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Is Aloe Vera Toxic to Cats?

For those wondering if their health partner ‘Aloe Vera’ is friendly with your feline? No! The underside of this miracle Aloe Vera plant is its toxic effect on pets, including cats.

Aloe Vera is moderate to highly toxic for cats and dogs because it contains latex composed of glycosides, anthracene, and anthraquinones which can cause diarrhea, vomiting, change in urine color, and even depression when ingested. 

Being a cat owner, one must take significant precautions before buying this plant.

I bet you can keep your partners happy with these tips and tricks.

What Makes Aloe Vera Toxic to Cats?

Aloe is mainly famous for the slimy gel found in its thick leaf and is used for medicinal purposes, but the presence of latex coating on the outer part beneath the Aloe rind makes it toxic for cats.

Aloe Vera Plant with Cat by Side
The gel is safe if ingested. Here, the toxic part of the plant is its latex.
According to the ASPCA, aloin, or the latex coating, consists of saponins compounds like glycosides, anthracene, and anthraquinone, which are the main culprit in causing cat toxicity.

Not only in cats, aloin is a laxative, when consumed by humans, can also cause problems like indigestion and diarrhea.

Aloin ingestion reduces the colon’s ability to absorb liquid, leading to softening of poop and hence causing diarrhea. It is also hard for the kidneys (high consumption may disturb kidney functioning).

Since aloin is found only inside Aloe Vera, there is no harm caused by merely touching the plant.

Aloe Vera increases urochrome level, leading to a change of urine color (red).

Will Aloe Vera Toxicity KILL my Cat?

The relief is that Aloe toxicity is mild, and no severe issues arise when consumed in small quantities, but again the severity depends on the consumption amounts.

Talking about a serious issue, well, don’t get alarmed. Your cat won’t die as it consumes the plant. But if you doubt higher consumption, you must immediately seek medical help from a veterinarian.

Aloe poisoning does not kill your cat instantly but might make the pet seriously ill, and if not treated on time, it might lead to causality.

Symptoms of Aloe Poisoned Cats

When a cat eats Aloe Vera, the aloin directly impacts the skin exposed to the Aloe gel.

The latex result in itching and irritation in the mouth, tongue, and lips. The colon is the most affected part as it causes diarrhea, vomiting, loss of appetite, etc.

Inforgraphic depicting the different symptoms of Aloe Vera poisioning.
It is essential to act upon the situation of poisoning as soon as the symptom prevails.

It’s your responsibility to constantly monitor your cat regarding the symptoms they show if they eat Aloe Vera.

Watching the signs makes it easy to diagnose the specific problem and prevents the condition from worsening.

Diagnosis of Aloe Vera Poisoning

The first approach you must take is to confirm the amount of Aloe Vera your cat has consumed. It will come in handy while predicting specific outcomes and preparing for them.

Please don’t panic and try to carry your cat’s details and previous health reports as a veterinarian asks them before diagnosing.

If you are already delayed in finding the ingestion, note down the symptoms and immediately seek veterinarian help.

Don’t try to make it vomit or feed anything without consulting the doctor if you witness the event. Instead, wait for the authorized help and provide them the details like quantity and exact time of consumption.

Note: Don’t forget to take the sample of Aloe Vera your cat has consumed to the vet clinic.

My Cat is Aloe Poisoned: What’s Next?

If you find out your cat is poisoned, your insight might not think of the best step you should take in panic.

It is recommended to contact a vet nearby or any of the hotlines below for professional help.

Use the time until the doctor arrives to clean the remaining Aloe Vera from its cavity.

At times, your pet may recover without any treatment. However, intravenous fluid aids with dehydration, vomiting, and nausea. 

If permitted, feed the solution of activated charcoal as it helps neutralize the toxin in the digestive system.

Alert!! Don’t make your cat vomit or feed anything without the Vet recommendation.

Buying some first aid kits for emergencies for your pets also helps to deal with such chaotic situations; here are some of the first aid kits you can buy: –

First Aid KitBrand
Pet First Aid KitAmerican Pet Supplies
Rayco First AidRayco International
NM2 First Aid KitNM2
ARCA First Aid KitARCA

Recovery of an Aloe Poisoned Cat

In general, the side effect of Aloe poisoning in cats lasts 24-48 hours from the time of consumption of the plant.

Symptoms like vomiting and diarrhea are the first sign of Aloe poisoning. These signs are seen in 4-10 hours of intake.

After 8-12 hours, the cat becomes lethargic, loses appetite, and has a problem with muscle tremors.

In between 12-24 hours, cats may experience mild post-symptoms, which is quite normal, but most cats recover by this time.

Sometimes, high Aloin intake may disturb normal organ functioning; in such cases, the recovery period varies by medications prescribed by the doctor.

Many changes occur in their bodies during this recovery period, so highly nutritious foods and optimal care must be provided.

How to Keep Cat Away From Aloe Vera?

Cats are playful and like to play with everything they find. So, it’s no doubt that your cat could have an encounter with the Aloe plant.

Here are a few points to consider to help your cats and Aloe plant co-exists.

  • Keep the plant away from the surrounding your cat is indulged in. The absence of a cue automatically avoids the response.
  • Sprinkle some ground coffee to deter both pets and pests from the plant.
  • Use cat deterrent or citrus spray on the plant to keep your nosy pet away from the plants.
  • Group the Aloe Vera with rosemary and lavender, as cats dislike their smell.
  • Cover the plant with a glass or plastic cover protector to avoid the consumption of the plant by your cat.
  • Provide your cats with chewable alternatives like cat grass to fulfill their plant craving.
  • Place the plant out pet’s reach by using a hanging basket.

Wrapping up…

The general opinion may be that pets and plants don’t gel up well. But do not let it weaken your passion for both.

Train your pet, keep the plants and pets at a distance, and leverage the Aloe goodness with a furry friend by the side.

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