Besides the beautiful white blossoms that renovate any outdoor space, the Cusca plant has other potential medicinal benefits to offer.
Cusca plant (Cussonia spicata), also known as African Cabbage, is an evergreen plant bearing pinnate leaves and swollen trunks.
So, go through this entire article to know the potential health benefits and other advantages of planting Cusca plants in your garden.
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Top Science-Backed Benefits Of Cusca Plant
The Cusca plant is a great medicine for various skin problems like pimples, acne, rashes, and bumps. Paste from the Cusca plant also treats severe carbuncles.
Additionally, you can use Cusca tonic to boost your immunity. The extract contains antioxidants that prevent and repair cell damage; read further to know more benefits.
1. Anti-Inflammatory Effects
Cusca plant is loaded with several anti-inflammatory compounds like phenols and flavonoids. These compounds help to relieve wounds and swelling.
Furthermore, the consumption of the extracts of this plant can also treat internal inflammations.
You can apply the bark or leaf paste to the wounded or swelling areas uniformly until the wound stops paining.
However, make sure you are not allergic to this plant. This may cause negative effects on your body.
Moreover, before applying the paste to your wounds, ensure to consult with your doctor to prevent side effects.
2. Antibacterial Activities
Cusca Plant contains antibacterial compounds and is a traditional medicine to treat various bacterial and viral infections.
The anti-microbial effects of this plant are due to several beneficial compounds like flavonoids, phenolic compounds, and terpenes.
Mostly, you can find the antibacterial properties from the bark and leaf extracts of the plant.
However, there are limited scientific experiments to prove the anti-bacterial properties of this plant. So, it’s better to consult the doctor before using this plant.
3. Digestive Benefits
Cusca Plant is an amazing medicine for different gastrointestinal problems like stomach upsets, diarrhea, vomiting, and many more.
You can prepare infusions and decoctions from the leaves and bark extract of this plant and consume it.
Moreover, this plant also contains anti-microbial effects that kill harmful bacteria from your stomach and prevent you from digestive problems.
During the cramps due to digestive discomforts, the extract of this plant can soothe your digestive tract and make you feel better.
4. Laxative Effects
Cusca plant also contains potential laxative benefits and improves your bowel movements.
The infusions and decoction liquid from the leaves and bark of this plant work as a perfect beverage to soothe your large intestine.
Moreover, this plant helps in better digestion and indirectly aids in preventing constipation.
This plant is also a famous traditional herbal remedy to facilitate bowel movements. As the research on the laxative benefits is limited, only use a small amount of extract to avoid side effects.
5. Other Benefits
Besides traditional medicines, the Cusca plant can be a great forage supplement for your livestock during the grass scarcity.
Moreover, planting this amazing plant can also help to control soil erosion during heavy rainfall as the roots hold the soil tightly.
In the native regions, people also use this plant to perform traditional rituals.
Additionally, this beautiful plant can enhance your outdoor garden’s aesthetic beauty. You can use this ornamental plant in almost every landscaping design.
Furthermore, African Cabbage can also attract different wildlife and birds to make your garden full of life.
Cusca plant is susceptible to different fungal pathogens, so it’s better to apply neem oil weekly to prevent further infections.
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Kuska and Cusca Plants are Different!
Despite similar pronunciation, Cusca plant is a tree native to Africa, whereas Kuska plant is a creeper that produces cucamelons or Mexican Sour Ghirkin.
Both plants are different in their origin, structure, use, and medicinal benefits. You use the leaves and bark of the Cussonia spicata, whereas the mini cucumbers of Kuska plants are conusmable.