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Anthurium Wendlingeri [5 Best Care Tips You Shouldn’t Miss!]

Anthurium wendlingeri is an unusually striking plant crafted with immense art, offering tropical vibes with its long, dangling shiny green leaves with minimal care from your side.

Generally, Anthurium wendlingeri prefers 7-10 hours of bright indirect light, humidity above 70%, temperatures between 60-85°F and nutrient-rich soil. The plant also demands balanced fertilizer monthly in spring, repotting every 2-3 years, and occasional pruning.

Only after 20 years of discovery did the Anthurium wendlingeri come into cultivation, and it has now taken over millions of homes. 

Overview of Anthurium Wendlingeri

Anthurium wendlingeri is a perennial epiphyte species native to Turrialba, Costa Rica, found in 1965.

Scientific Name Anthurium wendlingeri
Common Name Wendlingeri plant
Family Araceae
Growth Zone Zone 11 and higher
Plant Type Tropical evergreen perennial aroids
Leaf length4 feet (1.2 m)
Leaf spread 5 inches (12.7 cm)
Grown For Foliage and flowers
Foliage TypeLong elongated dark green foliage that turns flat on maturity
Flower Type Inflorescence produces spadix that is initially straight but later turns to corkscrew shape bearing long pointy tip
Toxicity Toxic to both humans and pets
Common DiseasesRoot Rot, Black Nose, Leaf Spot, Bacterial Blight
Common PestsMealy bugs, Aphids, Spider mites, Scales

A Complete Guide to Anthurium Wendlingeri Care

To grow Anthurium wendlingeri properly, you need to know its care requirements.

A complete template containing the care tips for Anthurium wendlingeri
Follow the steps to enjoy the foliage and bloom year around.

1. Light and Temperature

Being a tropical plant, Anthurium wendlingeri can withstand a wide range of light spectrum under warm temperatures.

Generally, wendlingeri requires about 7-10 hours of bright indirect light with a temperature between 60-85ºF or an indoor having at least 70-80% of the total light. 

Do not expose them to harsh sunlight as it invites scorching and pale yellowing in leaves with brown tips. Also, temperatures > 90ºF cause curling and burning of foliage.

Meanwhile, wendlingeri under insufficient and cold drafts (< 50ºF) show stunted growth with leggy and limpness.

So better to look for an eastern-facing window, a patio with enough shade, or keep them a foot away from the southern-facing window.

Install LED lights in case of dark rooms. Try to provide your plant with consistent temperature by covering them with frost blankets and keeping heating mats under the pot.

As for the USDA zone 10 and below, introduce the Anthurium wendlingeri to the terrarium and mini greenhouse during the cold.

Pro Tip: Rotate the plant once in 1-2 weeks for balanced light in every side of the plant. 

2. Watering and Humidity

The most hectic part about growing Anthurium wendlingeri, a tropical plant, is meeting its water requirement by keeping humidity side by side.

Anthurium wendlingeri loves consistently moist soil. So watering them once a week in summer and twice or thrice a month in winter with humidity above 70% is ideal.

While watering the wendlingeri, remember to check 2 inches deep from the topsoil to prevent a wet condition.

Prolonged exposure to soggy soil causes rotting in the roots of wendlingeri, giving a mushy look and fishy smell.

However, underwatering and low-humid conditions have graver consequences. Thus, avoid them at any cost.

Underwatered wendlingeri show dried and crispy foliage with curling, discoloration, drooping, and wilting when colliding with low humidity.

So better to install an electric humidifier to maintain the air moisture or use the pebble-tray method.

Pro Tip: Do not let the stagnant water sit on the plate, and use salt-free tepid water (not too cold or hot) to maintain Anthurium Wendlingeri.

3. Soil and Fertilizer

Anthurium wendlingeri does well in porous, well-draining, moisture-retaining soil with a pH of 5.5-6.5, with a balanced fertilizer once every month in the active growing season.

Porous light soil ensures your plant is free from compaction, as highly compacted soil hampers roots mechanically and compresses air pockets. Thus, the choked plant roots fail to supply oxygen to the plant, leading to the yellowing of the leaves.

So, use readily available mixes like Miracle-Gro potting mixBetter-Gro Phalaenopsis Mix, Espoma Organic Potting Mix, and Dr. Earth All-Purpose Soil for wendlingeri.

Alternatively, you can prepare a DIY using an orchid potting mix, peat moss, perlite, organic compost, and coarse sand in a ratio of 4:4:4:2:1.

The DIY might need enrichment from a balanced fertilizer (10-10-10) once every month during spring but less during winter.

Since, Anthuriums undergo dormancy in winter, ceasing the fertilizer or limiting it to once in two months prevents overfertilization.

