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Anthurium Besseae: Best Grow & Care Guide

Does your Anthurium Besseae look droopy or thirsty? 

Flourish the astonishing deeply-veined foliage of the Anthurium plant under favorable conditions by providing 500-600 ml water twice a week.

Generally, Anthurium Besseae requires a well-draining organic mix with bright, indirect sunlight, about 80% humidity, and a moderately warm environment of 78.8°F to grow well. Offer well-draining soil, monthly fertilizer, yearly repotting, and pruning.
Pests and horticultural diseases may become common in Anthurium exposed to overly wet and moist conditions.
So grasp the entire article to grow your plant healthily. 

Overview of Anthurium Besseae

Anthurium Besseae is not your regular houseplant. The semi-evergreen, epiphytic plant only grows in a tropical habitat.

A native to Bolivian coasts in South America, it does pretty well when the weather remains warm around the year with significant humidity.

Here is a brief Anthurium Besseae description.

Scientific NameAnthurium Besseae
NativeCentral America and South America
Growth ZoneUSDA 10 or higher
Plant TypeSemi-evergreen, epiphyte
Growth Size24” tall and wide
Growth RateSlow to moderate growth
FoliageDark-green, velvety leaves with deep veins
FloweringRed-colored blossoms
VarietiesAnthurium besseae × luxurians
Anthurium besseae × magnificum
ToxicityToxic to Humans and Pets
Common PestsMealybugs, Scales, Aphids, Nematode, and Spider mites
Common DiseasesBacterial blight, Leaf spot, and Bacterial wilt

Anthurium Besseae  are pretty effective in cleaning the indoor air of airborne toxins and preventing mold or virus growths.

Anthurium Besseae Complete Care and Maintenance Guide

It is cool to have a beautiful plant around the house that does well without much care and purifies indoor air of toxins.

However, you should remember to provide optimal care yearly to witness a healthy and disease-free Anthurium Besseae.


8-12 hours of bright indirect light

Once a week in the growing season, every fortnight in fall and winter

Perlite-based potting mix or orchid mix.
Fertilizer icons created by Smashicons - Flaticon

Phosphorus-rich plant food once a month

78-88°F (26-30°C)

About 80% humidity

Repot only when the root ball engulfs the soil

Propagate via Stem cuttings

1. Sunlight and Temperature 

Anthurium is a sun-loving plant (requires 70-85% of sunlight) and thrives in a high-temperature climate, usually found in USDA 10 or above.

Keep your Anthurium Besseae close to sunny locations like windows, patios, or doors that receive around 8-10 hours of indirect sunlight daily.

Also, provide your Anthurium Besseae anywhere around 78-88°F temperature during the day and at least 70-75°F at night.

However, prevent them from being exposed to direct sunlight, which can burn the foliage and suck the plant dry.

Similarly, avoid low light or dark places that may affect Photosynthesis and food production.

Tips to Maintain Ideal Sunlight & Temperature

  • Keeping them 5-6 feet from the southeast-facing window or door would be ideal.
  • Alternatively, you can place them close to the east-facing window to allow basking in the early morning sun (2-3 hours).
  • Do not compensate for low temperatures with an air conditioner or heater, which may leave the plant dry.
  • Regularly check the soil condition for dryness, increase the watering frequency, or occasionally mist the leaves.
  • For plants kept against the wall, occasionally turn them in the same spot to provide an even amount of sunlight.
  • Compensate the missed sunlight by keeping it under LED grow lights for at least 8-12 hours, especially during winter.
  • Use a heating pad or insulation to keep the plant from cold stress, especially in winter.
  • Cover the potting mix with dry mulch and use a frost blanket to ward off the dangers of cold drafts.
  • Alternatively, boost artificial heating by installing one incandescent and two fluorescent bulbs with high wattage.
A proper LED growth light will offer the correct light intensity and color temperature required to keep the Anthurium blooming even in winter.

2. Watering & Humidity

Anthurium Besseae needs a regular yet medium amount of watering and high humidity to thrive in the growing season.

Provide about 700-800ml of water to a 5″ pot once a week with about 80% humidity every growing season to your Anthurium Besseae.

However, the watering schedule may change according to the fluctuation of temperature.

An epiphyte plant boasts aerial roots that absorb water and oxygen in the soil; hence, avoid overwatering to prevent drowning the roots.

Anthurium besseae
A high relative humidity level will ensure the lush growth of deep-colored velvety leaves.

An overwatered plant will exhibit numerous problems, including stunted growth with root rot signs such as decayed lower stems, limped and dying foliage, and slowed growth.

On the other hand, a thirsty plant will exhibit similar signs to a plant exposed to direct sunlight; dry and crispy leaves.

You should know the humidity level is lower than required when you witness brown leaf tips, curling or wilting, or crispy leaves.

It is more prevalent in summer when the temperature soars and reduces humidity.

