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How To Get Rid Of Thick Grass? [Top 3+ Techniques]

Are there clumps of thick grass in your lawn, ruining the overall look of the lawn, but you do not know how to get rid of them? Well, I got your back covered.

You can get rid of thick grass via cultural, manual, and chemical techniques. So, remove thick grasses from your lawn with regular mowing, dethatching, scalping, and DIY methods. Otherwise, aim for herbicides to annihilate eye-soaring thick grass.

Thus, read on till the end to learn everything you need to know about getting rid of thick grass.

What Is Thick Grass?

Thick grass is an unusually dense and abundant growth that grows faster than regular grasses.

They stand out the most in well-maintained lawns with their greener, taller stature. Some popular grasses that can turn thick are Tall Fescue, Kentucky Bluegrass, and Bermuda grass.

Excess nitrogen, improper mowing, and grass types give rise to thick grass problems.

These thick grasses have wider blades with denser root systems and grow in clumps.

For instance, Tall Fescue is an uncontrollable perennial that grows in clumps in the middle of a lawn. So, getting rid of them is the only choice.

But damaging the looks of the lawn is not the only issue thick grass comes with. Here are other problems with thick grass.

1. Thatch Buildup

Thatch is a layer of dead and living stems and roots. It causes water clogging issues resulting in rotting.

Further, they also do not allow proper distribution of fertilizer. In addition, it stresses the trapped grasses.

So, you must not allow thatch buildup and get rid of thick grass if you want a healthy, good-looking lawn.

2. Poor Air Circulation

Excessive thick grass growth can restrict the proper air circulation near the soil. In turn, they trap heat and moisture.

The tall, thick blades can hinder airflow and restrict the plant’s ability to gather air.

They further create a condition suitable for pests and diseases. Likewise, thick grasses may support more weed growth that eventually can rule out the entire lawn.

3. Drainage Issues

Thick grass has a more compact and rigid root system, unlike regular grasses. So they can easily lower the draining capacity of the soil.

Further, they can limit water penetration into the soil. Thereby, puddles form around the thick grass.

Standing water directly inhibits grass growth and causes mosquito problems. They also invite mildew and mold growth.

4. Pests & Diseases

You may despise thick grass, but pests and diseases have another saying. They love it! Thick grass is an excellent environment for pests and fungal diseases to spread.

Pests like fleas, ticks, snails, slugs, and caterpillars prefer to munch and spend time on thick grass.

Likewise, mildew, brown patch, leaf spot, and pythium lawn diseases are common fungal lawn diseases caused by thick grasses.

Therefore, you must get rid of thick grass before they introduce pests and diseases that wreak your lawn.

How To Get Rid of Thick Grass?

Regular mowing is the best way to get rid of thick grass. But you can also scalp the lawn, dethatch or use herbicides to remove thick grass.

You can get rid of thick grass through these four basic methods or techniques.

1. Scalping Or Manual Removal

You can scalp the overgrown, thick grass using a lawn mower set at its lowest setting.

But if you want to kick out the thick grass growth entirely, you can shovel them out. But while doing so, ensure to remove as much root as possible.

2. Dethatching Using Rake

Dethatching is another technique to remove the thick grass from the lawn. You can use a dethatching rake to dig and pull out thatch.

If the thick grass situation is severe, you can use power rakes or vertical mowers to make the process easier and fast.

3. Boiling Water or Vinegar Based Weed Killer

If there are a few clumps of thick grass, you can kick them out with the help of boiling water.

You only have to pour boiling water carefully near the thick grassroots. Boiling water can kill unintended grasses as well if you are not careful.

mowing the lawn to get rid of grass
Regular mowing keeps the thick grass away!

Likewise, you can also use a vinegar-based weed-killer solution. Mix 1 cup of table salt, 1 tablespoon of dish soap, and 1 gallon of vinegar. Then soak the soil thoroughly with it.

But remember to use it wisely as it can also kill dandelions and other desired weeds.

4. Using Herbicides

If the thick grass situation is on a larger scale, you can opt for organic, environment-friendly herbicides to get rid of them.

Ensure to read the directions on the product label for effective use and safety. Also, aim to buy herbicides that are designed for thick grasses.

Nevertheless, keeping chemical resort as your last option would be best.

Editor’s Note

Perhaps It Is Time To Grow Native Plants In Your Lawn!

The traditional lawn does not aid the natural ecosystem, so you should grow native plants.

You can research and grow flowering weeds or grass native to your locality. Not only are they easy to maintain, but they also promote native vegetation.

All The Best!