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Frog Grass Vs Carabao Grass: A Comprehensive Comparison

If you are looking for ornamental grasses that spread rapidly and are low-maintenance, then Frog and Carabao grasses will be the best choice.

Generally, Frog grass and Carabao grass both belong to the same family and share a lot of similarities, such as plant family, growth habit, growth season, and ease of care. However, they differ in uses, plant habits, and distribution.
Go through the entire article to learn the similarities and differences between Frog grass and Carabao grass.

Frog Grass Vs Carabao Grass: Similarities

Frog grass (Juncus bufonius) and Carabao grass (Paspalum conjugatum) are both common types of grasses with a wide distribution all over the world.

Frog vs Carabao grasses
Besides their other benefits, these grasses are tolerant of salinity and can be found in lawns of coastal areas.

Here are some top similarities between Frog grass and Carabao grass.

  • Plant family: Both of them belong to the same plant family. i.e. Poaceae. This means they share phylogenetic and morphological similarities with each other.
  • Plant habit: These both have a similar growth habit, as they spread and form a mat-like structure in the ground.
  • Drought tolerance: Frog and Carabao grass have a special ability of drought tolerance and grow in areas where there is limited water supply.
  • Growth season: Both of them grow in the Summer season and can thrive in the regions with hot temperatures.
  • Ease of care: These are low-maintenance plants that are easy to care for and have good ornamental importance.

Frog Grass And Carabao Grass Pros & Cons

Besides possessing advantages like erosion control and livestock forage, these grasses have some pros and cons, too, that are listed below.


  • Drought tolerance: These plants are very good at drought tolerance and can thrive easily in places where there is limited water supply.
  • Tolerance for poor soil: Both of these grasses have a better tolerance for nutrient-deficient and poorly-drained soil.
  • Livestock forage: Frog grass and Carabao grass are both useful in foraging livestock. 
  • Erosion control: The spreading habit of these plants helps control erosion by binding the soil tightly.

Similarly, there are some cons of Frog grass and Carabao grass.


  • Limited ornamental uses: Unlike other ornamental plants, these grasses are less attractive and might not create a vigorous lawn.
  • Invasive: Rapidly spreading habits of these plants can inhibit the growth of other plants. Furthermore, these plants compete with other plants and deficit their nutrients.
  • Management difficulties: If you are growing Frog and Carabao grass for livestock forages, there might be management difficulties, such as regular mowing and fertilization.

Frog Grass vs Carabao Grass: Differences

Although both of these grasses are included in the same family and share a lot of similarities, they also differ in some aspects.

Here are some differences between Frog grass and Carabao grass.

1. Uses

Frog grasses are primarily useful for ornamental purposes like lawns, floor cover, or erosion control.

However, Carabao grasses are grown for livestock foraging and provide nutrition for cattle, buffalo, and animals grazing.

2. Growth Habits

Frog grasses have dense creeping or spreading growth habit with a coarse texture.

While the Carabao grasses look like a form or mat in the ground, just like a green carpet.

3. Distribution

Frog grasses are distributed widely in various parts of the world, but the places can vary according to species.

However, Carabao grasses are commonly found in Southeast Asia and other tropical regions.

From Editorial Team


Although Frog grass and Carabao grass show little resistance to pests and diseases, there are some major pests and diseases inhibiting the growth of grasses.

Some of them are Brown patches, Dollar spots, Armyworms, and Chinchbugs.

You can reduce their population by spraying with Neem or Cinnamon oil.