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How to Propagate Mini Monstera?

Mini Monstera is a flexible plant incorporating gorgeous, fenestrated foliage attached to the monopodial stem and is fairly easy to propagate.

The only way to propagate a Mini Monstera is by taking a stem cutting with a node. The node of the stem is the primary part of the plant, which induces new growth. 

Mini Monstera is named after the plant ‘Monstera deliciosa’ since it looks like a mini version of the Monstera plant.

However, it should not be confused with Monstera as they are two species requiring different care and propagation techniques.

General Information on Mini Monstera

Let us look at the general information on the Mini Monstera plant.

Common NameMini Monstera, monstera 'Ginny'
Scientific NameRhaphidophora tetrasperma
Plant TypeAroid
Height and SpreadCan get upto 12 feet tall, 1.5-2 feet spread
ToxicityMildly toxic to humans; toxic to pets
Pests and DiseasesSpiter mites and fungal root rot

Due to its high price, Monstera deliciosa is often mislabeled as Raphidopohora Tetrasperma. Be cautious and only buy from trusted sellers.

Mini Monstera plant
Mini Monstera plant originated from Southern Thailand and Malaysia.

If you liked this information, you would surely enjoy reading the hows and whys for propagating this plant.

Reasons to Propagate Mini Monstera

Although this plant is native to South East Asia, its rapidly growing nature and easy propagation techniques have allowed it to thrive in other parts of the globe.

Below are some of the reasons to propagate Mini Monstera.

  • It is an economical and easy way for new growth.
  • It helps to avoid the transmission of plant diseases, including viruses.
  • Propagating is a much faster way of growing a new plant than seed germination.
  • Even if your Mini Monstera is dying, propagating will give it a second chance to live.
  • It helps to resolve the issue of pest infestation.

Can You Propagate Your Mini Monstera Without a Node?

The short answer is NO. Mini monstera will never grow if the stem cutting does not include at least one node. Although the leaf and stem may stay green for some time, it won’t grow into a new plant.

What exactly is a Node?

Nodes are the points in a plant stem from which new buds, leaves, and branches originate. They are a crucial part of a plant when it comes to propagation.

You can distinguish a brown or white knob from the area where new leaves, stem, or branch emerges.

Each node can grow into a full plant; fortunately, a mature Mini Monstera has multiple nodes.

Raphidophora Node
Use Moss Poles or Trellis to support the plant.

How to Take a Proper Node Cutting?

Taking proper node cutting is a crucial aspect of Mini Monstera propagation.

Although it is possible to propagate your Mini Monstera just from a piece of stem with a node, it’s easier if at least one leaf is in it.

Following are the steps to take proper node cutting for your Mini Monstera.

  • First, locate the area where you want to cut. Identify the ‘V-shaped’ area where a leaf splits from the main stem, as shown in the figure above.
  • Put on your garden gloves to avoid any contamination. It will also prevent the sap from getting to your skin.
  • Rubbing a knife or a pair of pruning shears with alcohol on both sides. This is to avoid the spreading of diseases on your plant.
  • Carefully cut a couple of inches below the node. Aim for a quick and clean cut and avoid any sawing motion.
  • Be sure to include at least one leaf along with the node. Don’t let the stem get too compressed or damaged.
  • Let the cutting sit for a few minutes till the cut end is dry to the touch.
  • Your Mini Monstera is now ready to be propagated.

Materials Needed for Propagation

  • Clean knife or pruning scissors.
  • Ethanol or Alcohol for sterilization
  • Cotton Swab
  • Clean and clutter-free workplace
  • Garden gloves
  • Clean, room-temperature water for Water Propagation
  • Clear transparent Vase for Water Propagation
  • 3-4 inch pot for Soil Propagation
  • Potting mix for Soil Propagation

Mini Monstera Propagation Method

Many other plants can be propagated through roots, leaves, and seeds. As for Mini Monstera, propagation through stem has proved to be the most efficient and fool-proof method for easy growth.

The best time to propagate your Mini Monstera is when the plant grows actively during spring.

Before we dive into the different methods of propagating your Mini Monstera, let’s answer the most important questions.

1. Water Propagation Method

Propagating in water is the easiest and most efficient method of growing your Mini Monstera.

It ensures healthy growth along with fewer chances for contamination and diseases.

Following are the steps to follow for propagating your Mini Monstera in water.

