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Begonia Seeds: Harvesting & Growing Steps

Begonia can yield ruffled single or double flowers in shades of red, pink, orange, yellow, and white. Don’t think that they lack seeds. 

To Harvest seeds from the Begonia plant, let the flowers die off and reveal the seed pods. The seeds vary from brown to black. Plant the seeds in a pot with seed mix and vermiculite to propagate.

Growing Begonia from seeds can seriously take a toll on you. But, if you are dedicated enough, you can grow a Begonia.

What do Begonia Seeds Look Like?

 After the summer flowers, Begonia yields tiny seeds which weigh an ounce at two million seeds. 

ColorReddish-brown to black color
Size4-15 * 2-9 mm
ShapeGlobular or Ellipsoidal
Blossoming SeasonSpring to Fall
BlossomDifferent colored single or double flowers
PatternGrowth from a creeping rhizome
Harvest SeasonLate Summer or Autumn
Growing TimeFor indoors: Any preferred time
For outdoors: 12-16 weeks before planting out
Conducive Temperature75-80°F
Germination Time2-3 weeks

How to Collect Begonia Seeds?

Generally, the Begonia plant will take 3-4 months to mature and bloom its first flower.

Once a flower blooms, it lives up to six months. You can collect the necessary seeds after the flower dies and dries up.

You do not need to do anything extravagant to make the seeds. The flower does it by itself at the end of its flowering season.

You can store the fibrous and rhizomatous Begonia flower inside while keeping the tuberous Begonia flower outside during the seed formation process.

Steps to Harvest the Seeds from the Begonia Plant

After the flower dries up, collect Knife, Gardening Gloves, Mask, Goggles, and Ziplock Bag to collect seeds from the plant. 

  • The flower dries up after its flowering season; look for the seed pod. You will find it right behind the female flower.
  • Separate the pod from the flower before it is completely dry.
  • Place a seed pod in your hand and split the seed pod opens with your thumbs, and empty the seeds onto the paper. 
  • Open the seedpods and drop the seeds on a white sheet of paper so they are completely visible.
  • Store the seeds in a zip lock bag for nearly a week.
  • After the seeds dry, take a piece of white paper and pour the seeds from the zip lock onto the paper. Take a second paper and gently tilt the first paper to separate the seeds and their husk.

Put the seeds away in some envelope and mark them “Begonia seeds” for future use.

Begonia Seeds for Sale

Getting Begonia seeds from the flower can be more complicated than you imagine. Sometimes it is easier to buy the seeds online.

SitesShipping Details
Green Seed GardenShipping in 2-3 business days
Park SeedShipping in 5-7 business days
AmazonTakes 4-5 days to deliver
WalmartShipping in 2 business days
Harris SeedsShips immediately

Do Begonias Come from Seeds or Bulbs?

Some Begonia plants can be grown via seeds, and some from the bulbs produced by the plant. And other Begonia plants grow both bulbs and seeds.

Generally, growing Begonia from seeds is comparatively more complex and yields smaller than those produced from bulbs.

You cannot take the seed from the flower and propagate them instantly. Before diving into the process, dry the seeds and separate the outer husk.

You can also cultivate Begonia seeds in a greenhouse. You need to plant them in soilless compost in 3-inch pots. 

Also, the seeds can be viable for up to 10 years if you store them in a cool refrigerator.

How to Plant Begonia Seeds? [Easy Steps]

You can grow a variety of Begonias from seeds.

Begin with wax Begonias, dragon wing Begonias, angel wing Begonias, cascading Begonias, or tuberous Begonias when starting Begonias from seed for the first time.

First, you must gather dry seed, seed blend, germination tray, and plastic for propagation.

Step 1: Get the Seeds Ready

  • Take the required amount of seeds out of the envelope.
  • Soak the seeds for a few hours before planting them.
  • You do not need to soak the seeds in water if they are fresh.

Step 2: Plant Seeds in the Germination tray

  • The plant seeds are susceptible to fungal diseases such as damping off and botrytis. So, disinfect the germination tray properly. 
  • Fill the germination tray with a seed blend.
  • Sprinkle the seeds on the tray and press with a thumb.
  • Do not press the seeds too much. Try to keep some distance between the seeds.
  • Spray the surface with lukewarm water.
  • Then place the seed container in a clear plastic bag or mini-greenhouse to maintain the high humidity required for germination.

Step 3: Care for the Seeds During & After the Germination

If you provide good care to the seeds, they may germinate faster. Follow the steps below to ensure proper germination.

  • Water the seeds with a mister once a day to moisten the soil. Do not leave the potting soil soggy.
  • Cover the tray with a transparent plastic sheet to maintain the humidity.
  • Keep the tray 2 to 3 inches under grow lights for 14-18 hours daily.
  • The seeds require warmth, so you may need to keep a heating pad under the tray.
  • Ensure to maintain the temperature range of 75°F to 80°F to boost the germination speed.
  • Begonia seeds do not need any fertilization during the process. The seed blend will provide enough nutrients.
Note: After about five weeks, the begonias will be ready to transplant.

After you see your Begonia develop its leaf, it is time to transplant them into its new pot. Use your fingers to lift the plant off the tray gently.

Transplant Begonia seedlings into 6-inch pots once they have outgrown their tiny cells and developed their fifth leaf.

Plant the seedlings in a small plastic pot and keep them under grow lights for extended hours.

Begonia seeds growing chart
Take help from the Begonia seeds growing chart.

You can begin acclimating the seedlings to outdoor conditions and planting them in the garden once the outside temperatures have warmed up and nights remain above 50°F (10°C).

Most Begonias prefer partial shade, but some can handle full sun or shade.

So, gradually increase the time they stay outdoors for 2-3 weeks until they are ready to stay outside most of the time.

After that, care for your plant as you would care for your normal Begonia.

While growing Begonia from seeds, keep your pets away, as Begonia can be toxic to them. 

From Editorial Team

Get species or hybrid Begonia seeds!

Unlike other flowering plants, Begonia contains both male and female flowers. So, collect the pollen and hand-pollinate the flowers.

If you wish to make the species seeds, cross-pollinate between the mother plants of the same species. Do with the mother plants of different species to hybridize the seeds. 

However, plant the Begonia with the Lantanas and common sage to elevate the beauty of your gardens/homes.

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