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What Does Lavender Look Like When It Sprouts? [Easy Guide]

Gardeners can benefit from understanding what Lavender does look when it sprouts to gauge their herb’s progress confidently.

When Lavender sprouts, it has small, slender stems and tiny grayish-green leaves, usually 14 to 21 days after seedling. More leaves along the stem will form, making the herb appear bushier, with buds appearing later.

You can tell the Lavender is growing if it keeps branching out with bushier growth and new leaves.

Otherwise, you could see tell-tale signs of a failing herb. Read on to learn about them.

When Does Lavender Sprout?

Did you know Lavender plants originated in the Mediterranean belts, where they thrived in full sunlight and warm temperature?

Regarding seedlings, starting Lavender would take about 14-21 days because they are extremely slow to germinate.

lavender seedlings in pot
Under optimal conditions, the seed head will typically begin to sprout within two weeks of sowing at the earliest. For most seeds, it usually takes around a month before sprouting occurs.

Although there is no practical way to germinate Lavender seeds quickly, ensure a few things to promote faster germination.

Prepare seeds-Stratify seeds by freezing them in a plastic bag for 2-3 weeks
-Pre-soak the seeds 24 hours before sowing to soften the coat
Planting mediumUse a rich, well-draining mix of vermiculite, perlite, and peat moss as seed starter
Planting depthDo not bury them too deep. Instead, gently press them into the mix, covered with a thin layer of soil
WateringKeep the soil consistently moist but waterlogged
HumidityCover the germiantion tray with a clear plastic bag to boost humidity level

Within two-three weeks of germination, the seedling will start to sprout its preliminary leaves, marking the beginning.

This stage is known as the “vegetation stage,” in which the seedling starts branching out and developing extra stems and leaves.

Here are a few things to take into account.

  • It would be best to transplant the Lavender seedlings to a large pot or garden bed once they begin sprouting.
  • Upon germination, move them to a location with full sunlight or provide 12-16 hours of bright artificial light.
  • Keep the seedlings between the temperatures 60-70°F (15-21°C) to prevent slow growth.
  • Water the Lavender seedlings when the top inch of soil feels dry, usually once every 8-10 days.

Voila! They bloom within 90 to 100 days after germination, usually English ‘Hidcote,’ Grosso, and Anouk.

However, remember that some Lavender varieties, such as Spanish or French and Woolly Lavender, may take longer to reach the blooming stage, usually longer than 120 days.

What Does Lavender Look Like When It First Sprouts?

The first sign of Lavender sprouting includes the first true leaves that emerge after a week.

At first, Lavender does look like two tiny green nubs when it sprouts. Its sprouts typically emerge as small, slender stems from the soil, which are pretty delicate and slender, usually measuring a few centimeters in height.

These sprouts often display pale green or light green coloration.

When you gently rub the leaves, it will emit a subtle aroma resembling a mature Lavender flower.

As they begin growing, you will notice a pair of elongated leaves with a narrow, lance-shaped appearance, usually grayish-green or silvery-green in color.

Moreover, they have slight fuzziness or tiny hairs on the surface.

How Do You Know If You Lavender Is Growing?

Observe the following signs of growth, indicating the vegetative state.

  • Sprouting: Sprouting is the first sign, where young buds emerge from the soil within a couple of weeks after planting seeds.
  • Stem growth: The plant will increase in height, reaching up to 3 feet as they grow, with robust stems.
  • Leaf development: Elongated Leaves will appear along the stems, and the plant will appear bushier. It indicates that your Lavender is thriving.
  • Branching: It naturally branches out as they mature. Look for the formation of side branches along the main stems.
  • Bud formation: It will blossom into flowers with small clusters or spikes of buds at the ends of the stems, ranging from purple, and pink, to white in hue.

After fulfilling these factors, your plant will successfully bloom around mid-summer until early fall.

Remember, these are approximates and may vary based on temperature, sunlight exposure, and soil quality.

From Editorial Team


Lavenders will fail to grow when using heavy or waterlogged soil and are exposed to insufficient lighting and extreme temperatures.

Similarly, poor air circulation may invite pests and disease, and improper pruning can result in weak and woody stems.

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