  • Take a proper node cutting of your Mini Monstera, as advised above.
  • Ensure you sterilize the equipment with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol before cutting.
  • Place the cut stem in a clear vase with clean water.
  • Avoid the base of the stem from touching the base of the vase.
  • The water should be enough to cover the node of the cutting.
  • The vase should be placed where the plant can receive bright indirect sunlight.
  • The water should be checked every few days and changed when it gets murky.
  • Wait till the root grows about two to four inches to transfer your cutting into a potting mix.
  • A pot two to three inches bigger than the root system is best for its growth.
Always place your cuttings in low-lime water.

2. Soil Propagation Method

It can also be done if you prefer to propagate the plant directly into a potting mix.

Propagating in the soil will allow you to avoid the hassle of transferring the plant to a pot.

However, the downside is that most people say soil propagation is slower than water propagation.

You can follow the below steps to propagate your Mini Monstera directly in a pot.

  • Take the appropriate node cutting of your Mini Monstera.
  • Place the cutting directly into the potting mix.
  • Be sure to let the potting soil cover the node (The node is where the root spawns from).
  • Keep the pot in a moist place where the plant can receive indirect bright light.
  • The roots can take weeks to months to grow two to three inches long.
  • You can begin watering at this stage and enjoy the growth of your new plant.

Tips to Care for Mini Monstera After Propagation

Just as this plant is easy to propagate, it is also easy to care for.

With proper care, it can grow up to a height of 12 feet. If you want your Mini Monstera to grow properly, the following are the main factors you need to be careful about.

FactorsOptimal Care Condition
LightBright filtered indirect light
Humidity50-60% relative humidity
SoilPeat-based, fertile soil mixed with perlite, pine bark, or coco chips
FertilizerTwice a month in growing season. Once a month in winter.
WateringTwice a week in summer. Once a week or less in winter.
RepottingRepotting is best done in early spring. Pot 2-3 inches wider than the root system is ideal.

1. Light Requirement

Light is an essential factor for any plant to grow.  It is the food-preparing element necessary for the photosynthesis process.

Mini Monstera prefers bright, filtered, indirect sunlight as a tropical plant. It should be placed near a window that offers plenty of filtered sunlight.

If you prefer to keep it in direct sunlight, you can keep it exposed to direct sunlight in the morning.

Make sure to keep it safe from afternoon light, as it can damage the leaves and foliage of the plant.

You should look out if the leaves are smaller or not split properly. The culprit is usually low sunlight and must be dealt with accordingly.

However, use artificial grow lights for plants to grow the plants in places where the sunlight is inaccessible.

2. Temperature Requirement

This plant thrives best on temperature that is similar to Thailand and Malaysia. A temperature around 65-80°F is ideal for its growth.

While caring for this plant, avoiding exposure to temperature extremities is important. High temperatures can result in drought stress, whereas low temperatures can damage foliage.

Generally, avoid exposing your plant to temperatures below 50°F or above 85°F. If you feel comfortable with your room temperature, your Mini Monstera will also be comfortable growing in those conditions.

3. Maintain Humidity

Keeping a properly humid environment is something most people struggle with.  As with most tropical plants, it also requires high humidity levels.

Humidity levels up to 50-60% are ideal for your Mini Monstera. As your plant’s average room humidity can be low, you can do a few things to ensure your humidity level remains ideal.

a. Room Humidifier

A wide range of humidifiers is found in online stores like Amazon. Although it can be a bit more expensive, buying a humidifier will ensure a proper environment for your plant to grow without hassle.

b. Humidifying Tray

The most inexpensive and easiest way to humidify your Mini Monstera plant is to place it in a pebble tray. Fill a shallow tray, wider than your pot, with water and pebbles. Place the pot on the pebble tray, and your natural humidifier is ready.

c. Misting Spray

Fill your spray bottle with clean water and mist your plants twice weekly. Avoid spraying on the leaves directly, as it can cause diseases like brown spots. The best spray is above and around the plant with a fine spray. However, this method alone won’t be enough to ensure proper moisture conditions, although it can be used to some extent.

4. Soil Requirement

Aerated well-drained soil works best for all types of aroids, including Mini Monstera. Potting mix peat-based, fertile, and mixed with perlite, pine bark, or coco chips will do well for this plant. Maintain soil pH to a range of 6 to 6.5; it will help the plant to absorb more nutrients.

