant becomes vital to remove dead, yellow, and damaged leaves due to the attack of pests and diseases. 

Infestation includes mealy bugs and aphids, showing signs like cottony tufts under the leaves leading to curling and yellowing.

Hence it’s best to isolate the plants and prune off the pest or disease-attacked leaves.

You can also rub cotton swabs laced with neem oil on the leaves or spray insecticidal soap.

Besides pests, root rot, mold, and fungus growth are common problems under high humidity and temperature.

Look for signs of root rot with fishy smell and dark spots on foliage with whitish colonies on stems and leaves.

You can control the spread by cutting off the damaged leaves with the help of sterilized garden scissors and spraying copper-rich fungicide.

You can also watch the video for reference!

Hoya Macrophylla [Growth Rate & Flowering]

Hoya varieties are slow-growing succulent vines that gather nutrients from the air, rain, fog, and mist.

It takes about 2-3 years for Hoya macrophylla to reach the mature size of 6 feet indoors if provided with a pole to climb.

When the vine reaches maturity, you can enjoy the clusters of star-shaped, pink-white inflorescence growing from the peduncle every summer.

Additionally, mature Hoyas can spread up to 2 feet wide with good care. 

And leaves can go up to 6 inches long with marginal yellow, white, or pink variegation over a green, waxy, and shiny backdrop.

Moreover, Hoya macrophylla flowers with purple stalks with a height of 1-3 inches during the late spring and summer.

Image represents flowers of Hoya macrophylla
Hoya macrophylla needs bright sunlight to encourage blooms from the flowering peduncle or stalk.

The blooms of macrophylla smell similar to most Hoya flowers, with a honey-like aroma and additional tones of chocolate and stinky socks! 

Hoya Macrophylla Toxicity

According to ASPCA, Hoya plants, including Hoya macrophylla, are non-toxic to pets and humans. 

However, avoid your pets and children mistreating or chewing the plant.

If they happen to consume the plant parts, they can suffer from upset stomachs or vomiting. 

So, contact the helplines below if you find anything wrong with you or your pet. 

Hoya Macrophylla Propagation

Propagating Hoya in the spring and summer is easy if you know the steps and media required to multiply it.

1. Propagation via Stem Cuttings

To propagate Hoya cuttings, start by snipping a stem with a sterilized snipper, leaving at least 3 nodes and 2 leaves atop.

Water Propagation

  • Firstly, fill the glass with rooting hormone solution and plunge the cutting.
  • Then, keep the cutting in a warm location and change the water for 2-5 days to prevent rotting.
  • Lastly, fill the glass or cup with a spoonful of soil every 2 days, and the root develops in about 4 weeks.

Sphagnum Moss Propagation

  • Fill a pot with sphagnum moss, and plant the cutting by dipping in the hormone powder.
  • Avoid sogginess while watering for the entire period.
  • Cover the pot with plastic and check for 30-45 days to see root development.
  • After the rooting, you can put the cuttings into the soil mix. 

Perlite Propagation

  • Start by putting the perlite in a plastic container and watering it.
  • Allow it to soak for a few minutes, and drain the excess water.
  • Put the cutting in the container properly, leaving the leaves uncovered.
  • Cover the container with plastic or keep it inside a big zipper-lock bag to trap humidity.
  •  Sustain a temperature of around 72ºF for better results.
  • Transplant the cutting only after at least 2 cm of the root has formed, ensuring their chances of adaptability to the soil.

Perlite provides proper airflow and sterile conditions for the plant, preventing it from undergoing rot.

2. Propagation via Air Layering

  • Select a healthy stem into another pot without detaching it from the mother plant in air layering.
  • But make sure the pot is about 2-4 inches deep with drainage holes and soil mix.
  • Then, clip the vine down with the help of small rock or floral pins to hold the stem until the root forms.
  • Remember to mist it every 2 days.
  • After root formation, cut them from the mother plant with sterilized scissors.
  • Transplant the rooted vine in a new pot with fresh potting mix.

3. Propagation via Seeds

  • Propagating Hoya seeds is simple yet time-consuming. You must save or buy the seeds.
  • After collecting seeds, fill a pot with a well-draining potting mix and plant the seed on the soil.
  • Then, cover the seed lightly with the potting mix and water it lightly to keep the soil moist but not soggy.
  • Water and offer light until germination, usually within 4-5 weeks of planting, and wait 3-4 years for the first bloom. 

Hoya Macrophylla for Sale

Most people confuse Hoya macrophylla with Hoya latifoilia, but they are the same plants with different names.

Some admired varieties are Hoya macrophylla ‘variegata’ and Hoya macrophylla ‘albomarginata.’

Hence, you can entrust these shops to buy Hoya macrophylla varieties and clear your doubts.

Sites Expected Shipping Time
EtsyWithin 10-15 days after placing an order
PlanterinaWithin 2-10 days after placing an order
PlantlyWithin 10 days after placing an order

From Editorial Team

Precautions during propagation!

The chief way to propagate slow-growing Hoyas is cuttings rather than seeds.

But you must propagate Hoyas directly in the soil instead of water if you opt for sturdy and strong roots.

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