This frees your plant from excessive salt accumulation, which burns and hinders root development.

Pro Tip: Use rice husk, pine barks, charcoal, vermiculite, dried grass, etc as sustainable alternative to make the soil light and porous.

4. Potting and Repotting

It is better to choose a terracotta pot for Anthurium wendlingeri to save the time of faster repotting.

The ideal pot size for growing Anthurium wendlingeri is 5-8 inches or a pot that is about 2 inches large than the diameter of the root ball, perfect for supporting proper drainage and helping maintain the temperature.

While Wendlingeri does not require frequent repotting, they also do not like to be root bound. So repot the Anthurium in about two to three years if it shows signs of the root poking out of the drainage holes, discoloration of foliage, or stunted growth.

Start by watering the plant a day before repotting, and gently remove the wendlingeri from the old pot using gardening gloves.

Tuck off the soil from the roots, fill a 2-inch wider pot than the recent one with a new potting mix, and place the plant at the center.

Gently press the soil down, leaving an inch gap from the rim for fertilization.

A white pot containing seedling of Anthurium wendlingeri is lying over a shelf.
Choosing the ideal pot at the beginning ensures healthy growth until the plant outgrows the pot.

Your Anthurium wendlingeri may appear weak, limp, and faded in the first few weeks as they may be undergoing repotting stress.

So keep them under bright indirect light and give thorough watering for faster recovery.

5. Occasional Pruning

Unlike other Anthuriums, Wendlingeri does not require excessive pruning.

You can prune them to maintain a convenient size or remove dead and damaged parts introduced by pests and diseases.

The most common ones include mealy bugs, aphids, spider mites, and scales causing curling, cottony substance underneath the leaves, stippled, yellowing, and web on the foliage.

To remove the pest, prune off the affected area with sterilized pruners and to prevent, spray the Anthurium with neem oil or insecticidal soap.

Meanwhile, the unfavorable growing environment yields various fungal and bacterial infections and diseases like Root Rot, Black Nose, Leaf Spot, and Bacterial Blight. 

Symptoms include a foul and rotten smell, mold growth on the soil layer, and brown patches along the leaf’s edges.

When you notice the signs, separate them from other members, trim off the damaged part, and dump it in the dustbin.

Moreover, you can use copper-rich fungicides or mancozeb once every three months for healthy growth of Anthurium wendlingeri.

ProTip: Consider pruning them after the end of the fall, as they will grow back in the spring. Also, avoid pruning more than 20% of parts at a time to avoid pruning stress.

Growth Characteristics of Anthurium Wendlingeri

Anthuriums are slow to moderate growers. If given proper care, it produces new foliage every 8-10 weeks.

Anthurium wendlingeri leaves can reach a length of 5.5 feet (1.5 m) and a spread of 5 inches (12.7 cm) in the wild. While growing in an enclosed space, you can expect the leaves of Anthurium wendlingeri to be around 3.9 ft (1.2m) long.

The leaves are pendant-shaped, elongated, dark-colored featuring a velvety surface. On exposure to sunlight, its leaves shine glittery.

Besides, when the leaves mature, it turns flat, giving them a long-flat appearance. While young, they are slightly curved at the edges.

Moreover, its pendant foliage bears creases on the surface.

Anthurium plants with the spadix.
The snake-like white part dangling is the plant’s spadix.

Interestingly, the unusual Anthurium wendlingeri flower inflorescence bearing purplish-green color spathe with grayish-white spadix lasts longer compared to other varieties of Anthuriums.

Moreover, its peduncles can reach 15 inches (40 cm). These Anthuriums also bear red-colored fruit once in a blue.

You can harvest Anthurium wendlingeri seeds from its fruits which you can propagate into a new Anthurium wendlingeri.

Anthurium Clarinervium and Anthurium Crystallinum also has asimilar growth habit like wendlingeri. 

Toxicity of Anthurium Wendlingeri

According to ASPCA, every Anthurium variety is toxic to humans and pets, including the wendlingeri.

It contains calcium oxalate crystals which cause harm when ingested. Besides, if you come into contact with its sap, it can cause skin and eye irritation.

Similarly, if ingested, wendlingeri causes breathing difficulty, swollen lips and tongue, nausea, vomiting, and a burning sensation in the stomach.

In pets, it causes drooling, vomiting, irritability, and continuous pawing at the mouth. 

For pets, you can contact a local veteran as soon as the situation worsens or look out for the given helpline number.

Propagation Methods for Anthurium Windlingeri

Propagation of Anthurium wendlingeri involves three methods, including sexual and two asexual.

Meanwhile, propagate Anthurium wendlingeri during spring, when the plant is actively growing, for the best result.

