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White And Blue Gladiolus Flower: Meanings, Colors & Growing Tips

White and blue Gladiolus flowers have a beautiful blend of colors that can look stunning everywhere in vases, flower pots, or bouquets.

Generally, white and blue Gladiolus bear funnel-shaped flowers in clusters with six petals in each flower. You can get Gladiolus bulbs in flower stores and plant them in well-draining soil, providing 6 hours of sunlight to grow them in your own garden.

Both white and blue Gladiolus bears bloom in clusters during summer, and the height ranges from 2 to 5  feet based on the cultivar.

So, read this entire article to learn about stunning blue and white Gladiolus varieties and grow them in your garden.

How Many Colors Of Gladiolus Are There?

Gladiolus is a popular flower perfect for gifting on any occasion and comes in various colors like white, pink, orange, purple, etc.

Moreover, new breeders experimented with other colors, resulting in bicolor and multicolor varieties.

Among all the varieties, the White Gladiolus flower is the most common and purest form with no other color pigments. Also, breeders mix white pigments to invent lighter color shades. 

In the late 1900s, breeders mixed the two naturally occurring color pigments, purple and white, which led to the stunning blue petals.

The White Gladiolus flower symbolizes purity, peace, sympathy, strength, gratitude, spiritual growth, etc. Meanwhile, blue Gladiolus represents uniqueness, peace, hope, calmness, creativity, and many more.

You can use both blue and white shaded Gladiolous for any occasion like funerals, beginnings, celebrations, etc.

White And Blue Gladiolus Flower
The only difference between both Gladiolus varieties is the color.

Nowadays, you can also find bicolor Gladiolus blossoms with blue-colored petals tipped with incredible white shades.

How To Get White And Blue Gladiolus Flower?

You can get white Gladiolus flower or its bulb at the nearest flower stores, but blue Gladiolus may be rare.

If you are really into blue Gladiolus and it’s hard to find them, you can breed white and purple colored flowers.

Blue, purple and white Gladiolus flowers together
Blue Gladiolus is the hybrid variety and a result of breeding white and purple Gladiolus.

However, breeding two different flowers is complex and needs a trained horticulturist for successful results.

Due to the increasing demand for blue Gladiolus, some flower stores also dye white Gladiolus with blue color.

How To Grow White And Blue Gladiolus Flowers?

Before planting Gladiolus bulbs, ensure to select the right location that receives 6 hours of direct sunlight. Moreover, the soil must be well draining and fertile.

You can also plant the bulbs on a terracotta pot with enough drainage holes. Moreover, the bulb must be from a healthy plant.

  • Amend the well-draining soil with pH 6-7  using organic compost.
  • Plant the bulbs 4-6 inches deep, providing 6-8 inches spacing.
  • If you are growing Gladiolus in a pot, plant 1 bulb in 1 pot.
  • Water the bulbs every three days during the growing season.
  • Ensure to water only when the soil is 2 inches dry to prevent root rot.
  • Use 10-10-10 fertilizer monthly during the growing season.
  • You can also use organic bloom booster during spring and summer to induce blooms.
  • After the plant blooms, deadhead the spent flowers to make them bloom frequently.
  • Use frost blankets to protect the blooms from frosty nights occurring suddenly.

Inspect the flowers regularly to prevent diseases or pest invasion as you plant Gladiolus for its beautiful blooms.

Use suitable pesticides, fungicides, or neem oil to avoid nasty pests and fungi destroying your incredible Gladiolus.

Are White And Blue Gladiolus Flowers Toxic?

Blue and white Gladiolus flower petals are not highly toxic but may cause allergic reactions in some people.

Moreover, it’s better to handle the flower with care, as some blue dyes may harm sensitive skin types.

Also, place the flower out of reach of your children and pets, as the flower contains a small amount of cyanide. In heavy ingestion, Cyanide may cause stomach upset, vomiting, nausea, etc.

Although the flowers are safe to touch, it’s better to wash your hands whenever you handle the flowers to prevent allergic reactions.

However, underground parts like bulbs are highly toxic and can even cause death if you or your pets swallow them.

If you notice any unusual activities in your kids and pets, contact the nearest hospital and pet poison helpline.

From Editorial Team

White Gladiolus Flowers Don’t Naturally Occur!

Like the blue Gladiolus flower, white flowers also don’t occur as the white color is the result of genetic mutation.

Besides pure white, you can find many other stunning shades in Gladiolus, like cream and ivory white.

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