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Are Pistachios Stone Fruit? [Clear Up The Doubt]

Summer and fall is the season for juicy stone fruit, but do you know that the list also includes Pistachios, which is not a true nut?

Generally, Pistachios are not true stone fruit because of the edible seed we eat and the hard shell on the outside, which does not stand to the true definition of a stone fruit. However, the eating pattern makes it similar to any other stone fruit.

Clear any further confusion about Pistachios from this article and the definition of stone fruit.

What Defines A Stone Fruit?

Any fruit whose pulp holds a single central seed in a hard pit defines a stone fruit.

Mostly referred to as drupes, stone fruit is a fleshy indehiscent fruit you cannot split open to take the seeds out once they ripen.

Also, stone fruits are commonly known as freestone or clingstone, as the flesh can be tightly or loosely attached to the seed.

The major fruits of the Prunus genus, like Nectarine, Peach, Cherry, Plum, and Apricot, are 5 examples of stone fruits.

However, the list does not end here. More than 400 species are under the genus, and some famous fruits like Mango and Lychee, which are also stone fruits, do not fall into it.

Are Pistachios Stone Fruit?

No. Pistachios are not true stone fruits that most think of as nuts since the hard shells enclose the edible part.

Also, the Pistachios fruit does not match the botanical definition of stone fruit as they do not have a hard pit or stone at the center.
Pistachios nut form a white cup
Pistachios are tree seed that produces fruits the size of a grape.

Instead, the seed is the edible part of Pistachios, similar to almonds which are kernels of the fruit covered by a hard shell.

Thus, Pistachios, almonds, and cashew belonging to the Anacardiaceae family are not true stone fruits but culinary nuts, a group of drupes.

From Editorial Team

Additional Information!

Pistachios nuts open naturally in late summer to indicate the harvest time as they grow in a grapes-like cluster over a tree.

The US is the largest producer of Pistachios, with Iran and Turkey being second and third in line, covering around 90% of production. Meanwhile, Syria, Greece, and Afghanistan are next to them.

Crack The Nut And Enjoy!

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