Tips to Maintain Adequate Watering & Humidity

  • The general rule is to water the Anthurium when the top 2 inches of soil dries out.
  • Use a soil moisture meter or your fingers to test the soil moisture to determine the watering schedule.
  • Introduce a self-watering device to maintain the ideal watering technique.
  • Use rain or distilled water at room temperature to avoid cold stress and chemical buildup.
  • Find a location close to the kitchen or bathroom that receives warm indirect sunlight.
  • If that is not possible, consider installing an electric humidifier in the room to boost the humidity level.
  • Huddle the plants together in a single room to naturally boost the humidity.
  • Alternatively, place the container on a pebble tray filled with water.
  • Misting the plant leaves regularly during summer will also increase the humidity level.

3. Soil & Fertilizer

Anthurium Besseae are epiphytes that grow on other surfaces and retain oxygen through their roots.

They ideally require an equally fast-draining organic potting mix to allow aeration with a pH level between 6.0 and 7.0. 

An orchid mix or perlite-rich potting mix would be ideal for Anthurium Besseae.

  • Take one part regular soil or orchid mix
  • Add one part perlite or pumice
  • Mix 1/2 part coarse sand and sphagnum moss
  • And fill it with 1/2 part organic compost to boost microbial activity in the soil.
After providing the right home, you need to feed your Anthurium Besseae with Phosphorus rich fertilizer once or twice a month in the growing season; however, immediately cut back in winter.

Remember to dilute the fertilizer to 1/4th strength before applying it when fertilizing twice a month.

Using anything more can choke the plant roots with salt buildup and push back the growth.

Overfertilization causes high salt accumulation in the soil, preventing the roots from absorbing water and nutrients.

You would know this by yellowing leaves, burned foliage, and stunted growth.

On the other hand, insufficient plant food may cause slowed growth, limping and drooping of leaves, and immature flower production.

Here are a few commercial fertilizer and potting mix recommendations for your Anthurium Besseae.

Potting MixesFertilizers
Miracle-Gro potting mixGrow More High Foss 10-52-10) 5 lb
Espoma AP8 8-Quart Organic Potting MixMiracle-Gro Water Soluble Bloom Booster Flower Food
Better Gro Special Orchid MixBetter Gro Orchid Plus Bloom Booster Fertilizer

4. Potting & Repotting 

Consider repotting your Anthurium Besseae when its roots have significantly outgrown the container or the potting mix seems compact and nutrient-less.

Anthurium Besseae is a sluggish grower that only requires repotting once in two or three years.

It is indicated by roots growing out of the drainage hole. The plant would also stop growing actively, even in spring.

Ensure your plant gets sufficient space for root development by choosing the right-sized pot and better root development through the right potting mix.

Tips to Repot Anthurium Besseae

  • Get a pot at least 2 inches wider and taller than the earlier pot with 3-4 drainage holes.
  • Start with pebbles and layering the bottom, then half-fill it with the potting mix.
  • Gently slide out the plant and clear it off the soil.
  • Next, insert the plant with roots down at the center of the new pot.
  • Fill the sides with the same potting mix; avoid filling to the brim.
  • Moisten the new container by running it underwater until all of it comes out into the saucer.
  • Throw the collected water away and place your plant in a warm location with indirect sunlight.

5. Annual Pruning

Anthurium Besseae is a resilient and robust plant but is prone to infestation from Scale, Aphids, Mealybugs, Fungus gnats, and Spider mites. 

Besides, Fusarium wilt, Leaf spot fungus, and Bacterial blight are other problems as common diseases. 

You can dip a cotton ball into 98% Isopropyl alcohol and gently dab on the infected parts to treat mealybugs, spider mites, aphids, fungus gnats, and eggs.

Spray the plant with soap and warm water or apply neem or horticultural oil.

  • Apply fungicides containing copper, Benomyl, Mancozeb, or thiophanate methyl to treat fungal infections.
  • The fungicide containing phosphorous acid will help treat bacterial wilt, and Agrimycin will help treat other bacterial infections.

Ultimately, you need to prune the infected parts on Anthurium!

Anthurium Besseae enjoys yearly pruning, which should strictly be done before the growing season to make room for new foliage growth.

Tips to Properly Prune Anthurium Besseae

  • Start with sterilizing your pruning shear and scissors to prevent infected wounds on the plant.
  • Trim down all the old and decayed leaves and wilted flowers, followed by leggy stem growth.
  • You can cut away the flower buds before they become prominent in summer to redirect the nutrients toward foliage growth.
  • Prune from bottom to top to remove the most damaged leaves, including yellowed leaves.

Anthurium Besseae: All About Growth Rate

Anthurium Besseae is a sluggish grower that can hardly reach 18 to 24 inches of height and width in its lifetime.

However, its short height is well compensated by rich green, velvety venations that enhance the plant’s overall decor.

The Anthurium Besseae’s leaves are similar to Crystallinum in leaf size, shape, and texture; hence, many growers fail to differentiate between the two plants.

A single leaf may reach 20-30″ in length and develop deep crystal veins running throughout the leaf.

Anthurium besseae
Anthurium Besseae boasts dark and velvety leaves.

Both young and mature leaves are effective dust trappers and air cleaners, making them a perfect indoor plant.

