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Tuba Tuba Plant: Everything You Need To Know

The versatile Tuba Tuba plant has captured the attention of many plant enthusiasts and botanists with its potential health benefits in treating several illnesses.

Generally, the Tuba Tuba plant is a perennial shrub that produces castor oil. This plant has great medicinal value and is helpful in treating various health problems like diarrhea, constipation, diabetes,  wounds, etc. The seeds and sap of this plant are toxic due to ricin.

The Tuba Tuba plant (Jatropha curcas) is also known as the Castor Oil plant due to the presence of beneficial Castor oil.

So, go through this entire article to learn about the Tuba Tuba plant in detail, its potential benefits, and its toxic traits.

What Does Tuba Tuba Plant Look Like?

The Tuba Tuba plant is a perennial shrub reaching up to 33 feet high. This plant bears brownish barks and contains milky sap.

Moreover, the leaves of this plant are shaped like a palm and grow up to 7-12 inches long.

Tuba Tuba plant with fruit and flower
Castor Oil plant bears appealing flowers in clusters.

The blossoms of this plant are greenish-white in color and are borne in clumps. Each clump has both male and female flowers.

You can find Tuba Tuba fruits in capsules that reach up to 5 inches long. Each capsule bears 4-5 seeds inside it.

Additionally, the seeds inside the capsules are about 1 inch long. You get the castor oil from the seeds.

This amazing plant is native to tropical regions of Asia and Africa.

Tube Tuba Plant Benefits

The medicinal benefits of the Castor Oil plant are scientifically proven. You can effectively treat various illnesses using the leaves and oil of this amazing plant.

  • Oil from the Castor oil plant acts as a very good laxative to treat constipation problems.
  • If you consume the leaves as tea, you can get relief from diarrhea, too.
  • Moreover, the leaves also help to treat a variety of skin problems like pimples, acne, dermatitis, etc. 
  • The anti-inflammatory properties of the Tuba Tuba plant help to treat various inflammations and heal wounds.
  • This plant also works if you are a diabetic patient as the leaf extract reduces the blood sugar.
  • Additionally, consuming this plant helps to decrease cholesterol levels, freeing you from heart problems.
  • The antioxidant properties also help repair cell damage and protect from further damage.
  • Also, the white blood cells start to increase after consuming this plant. Thus, this plant also acts as a perfect immunity booster.

Tips To Grow And Care For Tuba Tuba Plant

While growing the Tuba Tuba plant, make sure you prepare a terracotta container with enough drainage holes. If you plant them on the ground, it’s better to start the seeds in the container first.

While transplanting, make sure to keep the soil moist, as soggy soil can cause root rot, a serious problem that can cause plant death, too.

  • Choose a sunny location, as a Castor Oil plant needs at least six hours of sunlight to thrive.
  • Amend well-draining soil with compost to make it fertile.
  • Plant the seeds one inch deep during early spring. The seeds must be at least 18 inches apart.
  • Keep the soil moist and place the container in 70-75 °F temperature to induce the germination.
  • The seeds will germinate within 1-2 weeks. Transplant the seedlings in separate containers or on the ground.
  • Keep the container indoors during chilling cold. Use frost blankets if you plant it outdoors.
  • Use balanced fertilizer once a month during growing seasons.
  • To avoid unwanted pests and pathogens, use pesticides, fungicides, or neem oil.
  • With proper care, your Castor Oil plant will mature within 1-2 years.

From Editorial Team

Tuba Tuba Plant Is Poisonous!

Although the Tuba Tuba plant has several medicinal benefits, don’t forget that it contains ricin, a toxic compound that can cause various health problems.

The saps and seeds of this plant are extremely toxic and can take your or your pet’s life upon a single ingestion. Even a small ingestion can cause serious digestive disorders and organ failure.

So, make sure you keep this plant away from pets and children to avoid accidental consumption.

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