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How To Ripen Figs At Home? [Best Ways To Perform]

Instead of eating raw and green figs, ripen them at home to enjoy the sweet earthy flavor of the fruits.

Generally, you can ripen figs at home using a natural process that uses a paper bag to enhance its ethylene production capability. Alternatively, you can boost the ripening process using banana or olive oil, which releases the ripening gas and makes the figs mature.

Skim the article to know the entire process of ripening that is easy to perform and gives faster results.

Are Figs Edible? [Fruits And Leaves]

The fig tree (Ficus carica) belonging to the Moraceae family and native to the Meditteranean region falls under low toxicity severity.

ASPCA keeps the fig as a class 4 toxin all because of the irritating sap on the leaves that pose no serious threat.

Also, no extreme seriousness occurs on pets due to the fig leaves. So with caution, you can bring the plant home and even consume them.

However, the healthy and safe part of the fig tree is its fruit, denoted by the term ‘fig.’ It contains no sap. Thus, figs are edible if the part is its fruit.
The cut open figs that are not ripen
The ripened figs look like a pear or tear drop that is purple in color and can turn darker with maturity.

The fig is a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and fibers, providing medicinal health benefits.

Further, the fruit is soft and juicy in texture with a savory, jammy flavor. So, you can eat figs by drying them, roasting them, or fresh from the tree.

Moreover, you can eat figs skin if they are thin and have a delicate cover. However, some might dislike its texture. So eat figs with skin according to your taste.

As for the leaves, you can use them as a wrap for foods like meat, fish, and baking, giving them a sweet flavor.

But remove the leaf wrap before consuming the food, as figs are more edible and safer than green leaves.

How To Ripen Figs At Home?

Allow the figs to ripen independently unless you are in a hurry to enjoy its green fruit, yet to mature.

Most of the fig variety ripens by the end of September, turning the green firm fruit into soft squeezy fig that sometimes changes color.

However, not all ripen at the same time. Some fruits can take about two months from fruit formation to reach ripeness.

During such time, there is a high possibility of winter obstructing the natural process. Thus, pluck off the figs and ripen them at home.

It requires some tricks and ideas that are as follows.

A. Natural Ripening In Paper Bag

  • Take a brown paper bag and keep the fig inside it.
  • Place the bag over a refrigerator or beside the freezer so that it gets warmth from it.
  • Return after 2 to 3 days to check on the figs.
  • Once you notice any change in the fruit firmness, return it to the fruit container and eat figs when you feel it.

B. Enhance Ripening

Ethylene gas plays a significant role in inducing the ripening process. So you can use fruits like bananas and apples rich in ethylene.

Follow the same process as above in keeping the unripe fig in a paper bag. But instead of a refrigerator, keep figs with bananas for at least two days.

Then, remove the banana as it ripens faster than figs and can even decay if left for a long.

Lastly, place the figs in their original container and allow them to ripen at home.

Tips On How To Ripen Figs Fast

Ripening of Fig can occur on trees alongside all other fruits if you have maintained the required growing conditions.

If not, you can look at the pointers below for your mistake, except for choosing the wrong fig varieties, as some types of figs have a natural late ripening process.

  • Ensure to provide at least 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight.
  • Irrigate the plant weekly to fulfill the fig’s 1 to 1.5 inches of water need.
  • Figs can endure a wide range of temperatures, but do not let it drop below 20ºF.
  • Keep the humidity within the range of 40 to 65%.
  • Meanwhile, use soil that is well-draining, rich in humus, and slightly acidic (5.5-6.5 pH).
  • Feed the fig trees with slow-releasing balanced fertilizer thrice a year in late winter, mid-spring, and mid-summer.
  • Perform heavy pruning in late winter after the first year to ensure new growth and fruiting the following year.
  • Protect the fig from pests by spraying neem oil once in the growing season and copper fungicide for any disease.

From Editorial Team

Store The Figs!

Under normal room temperature, figs can stay in their original container for a week. But place it in a refrigerator if you want to use it for at least two weeks.

However, storing the figs might be impossible if you have cut them, as it allows more space for air contamination.

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