The following potting mix is the most favorable for your Mini Monstera’s adequate growth.

  • 3-part potting soil
  • 2 part peat
  • 4 part bark
  • 1 part Perlite or Sphagnum Moss

Adding bark and perlite increases the aeration capacity of the soil, whereas sphagnum moss and peat increase the soil’s water retention capacity.

5. Fertilizer Requirement

For your Mini Monstera to thrive indoors, it needs regular fertilizing.

Mini Monstera is a plant susceptible to fertilizer burn quite often. A high-quality, balanced fertilizer should be used at half the recommended dilution level for this plant.

Slow-release fertilizers that gradually release nutrients in the soil, like Miracle-Gro plant food and Indoor plant food, are the best option for this plant. Some gardeners also prefer the pellet form of Osmocote 14-14-14 or Nutricote 13-13-13.

You can also opt for organic fertilizers like tea extract, kelp, fish emulsion, worm castings, or plant extracts to ensure your plant gets essential nutrients.

During the growing season (Spring and Summer), fertilizing twice a month is recommended. During winter, once a month should be enough.

If the potting soil is dry, you can water the soil lightly before applying the fertilizer to avoid burning the roots.

6. Water Requirement

Watering is an essential aspect for any plant to thrive. Especially, aroids like Mini Monstera prefer to be kept moist and cool.

Although easy as it may sound, watering your Mini Monstera optimally depends on several factors, such as the amount of light, time of year, humidity, and whether it’s growing season.

As an easy practical way, check the soil with your finger to assess the soil’s moisture. If it is dry, water it until it emerges from the pothole. If the soil is moist enough, then avoid watering it any further.

Mini Monstera is extremely sensitive to overwatering. So it is better to underwater the plant rather than to overwater it.

Watering twice a week is enough in summer. In winter, once a week or less is good enough.

7. Repotting

Mini Monstera can grow quickly, so you must prepare to do occasional repotting.

A pot size about 2-3 inches wider than the size of the root shall be enough. Early spring, the growing season for this plant, is the ideal time for repotting.

Tips: If you have difficulty recognizing the right time to repot your Mini Monstera, check the bottom of the pot. If roots circle the pot’s base, it is a sign that the plant needs repotting.
Also, keep the plant in check, as Monstera plants tend to droop after repotting.

8. Mechanical Support

One of the cool aspects of this plant is the tendency to climb. They seek out supports to climb and will cling to anything it finds suitable.

Providing it with a moss-covered stick or a trellis can rapidly help your Mini Monstera reach new heights (pun intended).

Not only does it look aesthetically pleasing, but it also ensures that your Mini Monstera grows larger leaves and brighter foliage.

9. Pruning Your Mini Monstera

Just as it is important to have proper fertilizer, water, and a suitable environment for plants to thrive, pruning is also equally important.

Pruning helps remove the unnecessary leaves that are of no benefit to the plant and allows it to utilize its resources optimally.

It will encourage your plant to grow and control the shape and size of your plant. It is an important aspect that should not be ignored as it helps your Mini Monstera eliminate useless leaves and allocate the essential plant nutrients to the right parts.

Fortunately, pruning a Mini Monstera is pretty simple, given that it is a hardy plant.

You will need the following materials for pruning:

  • A pair of clean gloves
  • Pruning shears or a sharp knife
  • Cotton swab
  • Alcohol as a disinfectant
  • Clean workspace

Steps for pruning your Mini Monstera

  • Put on your gloves to ensure no contamination occurs while pruning. It will also help to avoid getting the sap on the skin as it can irritate some people.
  • Clean your pruning shears or the knife, whichever you use, with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol.
  • Locate the overgrown branches or dying leaves.
  • Cut the part with a swift singular motion. Avoid sawing off to ensure the cleanest cut.
  • The most favorable time to prune is spring if you want to encourage growth.
  • Suppose you want to encourage growth at a specific place; cut where you want the plant to grow. If you want the plant to grow tall, cut at the top.

Check out this cool video on pruning and propagating your Mini Monstera properly.

From Editorial Team


Mini Monstera is a beautiful plant that can shower your home with beauty and an air of freshness if cared for.

Although this plant was quite expensive even just a few years back, its price has dropped by a good margin, making it easily available.

Propagation will let you keep your Mini Monstera healthy and ever-green without spending more money.

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