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Best Way for Collecting Snapdragon Seeds!

Snapdragon plants have beautiful and vibrant flowers resembling a dragon’s snout but morph into spooky little skulls when they wither and are ready to spew seeds.

For collecting the Snapdragon seeds, wait for the flowers to turn into dried seed pods in late summer. Shake the seed pods to hear any rattling sound, and gently tap them on a sheet of paper to collect them.

Snapdragon seeds are available in every nursery, but if you wish to grow a Snapdragon family every season, read on to learn about the seed collection.

What Do Snapdragon Seeds Look Like?

Snapdragon seeds are tiny that stay inside the skull-shaped flower pods when they are ripe and ready. 

Also, Snapdragon self-seeds without manual help but with a gentle breeze. As a result, the plant sprinkles the seeds on the soil’s surface from the holes in the pods.

Image represents the seed pods and seeds of Snapdragon
Seed pods of Snapdragon flowers resemble human skulls.

Additionally, these mini seeds carry some hefty characteristics. Take help from the table to learn about some interesting features of Snapdragon seeds. 

Seed AttributesFeatures
ColorBlack to dark brown
ShapeOval outline with serrated margins
Size0.5-1.5 millimeters
Harvest TimeLate Summer (August)
Weight0.00011-0.00016 grams
Sowing MethodOn the soil surface
Germination InitiatorLight (positively photoblastic)
Seed Sowing Time8-10 weeks before last frost
Germination Time1-3 weeks after sowing
Number of Seeds Per Gram6000 to 9000
ToxicityNon-toxic to humans and pets
UsesSeeds are pulverized to extract an edible oil (substitute for olive oil)


Pollination and Seed Setting in Snapdragons

Snapdragons take about 2-3 months to flower, starting from germination.

They love the cool climate of spring and fall to bloom, but flowering can slow down during mid-summer.

Although the flowering becomes slow during this time, the remaining blooms lure pollinators like bumblebees.

However, if your garden is falling short on pollinators or you want to create hybrids, pollinate Snapdragons manually.

  • Collect the yellow, sticky, and bright pollens from the donating flower using q-tips and scrape it in wax paper.
  • Carefully open a closed bud from another plant by unfolding the petals.
  • Remove the anthers using sharp tweezers to expose the stigma.
  • Take the pollens on a fine-tip paintbrush and rub them over the stigma of the receiving flower.
  • Cover the recently pollinated flower using a mesh bag.
  • About 5-6 weeks after pollination, the petals will fall and unveil a green fruit, pod, or capsule.
Image represents the green seed pods of Snapdragons
Seed pods of Snapdragon appear green when they are immature but slowly turn brown in mid to late summer.

Over the course of several days, the fruit undergoes a series of changes and transforms into dry, skull-shaped seed pods.

  • Green pods present towards the lower end of the plant turn yellow-brown first.
  • Changes in color like this take place slowly in the pods hanging on the upper parts of the plant.
  • Pods dry off, and three holes are formed at the top.

How To Harvest The Seeds Of Snapdragons?

One time, I accidentally harvested the seeds on a windy day. This was stupid of me as the tiny seeds were blown away by the wind.

Be advised you collect the seeds on a sunny day and avoid rainy days as well. Here are some proven steps to consider while collecting Snapdragon seeds.

  • Check for the dried seed pods – these resemble to be yellowish-brown in color, replacing the green fruits.
  • Give the pods a shake – seeds that are ready rattle inside the pods.
  • Extract the pods – gently twist the seed pods and remove them from the flowering stem.

If there are many seed pods, snip the entire dry flowering stalk using a sterilized pruner.

How To Store The Seeds Of Snapdragons?

One of the best ways to store the skull Snapdragon plant seeds is to leave them in the pods until sowing. This is the best way to avoid any mess.

But for collecting Snapdragon seeds all at once, dry the pods on a tray for 4 days. Later, you can follow these easy steps.

  • Take one pod and gently shake the seeds over the wax paper.
  • Also, you can crush and rub the pods by placing them between your index and thumb fingers.
  • Gather the seeds and place them in a paper bag or envelope.
  • Store the bag in a cool, dry place. An empty shoebox will just be alright.

You can also check the video to learn briefly about collecting and storing Snapdragon seeds.

Snapdragon Seeds For Sale

Get your hands on Snapdragon seeds by ordering from any of the links below!

SitesExpected Delivery Period
AmazonWithin 2-3 days after placing an order
Johnny SeedsWithin 1-2 days after placing an order
Swallow Tail Garden SeedsWithin 1-2 days after placing an order
Eden BrothersWithin 4-6 days after placing an order
EtsyWithin 3 weeks after placing an order
Image illustrates some tips to consider while collecting and storing Snapdragon seeds
Snapdragon seeds must be collected and stored in late summer when the flowers dry up and convert into skull-shaped seed pods.

FAQs on Collecting Snapdragon Seeds

Let’s answer some queries about Snapdragon seeds.

Can You Cut the Flowering Stalk for Collecting Snapdragon Seeds?

You can cut the flowering stem containing dry seed pods right at the base of the stem. Place the stem with pods in a paper bag and shake to release the seeds.

How Long Do Snapdragon Seeds Remain Viable?

With proper storage in a cool, dry place and protection from moisture, the Snapdragon seeds can remain viable for up to 3 years.

Can Snapdragons Produce Seeds Again After Deadheading?

Snapdragons can flower all summer when you remove the spent blooms. As long as there are flowers, there sure will be seeds.

From Editorial Team

Act Wisely While Storing and Collecting Snapdragon Seeds
Hoard the seeds on a sunny day as they are light and can easily fly away if windy. Store them in a cool but dry place to prevent moldy growth following collection.

Learn more by reading about the process of harvesting Kalanchoe & Bird of Paradise seeds in the similar way.

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