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Snake Plant Bonsai: A Dream Or A Doable Delight?

Whenever we envision a Bonsai, most of us think about a woody tree made to grow as a miniature. But you may be shocked to learn how you can create a Snake Plant Bonsai as well.

Generally, every Snake Plant may not be the perfect choice for Bonsai. But you can encourage the small variety to grow as a miniature by restricting the root in a small pot and regular pruning. 

Along with suitable variety, you need to pay careful attention to the plant’s growing height. 

Let us learn in detail how you can create a Snake Plant Bonsai with easy tips and tricks. 

Is It Possible to Make a Sansevieria Bonsai?

It may sound unusual, but yes, you can create a Bonsai with a Sansevieria plant. 

Generally, Snake Plant Varieties or Sansevieria are resilient in extreme conditions and do not demand extensive care, making them a perfect fit for a bonsai. Besides, limiting the Snake Plant growth using a shallow pot is easy. 

They are hardy and known to tolerate low-light conditions and thus are perfect for indoor settings.

Not just an excellent decore plant, but the Snake plant is famous for its air purification quality along with Feng-Shui benefits.

A photo of two dwarf snake plants , each in a white glossy ceramic circular pot lined by white pebbles.
Bonsai Snake Plant would be perfect as a gift or tabletop decoration.

Further, Bonsai is a miniature tree or shrub that is trained to grow in a certain shape or proportion resembling a mature tree.

For that, you use Bonsai wire, which is not required for Snake Plant. First, they are not woody, and second, there is no branching out. 

Even if you fail to train it as a Bonsai, you’ll still have the leaves and parts of roots that can easily grow into a new plant, i.e. vegetative propagation.

Not to mention the dwarf varieties, which can easily suffice the Bonsai requirement with minimum effort. 

How To Create A Snake Plant Bonsai?

To make a Snake Plant Bonsai, you must first choose the appropriate variety.

We recommend you go for small or dwarf varieties like Sansevieriea hahnii, Sansevieria masoniana, and Sansevieria trifasciata.

But you can work with any Snake Plant as long as they are healthy. 

  • Select a mature and healthy Snake Plant free from diseases. 
  • Choose a shallow Bonsai pot with a depth roughly equal to the root ball’s height or just 2 inches deeper. This helps the roots adjust well while restraining the plant’s vertical growth. 
  • Remove the Snake Plant from its pot, brush off the dirt, and inspect the root for rotted or weak roots. Trim, if any.
  • Separate the plant with the root intact in small sections. You’ll also have to remove the older leaves but make sure to keep the young pups.
  • Plant the divided Snake Plant in a shallow pot with well-draining soil and moisten them. Make sure to drain the excess after each watering.
  • Then, place the Bonsai in a location that gets bright indirect sunlight maintaining the temperature to around 55-85°F.
  • Once the Bonsai is established, make sure to keep checking and removing the yellow or older leaves. By this, you will be able to keep the Snake Plant Bonsai thriving for a long time.

Unlike a tree or shrub Bonsai, do not cut the leaf of the Snake Plant from the top, as there will be no growth from the cut point.

From Editorial Team

Rational Use of Fertilizer!

A little balanced fertilizer will help your Bonsai Snake Plant grow better. But you may lose the compactness in the Bonsai. 

So, ensure not to overdo the fertilizer, or you may end up harming the plant. 

If you overfertilize the Snake plant, wash the excess by placing the pot under running water for 5-8 minutes. 

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