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How to Grow Cat Grass in a Pot? Explained!

Not all popular houseplants are safe for the cat, so to reduce the risk of them nibbling such plants, you can aim to grow edible grass in a pot to divert them.

Sprinkle the seeds over the moist soil in a small pot to grow cat grass in a pot. For optimal germination, cover the pot with a plastic cover. Cat grass will germinate in 6 to 7 days and will be ready to munch for your furry cats in 10 to 15 days.

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So, in this article, you will learn how to easily grow cat grass in any container available at your home.

Why Grow Cat Grass in a Pot?

The sole purpose of growing cat grass in a pot is to entice cats and prevent them from eating other toxic plants.

Cat grass is an excellent decoy to fulfill your cat’s grass hunger.

Over 400 species of popular houseplants are toxic to cats enlisted by the ASPCA. So, you must take necessary caution measures to keep your cats safe.

For example, Monstera, Philodendron and Snake plants kept in a home or office spaces are toxic to cats.

Thus, grow accessible cat grass on a pot so your cats can nibble whenever they feel like eating grass, which is fun to watch.

Furthermore, cat grass also provides extra fiber and helps your cats throw up a fur ball. So, cat grass offers multiple benefits.

Best Time to Grow Cat Grass

Cat grass is easy to grow with very minimal care needs. Thus, you can grow cat grass all year round indoors in a pot.

That said, encourage optimal growth of cat grass in spring by taking cat grass pot outdoors.

Start the cat grass seed germination indoors while maintaining a temperature of 70°F or 21°C.

If you aim to grow cat grass directly in the garden, wait for the winter frost to settle down.

Otherwise, cat grass will grow in a pot indoors regardless of the time of the year.

How Long Does Cat Grass Take to Grow?

Cat grass proliferates much faster and will be ready to harvest within two weeks from the sowing date.

Generally, sown seeds germinate within 4 to 7 days and will be ready for your cats to enjoy in 10 to 15 days.

However, the growth rate of cat grass may vary. In winter, they may grow slower than in spring or summer.

How Long Does Cat Grass Last?

Depending upon the level of care with other physical parameters, the lifespan of cat grass varies.

Generally, cat grass lasts for about 2 to 3 weeks and, at most, a month in ideal condition.

But you can extend their lifespan by storing them in the fridge or via regular trimming.

cat eating the cat grass with great pleasure
Cat grass is a great way of indulging cats in edible plants and keeping them away from poisonous plants.

Furthermore, using a spray bottle for daily misting can help cat grass last long in a pot.

This will provide humidity around the plant, making the plant look fresh and healthy.

How to Grow Cat Grass in Pot?

Before getting your hands dirty, ensure you have tools like a 4 to 6-inch pot, seed starter mix and plastic wrap.

Generally, seeds of wheat or oats are often used as cat grass seeds. But you can find other cat grass types per your cats’ liking.

Also, aim for an organic potting mix, as your cats will eat cat grass straight out of the pot.

Otherwise, you can invest in a cat grass kit from a verified retailer.

Now, let us start with a detailed stepwise guide to growing cat grass in a pot.

Step 1: Presoak the Seeds

Take a clean bowl and fill it with chemical-free water, then soak 1/4th cup of cat grass seeds.

Let the seeds rest in the water for about 6 to 7 hours.

Remember, presoaking acts as a signal to wake up the sleeping seeds for germination.

Step 2: Layout your Pots

Fill 2 inches from the pot brim with potting soil after you line up a thin paper towel in the pot.

After that, moisten the soil thoroughly with a spray bottle. This way, the soil will remain damp but not muddy.

Cat grassroots need both air and water. So, remember that your soil should contain moisture and air.   

Step 3: Sow Seeds

Sow the soaked seeds 1/4 inch deep in the pot, or you may sprinkle the seeds over the soil.

Avoid pushing the seeds deep in the soil, as they are soft and sensitive.

Step 4: Spray the Seeds with Water

After sowing the seeds, gently spray water on top to keep the soil moist but not soggy.

If there is excess water, tilt the pot to let out excess water.

Step 5: Cover the Seeds

To maintain humidity at an optimal level, you can utilize a thin layer of plastic over the growing pot.

For proper air circulation, you can poke holes in the plastic cover.

Step 6: Care for Seeds

Place the pot in a warm place, ensuring bright indirect sunlight for successful, healthy germination.

You can water the pot three times a day using a mister to keep the soil moist.

Within a week, you can notice new seedlings sprouting already. Then you can remove the lid and proceed with regular care.

Step 7: Feed your Cat and Prepare for the Next Batch

It is pretty slow for cat grass in a pot to grow in the initial days. However, by the end of the week, you will notice healthy growth.

The grass grows tall enough to feed your cat in about five days. The best time to harvest is after a week. 

Care for Pot Grown Cat Grass

You can extend the life of cat grass even after frequent munching, and here are some tips for doing so.

  • Regularly trim off the yellowing tips of cat grass.
  • Keep the pot in a warm, dark area, but not for all time.
  • Avoid direct sunlight to avoid drying.
  • Maintain temperature at 70°F and humidity at 60% by misting daily.
  • Ensure the pot of cat grass is in a well-ventilated, airy location.
  • Avoid using fertilizers, as they can harm cats. Instead, aim for nutrient-rich organic soil.
  • Look out for pest invasion and fungal growth in a regular fashion.
  • Water only after the topsoil feels slightly dry.
  • Aim for a spray bottle to water potted cat grass.

Harvesting Cat Grass

You can simply snip off the plant’s half-inch above from the bottom and give them directly to your cat.

You can sprinkle the shredded cat grass on top of your cats’ food. But ensure the cat grass is pest free.

If you see pest infestation in the plant, immediately throw it and make a new batch.

However, cat grass has less chance of pest infestation as it is grown indoors.

Can Dogs Eat Cat Grass Too?

Yes, it is entirely normal for dogs to eat cat grass. You can feed the grass according to the size of the dog.

In general, dogs eat cat grass if they are ill or need to vomit. Also, they prefer to eat cat grass if they lack some nutrients.

Likewise, small animals, reptiles, and birds can also enjoy a tiny amount of cat grass.

Final Thought!

Cat grass is an easy-growing plant that requires no effort if you keep them moist and humid.

The growing process is the same regardless of the cat grass variety you choose to grow.

But ensure to keep them fresh, healthy ready to eat for your cats.

  1. Thanks so much for posting that! Intolerable notes as I was reading because I am trying to figure out how to keep the soil from getting completely pulled up because it’s attached to the soil, when my cat, eats the grass. I’m gonna try your paper towel idea!
    I am so grateful for all the great idea!

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