Note: Propagating Anthurium wendlingeri via seeds is for pro growers. Generally, harvesting seeds of Anthurium wendlingeri is a difficult and a long process.

1. Propagation Via Rootball Division

Water the plant a day before propagating to strengthen the root system and loosen the soil.

  • Now, uproot the plant carefully, remove the soil attached to the rootball, and slowly unentangle its root.
  • Divide the offsets using a sharp knife and ensure that each part has at least two leaves with roots.
  • Transfer these sections to bigger pots and fill them with a rich, well-drained potting mix.
  • Lastly, keep it in a bright, humid environment with plenty of moisture in the growing medium.

2. Propagation Via Stem cuttings

Anthurium wendlingeri are aroids. It means that these plants have nodes. Hence, you can propagate them through stem cuttings.

Here are the steps to follow.

  • Choose a healthy stem with enough nodes.
  • Use a sharp tool like a knife or pruner to make a cut below the nodes.
  • Allow the incision part to have callous to prevent the infestation from pests and diseases.
  • Alternatively, you can dip the stem into rooting hormone to boost growth.
Note: Cuttings taken during the dormant season rarely root, and you’ll waste the valuable leaves.

Choosing the Right Propagation Medium

You can propagate this obtained part both in soil and water.

1. Soil Propagation

  • Take a clean pot with 2-3 drainage holes and layer its bottom with a few pebbles.
  • Half-fill the pot with the potting mix and insert the cuttings or offset at the center.
  • Afterward, fill the pot with potting mix till the rim.
  • Water the plant adequately and leave it in a brightly lit space.
  • Your cuttings will most likely root within 4-6 weeks.

Note: The root ball division process is far more resilient than stem cutting.

2. Water Propagation

It is generally an easy propagation medium. But sometimes, water propagation might also lead to root rot.

So be careful and more attentive while propagating Anthurium wendlingeri in water.

  • Take a transparent clean jar and fill it with tepid water.
  • Place the cut stem inside the water.
  • Ensure that the roots and the nodes are submerged in the water.
  • Keep changing the water every 3-4 days.

Your cuttings will most likely produce roots after four weeks.

Look at the video for reference!

Anthurium Wendlingeri For Sale

After knowing all the care tips, you must be thrilled to bring these rare Anthurium home.

Buy Anthurium wendlingeri from a local nursery or the website below.

Places to Buy Shipping Time
EtsyEtsyWithin 13-20 business days
NSE TropicalsWithin 4-7 business days
EcuageneraWithin 2-3 weeks
MonsteraX™Within 3-7 business days

FAQs About Anthurium Wendlingeri

Is Anthurium Wendlingeri Rare?

Anthurium Wendlingeri is a rare variety that stands as a unique Anthurium with twisted corkscrew blooms giving it an unusual look.

What is the lifespan of an Anthurium plant?

Under proper care and maintenance, the Anthurium can live up to 5 years in a single pot. And even later, they do not die. 

Instead, you can repot or propagate them to produce new Anthuriums.

Anthurium Wenddlingeri Vs. Pallidiflorum

The variety mostly compared with wendlingeri is the Anthurium pallidiflorum, for they both have long, slender leaves.

But the difference lies when you move closer to the plant. Look at the table to understand the differences.

Different FeaturesAnthurium wendlingeriAnthurium pallidiflorum
Foliage ShapeCoriaceous, oblong, rippledLong, slender, strap-shaped
Leaf ColorDark green with almost grey bladesPale green leaf blades
Leaf SizeGrow up to 5.5 feetGrow up to 3 feet
Growth HabitsSlow-growingSlow to moderate Growing
Inflorescence StructureCorckscrew shaped with greyish white spadix and purplish-green spatheYellow colored spadix with heart-shaped bract

Anthurium Wendlingeri Vs Vittarifolium

Another variety of Anthurium being compared and often mistaken for wendlingeri is vittarifolium, for they portray shiny leaves.

But they are totally different, with a minimal difference that needs your attention with keen eyes.

Different FeaturesAnthurium wendlingeriAnthurium vittarifolium
Foliage ShapeCoriaceous, oblong, rippledHeart-shaped, glossy, very long with smooth margin
Leaf ColorDark green with almost grey bladesDeep green leaves
Leaf SizeGrow up to 5.5 feetGrow up to 6.5 feet
Growth HabitsSlow-growingModerate to fast Growing
Inflorescence StructureCorckscrew shaped with greyish white spadix and purplish-green spatheSmall pinkish spathe with cream-yellow tail like spadix

From Editorial Team

Correct Identification!

Growing Anthurium wendlingeri will not be a problem as it is not among the high-maintenance plants. 

Identify the plants correctly to save yourself from the high-price scam of the Anthurium plant. 

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