Similarly, Anthurium Besseae blossoms every summer with a rich red-colored flower with a spadix and spathe.

However, the plant requires phosphorus-rich plant food to produce attractive flowers.

If your Anthurium is losing flowers, diagnose the causes and fix them immediately. 

Toxicity of Anthurium Besseae

There are over 1,000 species of Anthurium plants that are all toxic.

Anthurium Species, including Anthurium, contain active calcium oxalate contents that are harmful to humans and pets when ingested.

It may invite breathing difficulties with swollen lips and tongue. Nausea, vomiting, and burning sensations will follow later.

The poisoning in pets is indicated by drooling, pawing at the mouth, and vomiting, caused by irritation in the oropharynx region.

Contact the AAPCC at (800) 222-1222 or ASPCA Poison Center at (800) 426-4435 for pets immediately.

Propagating Anthurium Besseae

Anthurium Besseae boasts resilient stems that can be rooted to get a new young plant.

It may be harder to grow a new plant from the seed; hence, propagating via stem cutting would be the best choice.

The best time to propagate your Anthurium Besseae is early to late spring when the plant grows actively.

If you are ready, let us get into the propagation method.

Step #1: Get the Cutting

Anthurium Besseae is an epiphyte with aerial roots, usually located at the base of the stem. 

  • Choose a stem with vivid aerial nodes and about one or two healthy leaves.
  • Inspect the stem for pests and diseases by checking the color and undersides of the leaves.
  • Using a sterilized shear, snip the stem an inch below the node.
  • Make the incision strictly at a 45-degree angle to increase the surface area for rooting.

Step #2: Rooting the Cutting

Prepare your fresh cutting for propagation by choosing the potting medium; water or soil.

A. Soil Propagation

Soil propagation is a direct method to root the cutting into a powerful potting medium.

  • Get a small pot or jar and fill it with some potting mix.
  • Apply fungicide and rooting hormone to the cutting’s end to boost growth and eliminate fungus.
  • Gently insert the cutting into the mix and then moisten it thoroughly.
  • Ensure to bury the nodes in the soil while the leaves stay entirely outside.
  • Place it in a warm location with enough indirect sunlight and a temperature around 70°F, and wait until a month to check for inch-long feeder roots.

Voila! Your plant is healthy and ready for continuous growth.

B. Water Propagation

Also known as hydroponics, you would root the cutting entirely in a water medium. You will likely see a quicker result.

  • Take a clear glass or small jar filled with distilled water.
  • Submerge the fresh cutting with the bottom node into the water. Let the leaves stay above the surface of the water.
  • Place the cutting in a warm place with sufficient indirect sunlight and replace the water every 5-7 days.
  • The stem cutting will start growing new roots within a few weeks. Wait until you can see at least 1″ long feeder roots.
  • Next, transplant the cutting into a potting mix by following the techniques above.

Read our complete guide about Propagating Anthurium plants.

Anthurium Besseae Vs. Crystallinum

Anthurium Besseae resembles Anthurium Crystallinum in terms of appearance. Both plants boast deep veiny leaves that are pretty large.

Here is a list of a few such differences between the two!

Anthurium BesseaeAnthurirum Crystallinum
Besseae is more drought tolerant, where it can withstand temperatures above 90°F.Crystallnium will suffer under intense temperature ranging above 80°F.
Besseae is a moderate grower that grows evenly throughout its lifetime.Crystallinum saplings grow fast but will become sluggish once they hit maturity.
Besseae will only grow about 18-24" in height.Crystallinum is a climber that scales 30-60" in height.
Besseae responds well to propagation via stem cutting.Crystallinum can be propagated through both stem and root cuttings.
Besseae requires phosphorus rich fertilizer to bloom flowers.Crystallinum does well with well-balanced fertilizer.

Learn more about Anthurium Crystallinum with a complete care guide!

FAQs About Anthurium Besseae

Is my Anthurium Besseae Drought Tolerant?

The thick leaves are pretty effective in storing water needed for the plant and can store for weeks; however, continue watering regularly to avoid the problems of a thirsty plant.

Is Growing Anthurium Besseae Beneficial?

Growing Anthurium Besseae comes with many benefits, including health benefits.

It also enhances the decor and cleanses dust and pollutants indoor air. The large Anthurium leaves work pretty well as dust trappers.

Why does Besseae Flowers are Short-Lived?

The problem lies in inappropriate growing conditions and insufficient fertilization.

Provide ample indirect sunlight, warm temperature, and moderately higher humidity to see healthy flower growth.

Can I Keep My Anthurium Besseae Outdoors?

Indeed, you can grow Anthurium Besseae outdoors only if you can protect it from direct sunlight and cold drafts.

Introduce a net-like shade for outdoor plants and immediately bring it inside when the temperature drops below 55°F.

From Editorial Team


Although Anthurium Besseae is an easy-to-grow and low-maintenance plant, it does require minimal care around the year to stay healthy.

A healthy plant will reward you with gorgeous velvety leaves that work great as indoor decorations and air cleansers.

Moreover, you can keep them in your bedroom to boost oxygen content to promote healthy and sound sleep.

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